Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Miller SUBX

Created by unclethirsty > 9 months ago, 13 May 2014
WA, 9675 posts
30 Oct 2015 3:54PM
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SP said..
Welcome Bograt..

I would say talk to Grant and tell him to make you whatever he reckons plus 5 litres...

AS for length, I was told by a good shaper when i went through the same thing that If you are going to go short and wide then go short and wide. Under 6 ft and over 22 wide. I had people trying to get me to ride 5'4" and that just did my head in at first..

No matter what length you get, it wont paddle like a long board ( I farking hate people saying that it paddles like a LB and surfs like a shortboard, I can tell you after 20 odd years of searching it is bull****..)

Shorties will also mean you are taking off later and not getting the easy entry on a LB so be prepared to be jumping to your feet quicker and taking later drops.

You sound like a perfect candidate for the mid-length mafia... something in the mid 7 ft range will still give you similar characteristic to a LB, get you into waves early etc and give you a bit more flexibility in turning it and duck diving.

Also gets you going shorter without going to extremes. Going from a 9ftr to something 6ft ish can be a head **** and take a while to get used to.

Good luck

QLD, 21945 posts
30 Oct 2015 6:12PM
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Vanders loved his.

WA, 9675 posts
30 Oct 2015 4:20PM
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Macaha said..
Vanders loved his.

QLD, 21945 posts
30 Oct 2015 6:28PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Vanders loved his.

SA, 1739 posts
30 Oct 2015 8:32PM
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What about a McCoy nugget. If you get a high volume mid length your not going to duckdive so you could go 7.6 to 8 foot.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Oct 2015 10:43PM
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Macaha said...
chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Vanders loved his.

A real keeper

382 posts
1 Nov 2015 1:18PM
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Chrispy, nah no meltdown I'm in such a hole with my surfing ATM not even the green mango Miller magic board can't fix it. I feel like Ian Baker Finch, I know I can do but something inside my head (well whats left of it at least) is stopping me & I kaint figure out why. The problem;- I cannot pop up/takeoff/get to my feet I paddle around for hours paddling onto waves & then pull back at the last moment, WTF is that, 50+ yrs of surfing, **** gone!
Jeez I've spoken to Dr's Reches, Tooheys, XXXX, Coopers & Professors Cab Sav, Merlot etc & I've even gone down the religious path & had serious, serious talks with Fr Scotch & just as I thought they had Nuffin, nada, nix. It's doing my head in so much I'm seriously considering going to talking to real Dr's. Oh well I'll just keep banging away it....such is life, with first world probs I suppose.
Although I seriously think this is Heuys' way of saying "that's enough donkey".

8266 posts
1 Nov 2015 1:40PM
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Nah sounds like you just need a new board mate, maybe something longer with some glide

13831 posts
1 Nov 2015 1:45PM
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hhhhhhhmmmmmmm ...... classic symptom of Surf Mango deficiency Uncle of the Famished kind ...... get back down the local paddle in do not pull back ....... let yerself be smashed if thee cannot make the drop ...... do this again & again & again even if you end up BB'ing it ..... doesn't matter one fark or two fifths of an iota ..... just let the farker take you or eat you ..... it'll bring out the fire in ya mate ..... trust me .... would I lie to thee

382 posts
1 Nov 2015 5:15PM
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Mick, yeah gonna get a mates, wait for it, 8' superfish & see if I can get up on that.

Pup..just heading in for a mango infused bath.. to sooth the shattered nerves.

As for the JFG (just farkin go) takeoffs I reckon they're all catching up with me now. Back in "the day", as a kid I got diagnosed as "accident prone" , stop laughing, over the years it's proven to be true; cop this:-
Broken bones:- 3 broken arms, broken leg, broken collar bone
Stitches :- 3 different lots in my head, & a couple in my face, 8 in my thigh, couple in my feet & some in the old ball bag.
Concussions:- luckily only 1
Operations:- to date i've calculate that I've lost about 1 week on the surgery table. I'll start at the top. Both ears surfers ear, nose so I can breathe, heart 2 ops for Atrial fibrilation, Hip resurfacing & an anal fistula

Ya know looking at it now its a wonder I can even do what I do, ha ha.

