front foot first in light conditions and back foot first when powered up.
Back foot first prevents being pulled over the front
More practice today working on my stance and doing the footstrap shuffle. Sailed with John out of Phillip at Beechmere. Offshore winds out going tide - challenging conditions.
Wind was dying and I needed to rerig. Ended up on Stingray and Ezzy 8.5. It was suggested I move the straps in done :-) - similar to where Morgs has on his Stingray.
Really only had a couple of goes at doing the FFF BFS second shuffle. Lots of dredging out to get to the wind line.
Felt like I was halfway to Redcliff before I felt high enough for the long tack back in. Fortunately a sustainable gust came in and I had an awesome long run back in to my launch spot - good to feel solid ground under my feet.
Hoping the predicted SE winds come through and I'll be back at sandstone for some serious practice at a safer venue.
With the back strap - need practice on unweighting my backfoot. Stubbed the strap a couple of times today.
Mate, turn that frown upside down, there is nothing to be ashamed about by going BFF in those conditions today, we both know what those gusts were like and BFF lets you kick it downwind in a gust to get going and stops ya getting pitched. Cool sailing, I'm impressed and seeing your video am keen to get myself more used to the open water, it was a little bit frightening at 8am this morning when it was 15-20 and the waves were bigger and I was by myself. By the way, the Ray is THE board Jeff, both you and Morgs are right at home on them.
You're sailing well Jeff. Just keep practising and you will be getting into the straps without thinking about it. FFF is the way to go.
Looking good there mate, your sailing is improving all the time, all the different conditions and sail sizes and board sizes can add a bit of confusion but you are handling it well. If only we had consistent wind and water conditions life would be so much easier. Trying to get planing in marginal conditions on big gear one day and rigging a small sail and board in windy and choppy conditions the next is a big ask.
Building confidence and tuning for control and comfort in challenging conditions is the goal of all sailors no matter how experienced you are.
You are well on your way, don't forget to wave as you go by
Good development day at sandstone point.
Read a great article by Jim Collis on counter balancing as per the Sam Ross video.
Seems to make sense, plus I practiced being more deliberate in my actions and not rush things so much.
Started off stubbing and folding under the rear strap as I put my rear foot in.
By the end of the day I managed to get the backfoot in 4 times - very early days????
Been practicing my stance - arms extended working on mast foot pressure
For once I'm sore in the shoulders and not aching in the arms - must be doing something different?
Busted my comfortable board - may have to revert to the BIC 283 while I wait for repairs
Cheers Jeff
Doesn't look pretty however getting more reliable at the FFF thing.
My Fanatic Stingray collided with the oyster beds so a quick fix by purchasing a Fanatic Shark 2014 150l so as not to miss all the wind opportunities. Was keen to try the Shark as it is promoted as an intermediates board. JoeWindsurfer has a useful blog describing its attributes.
First outing today. 8.5 ezzy. Mixed feelings about the board (early days) however it accelerates much slower than the Stingray and gives me more time to get the backfoot in. Success on every run - Wahoo. Thanks for all the coaching.
Confession - towards the end of the session I just couldn't get the Shark onto the plane - lots of bearaways and little accelerations. Conditions I know the Stingray would get up and away. It was as If I just couldn't get or hold enough power. So back to old system - BFF throw the sail forward and stabilize the impending catapult with my rear foot - Yes up and away.
Now how do I learn to generate that sort of power out of the straps?? It seems the missing link!
I agree, nice angle Jeff.
Looks like the mast track is all the way forward. Bringing it back should let more air under the front and get you going quicker. Pumping is the other way to get going sooner but I'm no good at it so can't help there.
I think tuning everything makes a big difference. When you have one of those magic days where everything 'feels right', take photos, or right down all your settings. Board, sail, mast track position, downhaul, outhaul and harness lines. Then you spend less time adjusting next time you are out as you go straight to those settings. You will keep adjusting and updating your settings making them better(hopefully), each time.
Feeling a little obsessed
Went out today in gentle winds.
