Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The "New Forums" Topic

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2017
10980 posts
20 Jan 2017 1:38PM
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Great work Laurie..

Still can't edit anything posted in the Longboard room...

Works in Gen but not LB..

WA, 3856 posts
20 Jan 2017 2:42PM
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All fixed.

10980 posts
20 Jan 2017 5:51PM
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It is.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
22 Jan 2017 9:53AM
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Is there supposed to be no more font stuff like bold or italics? Because I don't see it any more. Can still roll your own with html.

This is what I see

- edit - notice I'm in 'plain text editor' but when I try to go to rich text editor it shows hidden html tags and just adds an extra br (break) tag every time I hit the 'rich text editor' button

like this

WA, 6992 posts
23 Jan 2017 3:56PM
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laurie said..
Any issues, ask in here and shall do our best to help / fix / explain ...
Cheers .. Laurie

Couple of things to explain please if you are not too busy :

Why is the Seabreeze forums time system unique and not simply based on worldwide convention ? Why are things shown as say "81m" but other things as "1hr". When do minutes turn into hours and why isn't it at 60 like everywhere else ?

And why is anything greater than 9 months simply "9 months" ? Is this a Gen Y thing where everything has to be twittered to the nearest minute until it is 100 minutes old then it is completely forgotten about ? Is 9 months like, like so old.

And why am I automatically subscribed to any topic I reply to ?

Why isn't it an opt-in subscription and not an opt-out subscription ? Is it because I am supposed to reply with meaningful thoughts and be interested in the topic at hand whereas all my replies are simply made by the fingers before the brain engages and I actually have no real interest in the topic other than reading my own glorious ramblings ? For example; I have no interest in the answers to these questions yet I will now be automatically subscribed to this topic.

WA, 3856 posts
24 Jan 2017 12:06PM
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kiteboy dave said..
Is there supposed to be no more font stuff like bold or italics? Because I don't see it any more. Can still roll your own with html.

This is what I see

- edit - notice I'm in 'plain text editor' but when I try to go to rich text editor it shows hidden html tags and just adds an extra br (break) tag every time I hit the 'rich text editor' button

like this

Hmmm... really odd. Seems the "rich text editor" is not being created on your browser .. what browser/computer are you using, will see if it can be reproduced here...

WA, 3856 posts
24 Jan 2017 12:11PM
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Carantoc said..

laurie said..
Any issues, ask in here and shall do our best to help / fix / explain ...
Cheers .. Laurie

Couple of things to explain please if you are not too busy :

Why is the Seabreeze forums time system unique and not simply based on worldwide convention ? Why are things shown as say "81m" but other things as "1hr". When do minutes turn into hours and why isn't it at 60 like everywhere else ?

And why is anything greater than 9 months simply "9 months" ? Is this a Gen Y thing where everything has to be twittered to the nearest minute until it is 100 minutes old then it is completely forgotten about ? Is 9 months like, like so old.

And why am I automatically subscribed to any topic I reply to ?

Why isn't it an opt-in subscription and not an opt-out subscription ? Is it because I am supposed to reply with meaningful thoughts and be interested in the topic at hand whereas all my replies are simply made by the fingers before the brain engages and I actually have no real interest in the topic other than reading my own glorious ramblings ? For example; I have no interest in the answers to these questions yet I will now be automatically subscribed to this topic.

Crikey. I hear you, and I'll take your questions to mean "please can it be like this". I understand where you're coming from.

Regards the "auto opt-in/out" option, its on the list. Adding subscriptions was a big job, then people asked when auto-opt in, so time was investing in extending it have the "subscribe to this topic" option, and now .. .. request is in for option to "auto opt-in/out" ..

The "Subscribe to this topic" will be unchecked by default, as a folks are saying they seem to prefer it that way..

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
24 Jan 2017 9:06PM
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laurie said..

kiteboy dave said..
Is there supposed to be no more font stuff like bold or italics? Because I don't see it any more. Can still roll your own with html.

This is what I see

- edit - notice I'm in 'plain text editor' but when I try to go to rich text editor it shows hidden html tags and just adds an extra br (break) tag every time I hit the 'rich text editor' button

like this

Hmmm... really odd. Seems the "rich text editor" is not being created on your browser .. what browser/computer are you using, will see if it can be reproduced here...

Win 10 & chrome

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
24 Jan 2017 9:48PM
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laurie said..

Any issues, ask in here and shall do our best to help / fix / explain ...

Cheers .. Laurie

The quoting is crap. Yes we need to save space, but maybe snip the first part of what is quoted, so as to display the last bit .... some of my quotes look like I am referring to my own post, and I am responding to the person who responded to me. Its weird..

WA, 3856 posts
25 Jan 2017 9:18AM
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kiteboy dave said..

laurie said..

kiteboy dave said..
Is there supposed to be no more font stuff like bold or italics? Because I don't see it any more. Can still roll your own with html.

