Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

New Tribal Delta fins

Created by aussieboats > 9 months ago, 23 Jun 2018
WA, 2326 posts
8 Mar 2019 4:00PM
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sboardcrazy said..
So what size would be recommended for 7m on an 87ltre isonic?

What do you usually use with this set up?

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
8 Mar 2019 7:24PM
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BSN101 said..

sboardcrazy said..
So what size would be recommended for 7m on an 87ltre isonic?

What do you usually use with this set up?

I think you should buy at least six Dave Just in case!!

QLD, 4873 posts
9 Mar 2019 11:21AM
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choco said..

pepe47 said..
That's pretty much all it takes. A brief introduction to grumpy's rock and the weed is evidence that the front of the fin has lifted, meaning the trailing edge had to go somewhere. But, luckily the trailing edge has been tapered to cater for that event. When I get a tribal, that's what I'll be doing with the trailing edge.

Maybe it's time they released a long version tuttle box

Your comment got me thinking so just sketched this idea up....whilst having never used a weed fin I assume weed catching under this forward leading edge overhang is really frustrating. The weed fin manufacturers could mould a shallow flange that rebates into front tuttle extension and if you want to use a standard fin you screw in a cover plate (similar to the cutout plates some boards come with). Any way it's just an idea and probably won't go anywhere ;-)

SA, 4077 posts
9 Mar 2019 2:00PM
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sausage said..

choco said..

pepe47 said..
That's pretty much all it takes. A brief introduction to grumpy's rock and the weed is evidence that the front of the fin has lifted, meaning the trailing edge had to go somewhere. But, luckily the trailing edge has been tapered to cater for that event. When I get a tribal, that's what I'll be doing with the trailing edge.

Maybe it's time they released a long version tuttle box

Your comment got me thinking so just sketched this idea up....whilst having never used a weed fin I assume weed catching under this forward leading edge overhang is really frustrating. The weed fin manufacturers could mould a shallow flange that rebates into front tuttle extension and if you want to use a standard fin you screw in a cover plate (similar to the cutout plates some boards come with). Any way it's just an idea and probably won't go anywhere ;-)

Impressive Snags with talent like that you could have a career in drafting , what I had suggested wasn't referring to weed getting caught under the leading edge but more with to do with the center of lift from the fin, from my understanding that's why they offset them like they do.
If you had a longer tuttle box or even have the box placed further forward in the board it would eliminate this need I could be wrong though.

WA, 525 posts
9 Mar 2019 12:13PM
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sboardcrazy said..
So what size would be recommended for 7m on an 87ltre isonic?

For lighter bodyweight/smaller sails/flatter water I would say 16cm, for heavier bodyweight/bigger sails/rougher water 18cm.

I've used both in my Windtech 57 and they both feel good, but 18cm is a bit more secure when pushed, particularly in a bit of chop.

2 posts
6 Apr 2019 5:34AM
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I tried to find these fins, unsuccessfully. Any link?
I'm 1.78m / 80 kg, my boards are Mistral speed 41 & Starboard Iso speed 54, sails Loft speed blade 4.6 / 5.1 / 5.6 (and RB 6.3). My home spot is being filled up by sand banks, our UFC (under fin clearance) is decreasing drastically.
Some advice for the sizes (I thought 14/16?)?

NSW, 8071 posts
7 Apr 2019 3:49PM
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BSN101 said..

sboardcrazy said..
So what size would be recommended for 7m on an 87ltre isonic?

What do you usually use with this set up?

21.5cm FF - cutdown 24. great fin never lets go and cranks upwind but it has a very thick foil so I'd like something a bit finer for the days I want to try for a 2 sec. The tribal is also like a big paddle so an 18cm maybe should work? It could be bigger than the 21.5cm in area..?

59 posts
7 Apr 2019 5:25PM
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Hi, there's some of you that could compare Tribal Delta vs MUF Delta vs Black Project Kestrel? Thanks in advance

WA, 12376 posts
7 Apr 2019 8:42PM
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My bet's on the tribal, then the kestrel then the MUF, but I haven't used any of them.
I make my own fins, and for the last 12 years, the tribal delta is the only fin I've thought about buying.

NSW, 1727 posts
8 Apr 2019 1:41PM
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For heavy weeds or very shallow areas I used MUF Delta, Delta XT , Tribal and Fangy Fin.
Tribal was a 14 size and could go upwind and in moderate chop with a 70 litre/48 wide speedboard.
Fangy Fin : I used a 20 cut to 17 on JP69 53 wide slalom: going well upwind and in chop. Also sailed with rs3 in flat water
The MUF Delta size 20 was ok with rs2, prone to some spinout in choppy areas if not careful
Delta XT 22 with RS3 was the worst, spinning out more easily.
In my opinion the first 2 are the best

59 posts
8 Apr 2019 2:38PM
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In the last 4 years I've used MUF Delta; in choppy conditions the xt I think is better then classic delta against spin out, both are good jiber but in my opinion if you what use it like slalom fin you need use a size bigger then suggested from MUF so with rs3 and 7.5 I use a 24 cm with a smaller size the fin's behavior is too much similar toa freestyle fin. The other problem is the weight!. With tribal you don't have this problem?

NSW, 1727 posts
9 Apr 2019 10:27AM
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tribal fins are very thick, so you can use shorter ones, weight probably is similar to the Deltas


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"New Tribal Delta fins" started by aussieboats