Was more of a JP SLW 9.5 sort of day however Im on a roll with getting familiar with the Shark.
Straps are now in innermost positions. Working on my stance. Mast track further back.
After reviewing my stance on previous videos I lowered my boom a bit more - Still look like I'm standing too much over the board Vs out?
Will I drop it some more?
I rewatched bigger/winner Jem Hall and practiced some of his FFF techniques.Not sure if it shows but was very conscious of trying to maintain straight arms super 7.
Still looks like I'm not getting out enough from the boom. Harness lines are more down than out.
Given the marginal conditions I was happier with getting the Shark onto the plane.
Wasn't happy with my ability to drive the board upwind once going. Bottomed out on the shallows a couple of times - low tide.
Notice the same thing with the Fanatic Stingray, this is when I usually change up to the JP SLW as it just motors upwind when Im struggling to do the same on a smaller board. So I spent a fair amount of time dredging back upwind so I could get a good bearoff.
Still don't feel I getting the board flat and fast. Tried lifting the windward edge and pushing with rear foot but didnt do the trick. Works on my JP SLW and the Stingray. They both definitely have sharper rails.
The FFF/Stance journey continues on a big wide board with no inboard strap options
Another frustrating day trying to get the Fanatic Shark operating in the same windzone as the old Fanatic Stingray had me ready to tackle the JP SLW outboard straps without resorting to my usual BFF stance.
At the moment I see the 150l Fanatic Shark is more of a freeride board much in the same vein as a Starboard Carve or the modern GO (2014) and not like the older boards based on the free race heritage like the older GO's and the Stingray.
It was rather demorsalizing to have my buddy on the plane 70% and me 10%. Same weight - John was on a JP Magic Ride 150 7m freeride sail 52cm fin, me on the Fanatic Shark 150 8.5 ezzy 50cm fin. Examining the rails shows the JPMR to be much sharper past the foot straps. Still I had extra sail and the drive was certainly what would have gotten the Stingray underway. Confused!
So Im still looking for a stepdown position from the JPSLW - at the moment we are thinking sail the JP into higher winds and then use the shark?
However being a board hoarder I do have a few other options I will explore later.
A good days sailing on the JPSLW certainly got my spirits up again - no fun laying awake at night wondering what Im doing wrong.
I also took Adam's 2005 GO 150l for a run - nice but a little to close to the same operating environment as the JPSLW
A lovely afternoons sailing ..... Progress being made??
You're looking much more comfortable Jeff, the SLW is definitely the board you should be on for less than 15kn. With your rear straps out on the rail, it looks like you should delay putting that rear foot in until you get a bit more speed up and the fin starts working properly. You can see the rear end losing grip at the lower speeds when you try to load it up too soon and the board starts going upwind and loses power. When you're low on sail pressure it might even be worth not using the back strap at all to try to keep the board sitting flat, FFF definitely seems to work well for you for low pressure. Adam's big GO is a wonderful thing hey? It's like the Magic Ride, a perfect freeride utility board, you can use it anywhere. Best $150 he's ever spent.
I'm jealous just looking at the videos, the forecast is looking goood for all next week! I'm trying to get away tomorrow, wello should be ok And maybe I can catch up with the usual sandstone suspects over the weekend. The salt water should wash the dust off the gear. ?? Jeff's videos are an inspiration to us all!!! Just makes me want to get back on the water. See you there....
Turners Camp monday arvo 20knts+
That was hard work. Rough as....
Rigged 5.8 Ezzy SE wave sail
Took shark out with 43 fin. Couldn't make anything of it. Sail was on and off in the gusts. From not enough to water start to over the front in a second. Nearly got it going but really too much going on to work out what to do
Got BIC out 44fin same sail. Still pretty well on and off. Felt the chop plus gusty wind really made mince meat of me ... All learning ;-)
Managed a few good runs in straps - on and off plane. Love the BIC
SO more or less sail?? Cams for stability??
Confusing conditions to have so much wind the boards are blowing off the top of the car and you are being blown over getting to the water then no really get going!!!
