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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
2224 posts
25 Apr 2019 1:03PM
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I see weed
I see seaweed
From trigg to Scarborough, possibly fartherer
I see weed
I see seaweed

banks are all gone , taken by the storm.

I see weed I see seaweed.

( I'm sure it was pumping somewhere just not where I was than I ran out of time and refused to drive further)

WA, 6913 posts
25 Apr 2019 8:25PM
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No weed for me, two surfs today (second wind came in just as i got in so got straight out). Parking this morning was beyond nuts, but people were spread down past Rambos so was still enjoyable..

What a day though, how amazing was the weather, love this time of year

WA, 934 posts
28 Apr 2019 1:24PM
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LOMBOK REPORT - April 13-23
got Are Guling as good as it gets on first 2 Days..3-4ft overhead to Double over head. No wind, structured crowd of 6-12 with manners (2months of not surfing at all here meant the arms and chest/ribs were screaming after 2 surfs a day) Paddle out is close to 800m, each wave is close to 100+m means you get a few ks into the arms
Swell arrived as did the Trade winds.....AreG was big BIG i guesstimate some 15-20ft faces thank god for the wind, had a squizz at Mawi...6-10ft BIG clean but the difference in waves to sets was daunting...watched some experienced expats take it on and the 40min paddle out (strong currents and consistent duck diving) didn't seem to inviting, especially when 1 of the guys finally caught a wave only to get smashed, snap his board then get mowed down by a set of 10footers all on his first and only wave....GOOD TO WATCH though.
We waited for the tide in the arvo and patience paid off big time ...went to Ekas Insides and scored ultra clean long right walls with 1 guy out when we arrived and totalled 6 when the moon became our light source...again ultra good waves head to double head, one set closed out the peak to channel causing much "merriment and sphincter twitching"
Got Mawi nice and clean and more tame the following day
We have some land up in Mekaki (on the way to Deserts) so decided to check it out plus Belongas and maybe even Deserts. Swell was still pumping, the outer reef at "our" block was guesstimated at 30ft!!!
Pour block is high on the hill right on the main road, at the moment we are corn barrons but when the Suharto family open up the area on the beach we aim to become property Barron's!!!!!!
Belongas wasn't behaving in the tide (big highs and low lows full moon tides) so we took the hire cars for a jaunt to Banko Banko!!!! What a track, cars loved it, drivers hmmmmmm!!!!!!
Banks Banko, Desert Point best left handed in the world!!! Foshizzle it is fast barreling screaming long unreal to watch and watch and watch
I finally thought I had Sussex a section I could take on and was lucky to walk out ankle deep reef to the section without encountering a set, so good so far....little peak reared its head chest high coooool got it fast take off pumping top to bottom flick off no set coming Yeahaaa I HAVE CAUGHT A WAVE AT DESERTS......tide rushing out reef stands out of the water you surf under sea level....watching pumping waves and very good surfers get unreal waves and insanely long rides. I drifted up towards the point but decided I was not ready a few more in the comfort level no barrels but still fast steep speed runs. I reckon you need a couple of days to work it out and being the oldest guy in the water by at least 20years!!!! I decided cowardice was the better option this time
Return to Bali, beachies massive with very little shape, the odd one fun the rest not. Airport Reef was really good till the wind made it a looooong really choppy chattery ride with very little ability to turn the board with out being bumped off.

all in all great trip, not many photos of us surfing but will get some up soon

8266 posts
28 Apr 2019 1:54PM
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Sick m8, yeah you would of had epic swells for sure. Last 2 weeks have been very good in WA & all that swell headed your way. Congratz on getting a few at DP's, that is awesome. Cheers for the rightup, can't wait to see the pics

WA, 934 posts
29 Apr 2019 9:51PM
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Mekaki Middle Reef, lazy 30ft face estimate!! My local
Mekaki, my share of the "investment" Corn Baron....Mate calls it our Bon Jovi investment.....we are living on a prayer

Mawi 10ft Set rolling around the corner

Mawi Steamroller
Mawi looking very nice......this one had just cleared the lineup!!!

Are Guling LARGE and unruly but looks doable in this photo....if you had massive hairy aggots and the paddling ability of a dolphin on meth!!!
MASSIVE Are Guling - the left and the right nearly meeting up across a very very deep channel

1st day chest to head high, right was very good, left was very nice

About as good as it gets...that's me in the white rashie paddling back out around to the back again. (6 blokes in the water!!!)

2224 posts
30 Apr 2019 6:12AM
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Good report mocha, cannot ask for much more than that on a surf trip, good pics love that part of coast , it's been over ten years since I've seen Lombok,
from the sounds of it and photos you scored a few magic sessions.

