Hi guys,Removed the generator/regulator because the amp gauge has been reading overcharge for a couple of weeks. Had it tested by auto electrician he replaced the bearings ( because he can charge more) and he found it was working perfectly OK.I will reinstall it tomorrow and see what happens.If it still reads high what is the next thing to check.catch you later
When you say generator do you mean generator or is it an alternator?
Hi hgo2, I thought it was an alternator but on the end cover it says generator since the last post I have reinstalled it on the boat and only had time to run it for 10 minutes or so It seems to be charging up OK by the multimeter, I have isolated the solar panel and I think this is the problem as I found some questionable wiring by the previous owner like the two wires from the solar panel connected to the positive terminal, on the battery, I could be up for a new solar panel and solar regulator, will have another look when the wind abates a little (The alt/gen has the regulator built in.)
Been into the back of the engine bay de rusting the engine mounts an scubbing
When it's dry later I'll paint the engine mounts
As. The sun is out I'll clean some timber bright work and get it ready to varnish
Just had breaky
After I painted anything that needed primer. Finish it off tomorrow
The sun came out so a sanded and cleaned and got one coat on. Been trying to do that for months also gave some stainless a polish
Bloody South Ace Keeps hogging the sun
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
its my over drive solenoid . No not really its the fuel shut off solenoid Donk The Bukh has crazy idea that you power the solenoid to shut it off .
( fuel normally on)
So if you run out of battery voltage you can not turn the Bukh off other than undo a injector pipe nut maybe two to shut her down. If you dont know the Bukh engine you could turn the ignition switch off and then you have no electrical power to actuate the shut off solenoid and you could panic . "saying the bloody thing wont turn off" what do I do now I know Ill message Cisco he will know what to do
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
Give me another year and a few more B.O.A.T= $$$ Donk and she might start looking as nice as yours
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
its my over drive solenoid . No not really its the fuel shut off solenoid Donk The Bukh has crazy idea that you power the solenoid to shut it off .
( fuel normally on)
So if you run out of battery voltage you can not turn the Bukh off other than undo a injector pipe nut maybe two to shut her down. If you dont know the Bukh engine you could turn the ignition switch off and then you have no electrical power to actuate the shut off solenoid and you could panic . "saying the bloody thing wont turn off" what do I do now I know Ill message Cisco he will know what to do
If you were keen you could probably in fit a emergency shutoff flap in the air intake like a Detroit without too much drama
Regards Don
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
Give me another year and a few more B.O.A.T= $$$ Donk and she might start looking as nice as yours
Mine is very original and tidy but yours will be at a whole different level when it is done
Regards Don
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
Give me another year and a few more B.O.A.T= $$$ Donk and she might start looking as nice as yours
Mine is very original and tidy but yours will be at a whole different level when it is done
Regards Don
sea level thats about it Donk nothing lower I hope and hopefully above the boot stripe as well
She looks good
What is the cylinder on the rear of the engine with the red electrical wire connected to it
Regards Don
its my over drive solenoid . No not really its the fuel shut off solenoid Donk The Bukh has crazy idea that you power the solenoid to shut it off .
( fuel normally on)
So if you run out of battery voltage you can not turn the Bukh off other than undo a injector pipe nut maybe two to shut her down. If you dont know the Bukh engine you could turn the ignition switch off and then you have no electrical power to actuate the shut off solenoid and you could panic . "saying the bloody thing wont turn off" what do I do now I know Ill message Cisco he will know what to do
If you were keen you could probably in fit a emergency shutoff flap in the air intake like a Detroit without too much drama
Regards Don
I once saw a cummins diesel that ate and pair of overalls before she shut down half of it was in the combustion chamber when it was pulled down had a laugh about that one .The same guy had trouble with a ore dump truck it would not lift the tray so he got a pressure gauges out and proceeded to connect directly to the pump , I said to him you sure about that and he went right off so I said see you later . Thinking to my self you cant fit a pressure gauge directly to a pump. the pumps got flow as well as pressure. I guess you could say that's a quick way to dismantle a hydraulic pump 3 seconds and its apart. never to go back together.
Back for a quick lunch
Sanded and varnished a second coat also had the bow spit ready from yesterday so I gave it a coat also.
Made a throttle mount plate out of marine ply cut it out and have now given it a coat of resin I think I will paint it in gel coat as I have some here . After mucking around trying to find maybe a better spot for the throttle I ended up back where it originally was . But this morning I had a really good look and found I could reroute my gearbox and throttle cable so there not on such an angle leaving the bulk head behind the engine .