This is what I see

- edit - notice I'm in 'plain text editor' but when I try to go to rich text editor it shows hidden html tags and just adds an extra br (break) tag every time I hit the 'rich text editor' button

like this

Hmmm... really odd. Seems the "rich text editor" is not being created on your browser .. what browser/computer are you using, will see if it can be reproduced here...

Win 10 & chrome

Shall diagnose over email with you..

WA, 3856 posts
25 Jan 2017 9:20AM
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Mark _australia said..

The quoting is crap. Yes we need to save space, but maybe snip the first part of what is quoted, so as to display the last bit .... some of my quotes look like I am referring to my own post, and I am responding to the person who responded to me. Its weird..

Thanks for that.

1263 posts
25 Jan 2017 9:42AM
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Just tried to 'paste' some text into the top joke thread. It showed up on the screen fine, but when i hit the "post" button it took me back to the thread (a good thing) and my text was all gone (a bad thing), so it posted a blank reply.

Maybe you thought that was a funny reply to that particular thread

Seems to work if i type tho.... (i tried both rich and plain text editors)

using a mac with 10.2+ safari

WA, 3856 posts
25 Jan 2017 5:23PM
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desertyank said..
Just tried to 'paste' some text into the top joke thread. It showed up on the screen fine, but when i hit the "post" button it took me back to the thread (a good thing) and my text was all gone (a bad thing), so it posted a blank reply.

Maybe you thought that was a funny reply to that particular thread

Seems to work if i type tho.... (i tried both rich and plain text editors)

using a mac with 10.2+ safari

I can see the problem .. the text you pasted had 5 "close quote" items but no "open quote" ..

i.e. 4 text elements that say "end of text", but none that say "start of text" ... the forums do their best to try and sort out unbalanced opens/closes, but can only work do so much to figure intent from type ... shall look into this a bit deeper though...

1263 posts
25 Jan 2017 10:33PM
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laurie said..

desertyank said..
Just tried to 'paste' some text into the top joke thread. It showed up on the screen fine, but when i hit the "post" button it took me back to the thread (a good thing) and my text was all gone (a bad thing), so it posted a blank reply.

Maybe you thought that was a funny reply to that particular thread

Seems to work if i type tho.... (i tried both rich and plain text editors)

using a mac with 10.2+ safari

I can see the problem .. the text you pasted had 5 "close quote" items but no "open quote" ..

i.e. 4 text elements that say "end of text", but none that say "start of text" ... the forums do their best to try and sort out unbalanced opens/closes, but can only work do so much to figure intent from type ... shall look into this a bit deeper though...

Can I add something to the pasted text to "open quote"?

1972 posts
27 Jan 2017 2:38AM
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Idle curiosity question~
Some of the threads I add to get starred and moved to the top, I get the reasoning behind that, but some of the threads I add to don't. So I was just wondering what makes the difference between them getting starred or not?
Also moving them to the top seems unnecessary, I'd prefer to have them stay where they are, with their star, it gives me a more instant idea of their age w/o having to read the new time codes, or scrolling down past the stars to get to the current threads.

WA, 1463 posts
29 Jan 2017 2:12PM
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I can't find the daily synoptic chart. I can find the four day one. When I look at the forecast there is a button for synoptic but only the 4 day one opens. Anyone know where the current day one is?

WA, 404 posts
29 Jan 2017 7:08PM
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is there more ads in the new forums? I usually don't pay much attention to them but there seems to be more now...

WA, 1463 posts
29 Jan 2017 9:32PM
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R1DER said..
I can't find the daily synoptic chart. I can find the four day one. When I look at the forecast there is a button for synoptic but only the 4 day one opens. Anyone know where the current day one is?

Forgot to add android mobile. Can see it on my PC.

WA, 3856 posts
30 Jan 2017 10:57AM
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R1DER said..

R1DER said..
I can't find the daily synoptic chart. I can find the four day one. When I look at the forecast there is a button for synoptic but only the 4 day one opens. Anyone know where the current day one is?

Forgot to add android mobile. Can see it on my PC.

Yes, sorry it went missing, butis on it's way back .. meanwhile, tap "More Weather..." .. then "Synptopic Charts"

WA, 3856 posts
30 Jan 2017 11:01AM
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Mastbender said..
Idle curiosity question~
Some of the threads I add to get starred and moved to the top, I get the reasoning behind that, but some of the threads I add to don't. So I was just wondering what makes the difference between them getting starred or not?
Also moving them to the top seems unnecessary, I'd prefer to have them stay where they are, with their star, it gives me a more instant idea of their age w/o having to read the new time codes, or scrolling down past the stars to get to the current threads.

It was added by popular request, and that's where folks wanted them .. at the top.

It was requested that any topic posted in stored in the top .. so that's where they are

Then folks said they want to choose whether they "auto-subscribed" ... so we added a "Subscribe to this topic [ ]" box after each post.

Then folks said they didn't wan't it to be the default ... so we made it off by default.

And now a request about whether at the top, or chronological...