But as "the duke" said.."a man's gotta do what a mans gotta do ".. so I'll keep surfing, or paddleing, or whatever it is I'm doing at the moment & have the odd mango!

8266 posts
1 Nov 2015 5:25PM
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I thought Tom Carrol's butt injury sounded pretty bad, but I pray I never have a ball bag story...The superfish have the volume & stepped down rails to turn, as long as you don't have to duck dive them it should go well...otherwise...

JFG - since you mention it, maybe ask Tux to make you one of those funny looking new age boards he just made Kev Could be the answer

382 posts
1 Nov 2015 6:03PM
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Mick, jeez how could I forget the injury that started all this, got cleaned up in shorebreak, pulled my hammie & tore bone off my pelvis. Admittedly the bone off the pelvis was on old injury from the 70's but the 2 months rehab started the rot.

Yeah I'd love to give on of those tommo inspired board a go, after I can stand up that is..!

13831 posts
1 Nov 2015 6:24PM
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Lost yer Surf Mango ........ Champion use every cent of the years worth of stoke you've squeezed out of all those waves ..... remember why you first paddled out as frothing peak virgin ..... after all , it's why you're still out there ..... cast aside the bastard Devil he's just a flea biting yer bollocks deserving of being squashed between yer fingernails oh Oracle Parched ..... may the holy roly poly bless you three & half times , provide sweet Tropical Mango flesh & secure you a mighty fine root tonight my son

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Nov 2015 7:47AM
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Uncle - it seems to me like you need to get back on the horse as such. If you are a natural footer pack the car up and go for a drive. Find yourself a nice right hand point break and just ease back into things. Go mid week for a few days when conditions look good - 2-3ft long clean walls will sort you out in no time. Long walls with an easy takeoff - so you get that magic feeling back. Obviously go chase a long left if you are a goofy.

QLD, 1332 posts
2 Nov 2015 7:32AM
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Do something completely unconventional.
Take the subx out and just ride it prone. You can stand up later along the wave if you like when you're not rushed.
You may be suprised just how much fun you have.
Every wave will be overhead.
There will be some boards in your quiver that will go better riding them prone than others.
Try them out and see. Your subx should work well though.
Dick Van Straalen has crook hips and so he rides his longboards mostly prone nowadays.
He also makes some shorter boards to ride prone for his wife and himself.
It feels super fast when your face is at wave level and you'll be laughing like a grom again.

382 posts
2 Nov 2015 1:01PM
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Ted, yep plan to do just that am sick of Sydney closeouts!

Cuttle, I've actually done that a few times & it's made me paddle back out & try another wave or 5.

The Plan: bludge mates 8' superfish, throw it in the van with my boards, throw myself in the van & shoot down the south coast for a week. After checking swell forecasts.

Pup I'll get some holy mangoes before I leave, just to be on the right side of "the big fella"..

WA, 9675 posts
3 Nov 2015 7:42PM
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unclethirsty said..
Ted, yep plan to do just that am sick of Sydney closeouts!

Cuttle, I've actually done that a few times & it's made me paddle back out & try another wave or 5.

The Plan: bludge mates 8' superfish, throw it in the van with my boards, throw myself in the van & shoot down the south coast for a week. After checking swell forecasts.

Pup I'll get some holy mangoes before I leave, just to be on the right side of "the big fella"..

sounds like a great plan thirsty....

also i dont think its a age thing,i would say most people who do anything go through stages of frustration ,or plain old farking things up.

i went through a horrible stage of surfing sh1t....i still do,but i feel like i surf better,but i digress ......mine i think came down to over surfing

make everything simple again and enjoy...or just get a nice mango

WA, 2355 posts
3 Nov 2015 8:02PM
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Old fella in Esperance probe surfs his longboard now because of bad hips. Whatever keeps me in the water I'll be doing. Surf mat. I see a surf mat.

Good luck with your road trip.

VIC, 3829 posts
4 Nov 2015 7:16AM
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thedrip said..
Old fella in Esperance probe surfs his longboard now because of bad hips. Whatever keeps me in the water I'll be doing. Surf mat. I see a surf mat.

Good luck with your road trip.