Think I did better in bigger winds with the 131 carve and the superfreak 5.5
More Tuesday ??
Cheers Jeff
^^ As a general rule to be comfortable in +20kts winds and heavy chop, use the smallest board you feel comfortable on and a no cam sail between 5.0 and 6.0.
Thanks john
Hope for more this arvo - will report back
In my mind and after reviewing the video footage it looked like I was mostly underpowered and was only able to get going on the 5.8 when the bullets came through - they just didn't last long enough
Thanks again. Cheers Jeff
Much better afternoon at Turners Camp in the 20knt winds.
I used a bigger sail. Ezzy 6.5 legacy freeride
Got to try a smaller board
I've had some obvious comments on my bent arms
An ongoing problem! They have been identified as the "praying mantis" position
Other than the obvious "straighten your arms" is ther anything technical in my setup that could be changed - longer/shorter lines?
Cheers Jeff
Hey Jeff
Ezzy Legacy looks great, nice of Jane to let you use it
Great work on the JP SLW. You seem to really have it hooked up
I am also struggling on the Gecko. On the old gear I was BFF but now FFF always otherwise the tail sinks and I stall off the plane
Thanks for the bum drag tip on water start. I find this easier and did not touch the uphall last weekend (only made one gybe). No fitness!
I noticed you are still looking at your feet when finding the straps. I was doing the same on the Gecko for my back foot(changing strap positions after 30 years of them being in the same place is not easy) My solution was to tread on the front tip of the strap so I know where it is. Then, don't look down and slide your foot back and in.
I have plenty of catching up to do!
More time on the water more developments.
Caught the last of the SE on Sunday after work.
The boys had a much bigger day in the morning - I settled for the late dying breezes on the incoming tide at sandstone
After talking to Simon BC. about a suitable step down board to replace the Stingray he encouraged me to have a go at my F2 Sx slalom board 131litre 80cm wide 240 long.
I've been nervous to spend any real time on it - fragile - technical - intermediates don't ride slalom! - outboard straps
However I was keen especially as my mate was doing so well on his large Isonic - lightweight early planing king of the lake.
I wanted to find out the lower wind limits of the board. Went out with Ezzy 9.5 and 50cm fin. The wind was very much more suited to JPSLW - I had it ready as backup
Had a fantastic arfternoon - lots to learn. Had a few long runs both feet in the straps. Love the way it accelerates especially as it responds to gusts as it comes onto the plane. Love the way it goes into overdrive when you get your rear foot in.
I would have been more reliable and away easier on the JPSLW however over the moon about how successful the arfternoon was - a joy
Sadly my attempts at fixing the Stingray have stalled - my heart isn't in it. I know I must fix the old ford in the shed but the Ferrari out the front is calling me
No video - must of had sail raked back more than usual and washed the camera out of its clew mounted housing
A couple of gentle wind days this week to work on skills - as peter hart says "get on the water and practice"
Monday just fooling around on the F2 lightening practicing low wind water starts - I suck at uphauling narrow boards .
Today gentle sailing with my sandstone mate John practicing Tacks and Gybes
(Hi Morgs - that's a head start on 20 gybes a day this holidays ;-). )
Video is only for the committed - just documenting doing the hard yards
Thanks for taking time to read my progress and make usefull comments .. appreciated.
>Rear foot .. wait untill on the well on the plane.
Having trouble with this on 2 counts.
Wait too long and the board has accelerate too much making rear foot movement vulnerable moments (practicing not to drive the board so hard at present)
Conversely .. get rear foot in and you can drive the board much harder and get well underway. Guy Crib.. 1.FFF, 2.pump, 3.back foot (15secs)
I experiment in a chaotic/catastrophic way with these to variables.
>praying mantis.+ line lenght (big fan of Guy Cribb - did his course as a very green beginner)
Line length and boom height .. been discussing this. Put boom up a bit and feel I can extend much better. My adjustable lines are maxed out at 32cm. Going to pick up some longer ones to experiment.
