Just out of interest, are any of the people who are not using KA72 willing to disclose exactly how they process their tracks? I'm guessing you would run it through RealSpeed and/or GPS Results then just punch the results manually into GPSTC? I also see people running up to three GPS's . Are you then selecting the GPS with the best numbers and using the results from that unit only or are people running all three GPS data through the software and then picking the best numbers from different GPS's.
1 GPS (GT11) use Realspeed, if ever I have any disparities then I use GPS action reply to check, but post from RS.
When Traveling down to Albany, I'll use Ka72 for a check on the day but then recalculate when I get home on RS for consistency of my data. Quite often there are variances between to two often not in my favour.
I know a lot of people who use multiple GPS's primarily because they have been caught out with unit failures on PB day's, some of us are a bit more "Zen" and can take these things philosophically, others tend to take a month or two to recover their toys after launching them from the cot, these tend to be the distance mad baskets and the alpha freaks, which is fair enough because that's a lot harder than blasting in a straight line.
As a side note
Sailing with at least two GPS's was originally brought up by GPSSS as a means of confirming world records back in the day.
Man, this is so boring. Get a grip guys and sail and enjoy it! Forget trying to be 2 knots faster then you mates on the day for what? It is all forgotten the next day.
No, he's talking about me.....and no I just post from one if it's any of your business .
Durning my last world record I crashed and lost two GT 31. Luckily I was running 4 and it's a minimum of 2 gps to have any record considered.
I believe this issue has been done to death and there are people who won't or can't accept the science as to why things are done. As many have said "without error data etc....." there is no way to prove the speeds.
As to using Ka72 go for it, but I usually check the tracks on other programs first.
Please dont cheat people who have done fantastic Pbs with approved devices and methods by using gpss that don't the specifications. It's demeaning to all who sail in this sport of GPSSS.