Awesome day of close racing in perfect conditions on the Swan. Big thanks and kudos to Denis, Snides and Mounts Bay Sailing Club for organising and running the event, results for the six races were emailed and hard copies delivered after the day's racing to all competitors before the first beer was poured. Fantastic photography skills from Cheryl, thanks a lot. Congratulations to Nick Poll on a well deserved win
This weekend sees one of the main events on the dinghy calendar in Perth. The 3 of a Kind and Cock of the Swan.
Hosted by Mounts Bay.
We have 1 team of 3 and more are welcome.
Thanks Snides- and thanks for captaining this great team and thanks to all fellow participants. All of us did well, it was a great event, very exciting and an excellent challenging course. I think the LT sailors expended the most energy in getting around the marathon course. The windfoilers ringing of the bell was much appreciated thanks Daryl and well done on your teams great result. Great pizza provided by the club to satisfy the hunger built over the long course. MBSC is a truly great club and its people put on a magnificient event.
Another brilliant MBSC event, gruelling course in a solid sea breeze was a good test for the Wallys, all starters finished.
After race gourmet pizzas supplied by Larry @ Broadway Pizza and free beer compliments of Darryl's bell ring finished off a great day.
Well done Nick on your runaway win.
Stunning and impressive performances by the windfoilers in elite very company
Sunday Racing on again this week at MBSC 2pm start , Snides, looks like you will get your wish for long awaited light conditions
Hi Crew
A reminder that the State Windsurfing event resumes this Sunday for a re-sail of the Slalom and Freestyle events:
Sunday 7/4/2019
Briefing 1300hrs
Slalom and Freestyle 1400hrs MBSC
Details of the groupings and format will follow during the week.
Will be close to the shore at Pelican Point
Then the following weekend is the last event
Saturday 13/4/2019
Briefing 1300hrs MBSC
Marathon Race 1400hrs MBSC
Last Sunday saw the continuation of the WA state titles with the freestyleAnd slalom disciplines.The event was held in the lee of Peli point which had perfect clean wind and flat water.
Slalom results of the final 4 man heat.
1 Tim Gourlay 2 Denis Jones 3 Nick poll 4 Mark Taylor
1Tim Gourlay 2 Nick poll 3 Denis jones
Cheers to Cheryl for the pics Also thanks to Mounts Bay and to Peter Schneider (MBSC Commodore) for being RO for the day.PS He has also just picked up a board and will be joining the fleetNext season.
Just a reminder the final event is the Marathon this Saturday briefing at 1pm.Immediately after the Marathon we will have a presentation on the lawn of the club.
Lindsay @Ironbark photos has great video of the freestyling.
Congrats to all who participated throughout the year and well.done snides for your efforts this year.
Hope to see you all at bsyc for the nationals
Cheers Stu
Crew just a reminder
final event Marathon tomorrow.
This is also the final club heat for the members as well.
ASAP after the race we will have the presentation of trophies so please stick around.
ps everyone gets a trophy!
Gday Crew,Yesterday saw the wrap up of the state championship for the Revived Windsurfer class featuring the new Windsurfer LT -Total number of competitors for the series was 24 including 1 lady and 3 youths.The final event yesterday was the marathon in strange un seasonal conditions With winds fluctuating 5 to 18knots and swinging from the west.results for the Marathon.
1-Tim Gourlay (by some distance!)2- Nick Poll 3- Steve Schneider
Following the race we had a presentation ceremony where all competitors received a medal. Pics below.
results for the series where as follows (see link to results below)
Course racing-Light weight1 Steve Schneider2 Carlin Winchcombe (Also 1st youth)3 Rome Featherstone
Medium weight1 Nick Poll2 Denis Jones3 Mike Galvin
Heavy weight1 Simon King2 Ian Barcham3 Gordon Salvage
Freestyle 1 Tim Gourlay2 Nick Poll3 Denis Jones
Slalom 1 Tim Gourlay2 Denis Jones3 Nick Poll
Marathon1 Tim Gourlay2 Nick Poll3 Steve Schneider
Over all winners of the series1 Nick poll2 Denis Jones3 Steve schneider
Many thanks to Denis Jones for putting the whole thing together,Cheryl Draper for Pictures and Drone vids and Mounts Bay sailing Club for hosting.
Stay tuned for Winter racing updates.
Congratulations to Snides, Denis and MBSC on a professionally run event.
Congratulations also to all the winners, it is very motivating to race against some of the best in the business
Special mention and thanks to Cheryl for her fantastic photography and promotions skills.
Great fun had by all, competitive and tight racing in a world class venue with excellent conditions.
Looking forward to racing in a bigger fleet next season. Thanks a lot!
Great photos and a great event. Sorry I could not make it to the Marathon.
A great bunch of sailors in what is really a world class fleet with well oiled and world class race organisation.
Thanks to all, including all participants, the MBSC, Snides and Denis for the resurgence of this great class in WA.
Heads up, there are a couple of original Wally's for sale here in Busselton fixed CB. But complete. If any interest let me know.