Of interest i was watching youtube wher a formula sailer was learning harmess/stance/footstraps. He had double lines. Long ones too get going and shorter ones he hooked into once underway. May have a little fun and give it a go as I often feel my lines are too short getting going and too long once underway.
Shortboard Update..
Out again today...(its been a good week
JPSLW felt the magic with 9.5 ezzy sail
Fairy dust on the water
Low tide flat water along the mud banks .. 4 completed messy carve gybes WAHOO!!!
cheers jeff
Thought I would take the time to update my progress...
Again thanks to the contributions here Im working on my issues - you are always in my head
Really want to share my progress with the Fanatic Shark 150 2013
My early experience with shark probably reads as problematic- I want to rectify that.
Its now my favourite board in chop with 7.5m sail - its a real joy to get onto the plane (who would have guessed)
Somehow over the season the board has learn to work
I use the board with 7.5 and 8.5 ezzy lions. I have spent time sorting out fins. The standard free ride 50cm I stopped using when I was having difficulties getting going early on this season- finding the JP slalom 46cm much more successful. (cant explain why a shorter fin would be better?)
After a wonderful afternoon in blasting overpowered 7m conditions I had the opportunity to try a lessacher chameleon 360 fin (52cm 45 degree diagonal 36cm deep) The feeling of how settled the board was and the steadiness through the chop left me amazed. My most successful afternoon ever in these conditions! 26.5knt peak 24.2knt 2sec
The experience of being settled in overpowered choppy conditions opened up a 'worm hole" in my brain. Is this how windsurfing is meant to feel?
I have been chasing that feeling on my other boards. My JPSLW now rides with the mast track further back and is much more settled as I approach 25knts in chop - use to be -band - bang - bang - theres goes my dentures.
The shark was to replace my busted 155l fanatic stingrayTT as a step down board from the JPSLW. Now with the success Im having on it there is a good cross over from one board to another.
This week I was able to use the Shark in shallow waters in what would have been a JPSLW 8.5m day if I had the tide depth. Decreasing winds. My friends had early runs but finished early.
2 highlights
- managed to catch a gust and had a run across the flat water shallows into the rolling disorganised swell of the deep passage. I stayed on the plane (a first in the conditions) and navigated my way through the troughs and up over the cresting waves. Absolutely stoked
Got the max speed that day amongst my mates
- persisted with seeing what I could do with the weed fin and big 8.5 sail- was able to pump the board onto a downwind run to eek out the last of the session. I was last person planing that morning. What a difference a few months on a board makes (humble)
Im now in early stages of learning carve gybe on the board. This highlights an ongoing problem I having (practice will rectify) - haven't successfully tacked or slow gybed the board So I am very cautious where I use the Shark
Last month I went to Burrum wind festival. There was a limit on board width 85cm (no JPSLW) worried about getting stranded I purchased a 2008 155l GO as I could tack gybe and easily uphaul on it.
Love the GO but reckon the SHARK is more versatile as the wind and water state develops. Interestingly I got 23knts on the GO 8.5 ezzy in flat water speed run - compared to 25knts last year on the JPSLW (didn't know I was breaking the rules) Now in much more difficult conditions Im regularly getting 24knts on the SHARK.
The stability of the GO 155 has me thinking I should stop having so much fun on the Shark and practice my carve gybes on the GO as it is much more forgiving with blown maneuvers? More time on the board - Less in the water!
Foptstraps. - The JPSLW is no longer an issue FFF than BF. The SHARK is improving but I still blow a few moves (outboard straps - inboard was OK) and....
when Im tied and the wind is gusty I revert to BFF on both boards. The GO i'm outboard straps and FFF then BF
I see that I am able to get my boards onto plane much easier in light conditions with FFF.
Improved stance? (need to make a new video) practicing the suggestions given here I feel I can hold more power getting going.
Going out on the JPSLW today 8.5 ezzy (been a while) I could feel improvements in my early planing, thanks to the hard yards done on the Shark.
cheers Jeff
PS I've also started going to RQYC team windsurfing saturday mornings to get some coaching.