WA, 3856 posts
30 Jan 2017 11:06AM
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desertyank said..

laurie said..

desertyank said..
Just tried to 'paste' some text into the top joke thread. It showed up on the screen fine, but when i hit the "post" button it took me back to the thread (a good thing) and my text was all gone (a bad thing), so it posted a blank reply.

Maybe you thought that was a funny reply to that particular thread

Seems to work if i type tho.... (i tried both rich and plain text editors)

using a mac with 10.2+ safari

I can see the problem .. the text you pasted had 5 "close quote" items but no "open quote" ..

i.e. 4 text elements that say "end of text", but none that say "start of text" ... the forums do their best to try and sort out unbalanced opens/closes, but can only work do so much to figure intent from type ... shall look into this a bit deeper though...

Can I add something to the pasted text to "open quote"?

If using the "Rich Text Editor" (recommended), you should be able to clearly see whether the text is formatted or not, whereas not so in the "Plain Text".

i.e If you copy a chunk of text out of the middle of a quoted area, it's not easily possible for the forum software to know that you're copying just the tail end of a quote .. using the "RIch Text" editor, you'll visually see which bits are in yellow (quoted), and which text is not.

We'll be making some tweaks this week to try and accomodate folks who copy/paste bits of quotes..

130 posts
30 Jan 2017 1:04PM
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desertyank said..
Can I add something to the pasted text to "open quote"?

Yes, {quote} (with square brackets instead of curly brackets)

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laurie said..
We'll be making some tweaks this week to try and accomodate folks who copy/paste bits of quotes..

Maybe it should be called something else (like advanced text editor or Code editor) rather than making the same functionality in both editors?

For validation it might be easier to force plain text edits through the previewer before submitting so you know what you think you wrote is what you're going to get?

130 posts
30 Jan 2017 1:11PM
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laurie said..
And now a request about whether at the top, or chronological...

Set the forum with a clear methodology that YOU believe is the best way going forward, then make an options page on people's profile for tweaks to the system. Put a notice above the options page that things might break horribly if they are used (and to report bugs in here), so you don't run into compounding complexity issues.

WA, 3856 posts
30 Jan 2017 1:47PM
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VRBones said..

For validation it might be easier to force plain text edits through the previewer before submitting so you know what you think you wrote is what you're going to get?

The "Rich Text Editor" really should give a real-time preview, and the "Plain Text Editor" is for "old school" users, or for the more advanced user who wants to edit things manually.

The only thing that should change is that quotes are compressed, and video links turned into videos .. i.e. "What you see is what you get"

If you or anyone is experiencing different behviour than this, please share.

WA, 12441 posts
31 Jan 2017 11:40AM
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Hi Laurie, I'm using firefox on Ubuntu with noscipt blocking google analytics.
2 issues,

Plain text just doesn't work, I'm locked into rich text mode.

I've just tried to correct an earlier mistake of mine here,

But I can only type inside the quote box. I wanted to type my correction outside the quote box, to make it clear it's a correction, now it looks part of incorrect post, and minimises so that you can't see the full correction.

I have no trouble posting outside the quote box on other people's posts, but still locked out of plain text mode.

SA, 2865 posts
31 Jan 2017 6:30PM
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The 'stickies' on top of the Land yacht forum subsections are gone..... e.g. How to build yachts and sails

WA, 3856 posts
2 Feb 2017 6:28PM
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Gizmo said..
The 'stickies' on top of the Land yacht forum subsections are gone..... e.g. How to build yachts and sails

Yep, on their way.

WA, 3856 posts
2 Feb 2017 6:30PM
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decrepit said..
Hi Laurie, I'm using firefox on Ubuntu with noscipt blocking google analytics.
2 issues,

Plain text just doesn't work, I'm locked into rich text mode.

I've just tried to correct an earlier mistake of mine here,

But I can only type inside the quote box. I wanted to type my correction outside the quote box, to make it clear it's a correction, now it looks part of incorrect post, and minimises so that you can't see the full correction.

I have no trouble posting outside the quote box on other people's posts, but still locked out of plain text mode.

Someone shared that they fixed it by clearing cookies - are you able to try that too?

VIC, 317 posts
3 Feb 2017 9:15PM
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This is what my Buy & Sell Pages look like in landscape. iOS 10.2 iPad Air
Have to slide the image to see the RHS

WA, 1463 posts
3 Feb 2017 10:33PM
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laurie said..

R1DER said..

R1DER said..
I can't find the daily synoptic chart. I can find the four day one. When I look at the forecast there is a button for synoptic but only the 4 day one opens. Anyone know where the current day one is?

Forgot to add android mobile. Can see it on my PC.

Yes, sorry it went missing, butis on it's way back .. meanwhile, tap "More Weather..." .. then "Synptopic Charts"

Nope still not working. Android, chrome. Cant find this map
Sorted now, added link to my chrome bookmarks.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The "New Forums" Topic" started by laurie