Hello McNaughtical
how about a lovely solo sail and refusal to buy into the whole Hallmark occasion??? .
I've been divorced for five years now. Occasionally, very occasionally, I think that it may be nice to have someone special in my life. My past choices have been dismal. At a recent sailing event, I was shocked and shaken up to see a crush from years past which never really started but ended very, very badly.
More recently, I've dipped a very tenuous toe in the world of internet dating. I was taken out to lunch by a gentleman who was chivalrous, polite, respectful, however, he lied about his age....by ten years! THEN it just got better as he started telling me his plans to buy a luxury Winnebago to travel around Australia in. I've been told I have a very expressive face. Poor lad tried to recover the moment and say, perhaps he could buy a yacht and sail around Australia. Aaaaagggghhhhh.
THEN....a man who stated on his profile 'lives for sailing' is up from Lake Macquarie. Arranges the night before to meet me for coffee at 10.30. I wake up to see he has changed the time to 9.00. Pressure! Chill dude! I get ready, not feeling good about this. Arrive at the cafe, do a walk-through, don't see him, take this as a sign from the God/desses and Dog/gesses to exit stage left. I pray he doesn't see me driving out. Then the barrage of texts arrive claiming he "...wanted to spend the whole day building a relationship with me before heading back to Lake Macquarie that night...". OMG!!! Should have known when he told me what kind of boat he owned to just completely disregard him hahahahahahahahah
Honestly, McNaught, a lot of this is just self-protective bravado. It would be lovely to meet someone, but honestly, I've been doing life solo for so very long that I know I won't die if I never have anyone in my life again. I'm a quirky bird, I'm an introvert...all of these things don't hold me in good stead of meeting The One. Conversely, in terms of personality type, they make me a very good candidate for solo sailing
You my dear, on the other hand, are gorgeous!!!! Go forth and conquer!!!! Find that real man who will wet your panties, not your eyes
"I've never been romantic. And sometimes I don't care. I know it may sound selfish. But let me breathe the air" (Shorrock, G. Cool Change. 1979).
As a former matchmaker (retired), I would like to pass some comments.
The poor guys have to lie about their age, as most ladies are looking (vainly) for younger men. Sorry, life does not work that way.
Re the guy from Lake Mac- what kind of boat did he have? The mind boggles as to how that reveals character.. Flighty lightweight sports boat, or heavy long keeler? Action "A" type guy, or steady, serious, mature fellow?
Ahhh, Selkie,
Absolutely love your comments. We must get together some time over a cuppa and swap internet dating stories. We could have a lot of laughs. Lovely of you to be so open about yourself on here.
Quirky and introverted.... there will be someone out there who just loves that about you.
Me.. .I guess I'm quirky and extroverted. I seem to have the knack of scaring away anyone that I actually like. I'm too overthetop apparently...
Yara, I've been told that taking me on would be like taking on a 30 year old... which is actually a huge compliment. I note that a lot of men my age or older are not interested in being active, adventurous, or healthy, however, there are exceptions to the rule, and age is not so important as being well matched and in love. ... and I agree with everything Selkie said on that subject., except that unlike you Selkie I have no objection to a younger man unless he's younger than my sons... then it would get a bit creepy....
I am a hopeless romantic, and Valentine's day is special for many reasons to me... including the most traumatic Valentine's day imaginable 2 years ago. Then fortunately Last year I had one of my sons as my Valentine's Day company, and this year I'm blessed to have another of my sons here.. same day .. .same place again, so I won't be too lonely.
Yes... I am an extrovert. I love being around people, and don't like the thought of years unfolding ahead without a significant other.
However..... being quirky and introverted or extroverted or whatever we are.... it is not easy to find someone that suits....
Firstly, one weeds out the alcoholics, gamblers, bitter and twisted, sour and angry, smokers, recreational drug users, the unwashed, and the lazy, then from those left if there is anyone left to choose from, add the criteria that they must like being out on the ocean in a boat...and they must of course appeal in all the right ways... all of a sudden the field narrows considerably... then that magic person pops up from nowhere, and you wait..... is this the one??????? Or not......
Funny you mention the Cool Change song too Selkie,,,,, I've been singing that in my head the last 3 days. I must learn it and do a rendition on here. There is just a certain magic about being out there alone. It's just good to know that I can. You would like Naomi James" book " At one with the sea". She described herself as an introvert also, and said that it made her suited to solo sailing around the world. And thank you Selkie for you comments that I'm gorgeous. You are too, and I hope you find your soul mate one day.
I can't watch the you tube songs at the moment Sands, but I'll watch when I can.
Have a great Valentine's Day everyone.... Anyone want to tell the story of how they met and fell in love??
good song Hg !!!! and very romantic !!!
some people may think this tune fits into the romantic category ...
This is a great recording , and top song , and after listening to it again tonight i,m sure it fits into the romantic category big time !!
Nah......it was me Selkie. I couldn't think of a better Valentines gift......I know, I know.....I'm a true romantic.
I don't post much here so I hope this comes across as intended and doesn't paint me with a "bad vibe" brush
I was single for ages and found whenever you're with another single person a certain percentage of the meet ups and conversation is about (in my case) girls, how to find one, the right one etc etc
Married with kids now.
Was talking to an older female (late 50's) long time friend of mine the other day. She is a habitual quick fling, long fling, fiery fling type of woman. Very successful. But doesn't believe true love is real.
She surprised me the other day when she blurted out "there is a lot to be said for arranged marriages, no wonder they last."
Now, she was not talking about the evil and inappropriate forced weddings you here about on the news.
She was talking about the more "pure" arranged marriages. Where two average and innocent families see there son and daughter of appropriate ages as a good match. And arrange a marriage.
She (my friend) said "so many people, especially young girls (as she was speaking for herself) are attracted to the wrong elements in a potential boyfriend/girlfriend."
And that parents, as grown ups, can see what will be the lasting qualities for a long term relationship.
Never thought of it that way before.
Hope this has not come across as to controversial. I'm not trying to make any big statement.
Just part of a conversation I had with my old habitually single friend.