Im off to Maldives in Friday so will put up some pics when back.

WA, 585 posts
30 Apr 2019 7:01AM
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Love your work Mocha thanks for the pics and report............ gets me Indo dreaming

WA, 1097 posts
30 Apr 2019 9:06AM
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few fun ones round today metro. just gotta look.

8266 posts
30 Apr 2019 12:54PM
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"dolphin on meth" LOL...awesome pics & wow what a primo view from your Bon Jovi haha...thanks heaps for the share

....back in the water today, very happy with my new 5'10 hypto rip I've been frothing to get wet

1 posts
30 Apr 2019 1:22PM
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gee only 6 in the lineup with manners, don't think that will last after plastering it over the web but guess if you want to be a land baron it is in your best interests

WA, 585 posts
30 Apr 2019 1:55PM
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Salty01 said..
gee only 6 in the lineup with manners, don't think that will last after plastering it over the web but guess if you want to be a land baron it is in your best interests

The breaks are not a secret by any means go there high Euro season they all know about them

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
30 Apr 2019 3:15PM
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Razzonater said..
Good report mocha, cannot ask for much more than that on a surf trip, good pics love that part of coast , it's been over ten years since I've seen Lombok,
from the sounds of it and photos you scored a few magic sessions.

Im off to Maldives in Friday so will put up some pics when back.

Make sure you've got film in your camera too

8266 posts
1 May 2019 11:05AM
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A few scraps left after yesterday, was cool to get a few rights...enjoying the new board. Shame the rest of the weeks sh1t I wanna try a couple of different fin setups to dial it in.

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
1 May 2019 7:00PM
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MickPC said..
A few scraps left after yesterday, was cool to get a few rights...enjoying the new board. Shame the rest of the weeks sh1t I wanna try a couple of different fin setups to dial it in.

The stoke is strong!

So too the envy.

WA, 934 posts
2 May 2019 5:32AM
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Salty01 said..
gee only 6 in the lineup with manners, don't think that will last after plastering it over the web but guess if you want to be a land baron it is in your best interests

It ain't no secret spot ohh Salty one

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
4 May 2019 6:08PM
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Well you mob seem to have not been surfing. Me too. Back in the water today. Lots of fun ones. No-one around for the most part. A total shame that you weren't there.

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
5 May 2019 12:07PM
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Sunday fun day.

WA, 6913 posts
5 May 2019 6:00PM
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Buster fin said..
Sunday fun day.

It was a wet day, okay surf but was a little bumpy up my way..

2224 posts
6 May 2019 2:27AM
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Wifi poor
waves head /half day one and glass

day two waist/ chest

First day pic it just got cleaner and bigger all morning, for no further photos as 5 hours in the water was required with no further delays.
( surf trip day 2)

8266 posts
6 May 2019 10:23AM
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Looks fun Razz, keep 'em coming...frothing for some warm water waves

WA, 585 posts
6 May 2019 3:50PM
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Yeah good one Razz that place is on my list one day hope it pumps

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
6 May 2019 5:49PM
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I can only dream.

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
6 May 2019 7:44PM
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Good on ya Razz
Keep up with the updates

WA, 543 posts
7 May 2019 12:55PM
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Nice Razz,
Meanwhile back in Perth, nice little wave. More people in the water than expected.... doesn't anyone work?

752 posts
7 May 2019 2:56PM
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JulianRoss said..
Nice Razz,
Meanwhile back in Perth, nice little wave. More people in the water than expected.... doesn't anyone work?

FIFO capital of Australia

2224 posts
8 May 2019 12:35AM
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And than the swell arrived

WA, 3028 posts
9 May 2019 1:59PM
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^^ Nice one Razz

Weekend is looking great as well

WA, 2520 posts
11 May 2019 10:40AM
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DARTH said..
^^ Nice one Razz

Weekend is looking great as well

Hmmm... not locally - well certainly not the Mullaloo to Sth Trigg stretch. What a disappointment.

WA, 3028 posts
11 May 2019 7:39PM
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GPA said..

DARTH said..
^^ Nice one Razz

Weekend is looking great as well

Hmmm... not locally - well certainly not the Mullaloo to Sth Trigg stretch. What a disappointment.

Yea wennt for a drive and scored, bit lumpy but im not complaining.

8266 posts
12 May 2019 11:19AM
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Yeah a few lumpy bumps on offer at the local, at least the conditions kept the numbers down to 3.

Bloke had me in stitches complaining about how hard it was keeping his heavily pregnant wife happy atm


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie