Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

nq sailing

Created by grich62 > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2018
QLD, 470 posts
28 Aug 2018 6:33PM
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Be awesome if there is another boat!!!

QLD, 668 posts
30 Aug 2018 5:13PM
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snorkel692 said..
Be awesome if there is another boat!!!

boat should be in the water Monday or Tuesday

QLD, 470 posts
2 Sep 2018 9:58AM
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Now we just need a much better forecast!!!!

QLD, 668 posts
4 Sep 2018 6:24PM
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grich62 said..

snorkel692 said..
Be awesome if there is another boat!!!

boat should be in the water Monday or Tuesday

the boat went in the water today but probably won't be available as there is still a lot to do ,so we can't rely on it as a back up boat. looking at the forecast i won't be fit enough to sail that far of the plane so i will pull out of the race

QLD, 470 posts
4 Sep 2018 8:28PM
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grich62 said..

grich62 said..

snorkel692 said..
Be awesome if there is another boat!!!

boat should be in the water Monday or Tuesday

the boat went in the water today but probably won't be available as there is still a lot to do ,so we can't rely on it as a back up boat. looking at the forecast i won't be fit enough to sail that far of the plane so i will pull out of the race

Next year!

QLD, 668 posts
5 Sep 2018 7:45PM
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snorkel692 said..

grich62 said..

grich62 said..

snorkel692 said..
Be awesome if there is another boat!!!

boat should be in the water Monday or Tuesday

the boat went in the water today but probably won't be available as there is still a lot to do ,so we can't rely on it as a back up boat. looking at the forecast i won't be fit enough to sail that far of the plane so i will pull out of the race

Next year!

its looking good for a early mourning bowen trip on monday

QLD, 470 posts
10 Sep 2018 10:45PM
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Cape to Cape was great fun. Light wind and with a wind shift the last few km an upwind slog- despite that a great sail. In a solid SE-E this course would be EPIC!

Thanks to Adventurethon/ NQ Ocean Paddle Series for having us, and many thanks to the support crew and SeaLink who got us out there.

Back in 2019- NQ sailors who are keen for some open water racing should put this one on the calendar!

QLD, 668 posts
11 Sep 2018 2:30PM
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snorkel692 said..
Cape to Cape was great fun. Light wind and with a wind shift the last few km an upwind slog- despite that a great sail. In a solid SE-E this course would be EPIC!

Thanks to Adventurethon/ NQ Ocean Paddle Series for having us, and many thanks to the support crew and SeaLink who got us out there.

Back in 2019- NQ sailors who are keen for some open water racing should put this one on the calendar!

what board and sail did you use and were there any other sailors out there. bowen had a gusty 15 knts at the front beach but the sand is heaped in to lots of gutters and you could hit a fin real easy ,probably from the cyclone. stopped at alva on the way back ,but the current was to strong

QLD, 470 posts
11 Sep 2018 7:08PM
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Used a Phantom 377L and 9.5 severne raceboard sail. Dennis Winstanley was a legend on windsurfer LT. I think carrying an extra 3 square metres of cloth was pretty helpful

QLD, 2455 posts
11 Sep 2018 7:10PM
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^ Nice work guys!

QLD, 668 posts
14 Sep 2018 8:08PM
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townsville today

QLD, 668 posts
22 Sep 2018 6:24PM
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QLD, 470 posts
22 Sep 2018 9:37PM
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Some actual wind finally! Great session at Geoffrey Bay. Gave the Dyno it's first thorough workout it's a super sweet board for conditions here! Small issue of a boom breaking out the back but once ashore and boom changed resumed for s great session. Loving the Maggie Island sailing!

QLD, 668 posts
23 Sep 2018 7:21PM
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snorkel692 said..
Some actual wind finally! Great session at Geoffrey Bay. Gave the Dyno it's first thorough workout it's a super sweet board for conditions here! Small issue of a boom breaking out the back but once ashore and boom changed resumed for s great session. Loving the Maggie Island sailing!

what broke ,could have been a long swim if the out going current gets you
the wind filled in good at pallarenda ,i suprised my self as some fitness has come back,the daily walks have really helped

QLD, 470 posts
23 Sep 2018 8:00PM
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Whole side of the boom broke off- body drag and clew first sail home. Another great sail today!!

