Not everything escaped the camera!! Mick Young took some awesome photos from the point. Here are a few.
i would have to say, if you are going to learn forwards, Jordans photos are the ones to follow.
very nice
Yeah Jordy's lookin good, must be those long skinny legs of his.
Thanks for the piccies.
I must say though it wasn't over handle bars where I hurt my ribs (embarrassed to admit I went over the handle bars a few times - excuse, new sail felt twitchy, kept pulling me forward) it was actually the lip of a wave out the back that that slammed into my side, winded me and bruised the ribs.
Oh so many aerials going on all over the place, was amazing sailing with everyone, didn't know who to watch where and who was who with all those Severnes and sail changes
I was sailing out just behind Buzzy, he just casually jumped a wave, grabbed the rail of the board, landed and just cruised off.
So well organised Gill and Al, well done