Surf mats are harder work than you think...imagine sadlling up on the local big bertha when you were 15 and telling her how much fun her mum was mid stroke

TAS, 1925 posts
21 Mar 2016 4:58PM
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After another successful surf on the SubX I thought I'd better resurrect this thread, especially given some of the negative feedback above, feedback that I think would quickly change if the board was actually surfed in the waves/style it was designed for

I've been riding nothing but my logs for weeks and was actually a bit fearful of jumping on the 7'er after such a long hiatus, but first wave in and bloody he11 this is one special board... agreed, it looks a bit volumey or chunky but there's a lot of thought gone into the rocker, channels etc to make all that volume work (and us fatties need that volume) and when she does, mann she flies...

The waves were slow to get into but super fast down the line, so the sb guys were struggling to get into them and the lb guys just couldn't make it... Enter a bloody ordinary surfer on the right board and boom!!! so much fun...
- She turns smooth and clean but she's not a fin buster.
- Doesnt paddle as well as the LB but its not far off, its definitely the best paddling 7'er i'v ridden and by some way.
- Handles a steep drop like the shorty and gets you in early so us sh1t surfers can still make em
I must have had 4 or 5 guys asking about the board and where can I get one. I find the young "hot doggers" kinda smirk at it and the older experienced watermen have a real close look and fall in love and want to buy it

When the points are on, I must admit I go to the Hot Log but the My neighbor, who would have 30+ boards to choose from, is always asking for a borrow of the SubX and does so because he just dominates on it, has more fun... on the point it allows him to catch the small ones, make the lb only flat sections, get on the bigger ones earlier and just turns beautifully with speed to burn...

For me, if i'm not on the Log its the only other board you need unless you need a speed machine for Indo

LOVE this board

382 posts
21 Mar 2016 6:38PM
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Good to hear you've been enjoying the Subx Andrew. Yeah it's kinda funny that guys seem to be taking their subbies out in surf that, I guess, Grant initially hadn't designed them for. One guy on Grants site said he has had his out at overhead Margaret river, must've been interesting, suppose it speaks a lot about the design. I'm now waiting for Grant to shape V.3 of my subx. I loved the 6'9" x 231/4" x 31/4" great for getting in early etc but had too much foam. Went & had a yack with Grant for about an hour & I'm going back to 7' x223/4" x 27/8" with more tail lift, refined rails & other magic Grant does for an old tragic like me, LOL.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
21 Mar 2016 9:39PM
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Its dam spooky I tell ya. Just a day and 1/2 ago I was thinking havent seen this tread for a while

Maybe its finally died the death it should have after one page

QLD, 21945 posts
21 Mar 2016 9:43PM
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Lacey you can never kill an ironing board

QLD, 21945 posts
21 Mar 2016 9:44PM
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****** thread should be moved to the SB forum

SA, 1739 posts
22 Mar 2016 8:02AM
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At least he has kept the board for over a year

382 posts
22 Mar 2016 5:58AM
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Well spotted Mchenry, don't think the bannana benders can keep something for that amount of time. Suppose it must be the heat & getting itchy in the nether regions or not having daylight saving, gets 'em loose in the bowels .
I dunno me & me Subx just ain't feeling the love here, any of you other Subx riders feel the same. Maybe I should take Macaha's advice to sex & travel to the shortboard arena, I'm sure we'll be shown love, peace & understanding there just as soon as the young blokes realise how old most of us are. I feel like Paul Newman from the movie Exodus "just looking for a home". (he he!)

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Mar 2016 9:27AM
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I think its more suited here Uncle. I have enjoyed this thread since its beginning - I hope it continues. I can not see myself owning one of these anytime soon but would not pass up the opportunity to have a crack on one in the right conditions.

WA, 3028 posts
22 Mar 2016 7:48AM
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McHenry said..
At least he has kept the board for over a year

QLD, 21945 posts
22 Mar 2016 10:04AM
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McHenry said..
At least he has kept the board for over a year

Mc Henry have a look at my instra page you will note two boards are over the year mark so you must be referring to somebody else

QLD, 1332 posts
22 Mar 2016 8:01PM
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Granted, however it is a leap year!


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Miller SUBX" started by unclethirsty