QLD, 470 posts
23 Sep 2018 8:01PM
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grich62 said..

snorkel692 said..
Some actual wind finally! Great session at Geoffrey Bay. Gave the Dyno it's first thorough workout it's a super sweet board for conditions here! Small issue of a boom breaking out the back but once ashore and boom changed resumed for s great session. Loving the Maggie Island sailing!

what broke ,could have been a long swim if the out going current gets you
the wind filled in good at pallarenda ,i suprised my self as some fitness has come back,the daily walks have really helped

Great to hear the fitness is helping your sailing

QLD, 668 posts
26 Sep 2018 7:19AM
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took my new ezzy 7.5 lion out ,for a run,

Orange Whip
QLD, 1054 posts
26 Sep 2018 8:31PM
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grich62 said..
took my new ezzy 7.5 lion out ,for a run,

Nice sail, nice wind Grich. Was that today?

Apparently the BOM reckons there is a chance the Low up near the Solomons may form into a cyclone. We had zero cyclones last summer and a cold winter, I did wonder whether that meant a heap of cyclones this summer, but a cyclone in September, WTF!

Actually it looks like its TFB if we do get a cyclone before November, BOM's on holidays and we're on our own

QLD, 668 posts
27 Sep 2018 8:41AM
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Orange Whip said..

grich62 said..
took my new ezzy 7.5 lion out ,for a run,

Nice sail, nice wind Grich. Was that today?

Apparently the BOM reckons there is a chance the Low up near the Solomons may form into a cyclone. We had zero cyclones last summer and a cold winter, I did wonder whether that meant a heap of cyclones this summer, but a cyclone in September, WTF!

Actually it looks like its TFB if we do get a cyclone before November, BOM's on holidays and we're on our own

that was tuesday,s wind
bom never gets it right anyway,best to do your own weather,how has it been down there

Orange Whip
QLD, 1054 posts
27 Sep 2018 8:52PM
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Broke the drought last weekend, actually got a sail both days, solid 20 in the gusts Sat and a little less Sunday. Was surprised how cool the water was which makes you wonder how a cyclone could be forming at the moment. Not supposed to come too far west but pretty unusual this time of year.

QLD, 470 posts
1 Oct 2018 8:31PM
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Wow the Ville finally got sone good wind! Great day sailing over at Geoffrey Bay. Here's hoping for more tomorrow!

QLD, 668 posts
2 Oct 2018 5:54AM
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sailed alva beach yesterday ,tides were perfect,wind were solid 20 knts when i got to the water,i had rigged my new ezzy 7.5 lion .as i made my way upwind winds had increase to 25 knts with 28 + gusts ,i tried to sail back to the beach,spun me fin out and crashed into my sail ,almost got my camera and head through the luft panel ,left a dent and long scratch in my new sail ,top of my ribs were bruised as got smashed by the boom and mast .had to walk back.still looking for my ego and pride which are still missing and believed lost at sea.

QLD, 470 posts
2 Oct 2018 9:35PM
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That sounds nasty Greg! Fabulous session over at the island today. 18ish knots used my Dyno 115 which tucks into the short chop brilliantly for turns. Pseudo wavesailing with the swell here. Haven't had such a good sesh for ages!!

QLD, 668 posts
3 Oct 2018 10:17AM
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snorkel692 said..
That sounds nasty Greg! Fabulous session over at the island today. 18ish knots used my Dyno 115 which tucks into the short chop brilliantly for turns. Pseudo wavesailing with the swell here. Haven't had such a good sesh for ages!!

to sore to sail today ,i need a couple days of repair
winds have been awesome

169 posts
3 Oct 2018 8:58AM
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Does Far North QLD make the grade?

169 posts
3 Oct 2018 8:59AM
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From Monday

QLD, 668 posts
3 Oct 2018 7:53PM
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sure does ,we will have to get the nq fun board circuit going again ,it use to be good race all over the place.

QLD, 470 posts
3 Oct 2018 11:35PM
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Sounds like a great idea! Another good session at magnetic today though much lighter so out on f-race 140. Kids out and planing so they were stoked ( which is a Very Good Thing to keep them sailing). Sadly packing up from the island tomorrow.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1054 posts
2 Nov 2018 2:29PM
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Took the day off work and a had a nice sail this morning. Was a bit iffy early on but came in a solid 15 ESE. It was considerably more enjoyable than being at work!

QLD, 470 posts
3 Nov 2018 6:42AM
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Orange Whip said..
Took the day off work and a had a nice sail this morning. Was a bit iffy early on but came in a solid 15 ESE. It was considerably more enjoyable than being at work!



Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"nq sailing" started by grich62