There is a drain behind the bulk head behind the engine and I ended up routing the two cables through there now there is not
90 degree bend in the cables
Previously the cable ran up the side into the bunk area then out to the cockpit at the bunk area there was a really bad 90 degree bend and it also look untidy
The two cables now go to the center and below of that Grey plate mounted
( part of the engine mount) on the mizzen mast bulkhead then through to the new throttle. Which will be mounted in the same spot as before but I will weather proof it from any contaminates from the cockpit locker
This engine control panel on the stern of the cockpit Ill remove today and see if I can make some thing that will fit at least three gauges in plus a ignition switch and a start stop , button, plus a plug for my auto pilot.
I am thinking of removing the exsisting mounting and see if it would be worth while reversing it and fit it inside if its possible its good piece of fiberglass just don't like it protruding into the cockpit. If I can remove it and fit it to the inside and make a teak frame with a sliding front . Thoughts so far.
The less holes I make the better
You will need to give it a coat of vinyalester If you want to over coat it with flowcoat. As polyester does not stick well to epoxy. Or you can use epoxy undercoat with 2 PAC finish. Make sure you sand the epoxy and de-wax.
hows the head liner coming along?
maybe you should have brought this one it's already in the tropics! http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/horseshoe-bay/sail-boats/walker-herrishoff-h28-ketch-swap-trade/1051490069
You could always retire now and live on the boat at horse shoe bay.....you can always take the bus and ferry into town for your centrelink appointments once a month. You wouldn't be the only one doing it there neither.
did I not read the government is trying to put the age of retirement to 75? That makes you 72 years old...hope you can still hoist your main sails!
This photo you can see the rerouted cabls
finished the second coat lots more to do
I removed that external start panel out of the stern and then trail fitted it inside in reverse and it fitted nicly so I brought it home and quickly made a couple of teak panels to fit inside Ill tidy every thing up and fit 4 gauges in the bottom and my start , stop a ignition and lastly the auto pilot . Then make a out side frame out of some teak I have here
You could always retire now and live on the boat at horse shoe bay.....you can always take the bus and ferry into town for your centrelink appointments once a month. You wouldn't be the only one doing it there neither.
did I not read the government is trying to put the age of retirement to 75? That makes you 72 years old...hope you can still hoist your main sails!
I have a very powerful battery drill with a winch fitting that Ill use when I cant raise the main . Also have plans for a cabin lift for when Im really old it pumps sea water into a counter weight bag and lift me to deck level Ill sell you mine when I'm gone South ace Might even leave it to you . I'm also in the processes of designing a floating walking frame for later on South Ace" the one with out a boat" Oh yes thanks for the sun today South
That's a Low Styrene Emission epoxy............. vinealester takes MEKP catalyst just like flow coat and gelcoat. You should really give the epoxy a tie layer with vinyl ester before coating with flow coat. If I was you I would just take it to the local crash repair and get it sprayed in 2 pac!
That's a Low Styrene Emission epoxy............. vinealester takes MEKP catalyst just like flow coat and gelcoat. You should really give the epoxy a tie layer with vinyl ester before coating with flow coat. If I was you I would just take it to the local crash repair and get it sprayed in 2 pac!
Better than that Ill take it to work and hang it in the paint shop and they will put some two pack over spray on it when there doing other stuff
Well as long as its Two PAC and you should spray a coat of epoxy under coat on first!
Flow coat is best used in places in low light or those out of reach places such as bilges.....etc
finished the second coat lots more to do
She looks flash with that timber work varnished
The cockpit looks a fair bit longer than my Sailmaster with the mizzen mast removed
Regards Don
Well as long as its Two PAC and you should spray a coat of epoxy under coat on first!
yes that will happen to just have to wait for the under coat over spray before the two pack over spray
What is the function of the circular cover in the transom above the tiller
Regards Don
I think it was fitted so the original cockpit engine panel could be fitted for access to it also theres a Nav light dircetly behind it with the old globe I have to find a good LED NAV light to replace it
I swept the bird crap, mangrove leaves and sand off the deck, and painted the top with a fresh coat of emerclad. Wonderful stuff.
Untied the ropes and let her take care of us all weekend. Had some great weather over here this past weekend. Last sail before she comes out to clean her bum
So from this
to this
Well I think it will work out just right Cisco did not like my aluminum panel might cause a short circuit and South ace thought I should be able to see the gauges when I motoring and there both right
The Big plus also is a get to use a existing hole in the cockpit with not much modification
Now you have reversed the housing do the mounting holes still line up and are you going to put something over it to water proof it
Regards Don