I just thought of one we've all missed, that black hearse that Witzig used to have Special cudos to the first one of us the find a pic of that
I heard it was a yellow one that was to be a prize in some competition coinciding with a movie he was promoting but I might be wrong,I did read how he kicked out all the surfers who had shacks built at Cactus after he bought 1,000 + acres from a local farmer think I read it in Surfers Journal- best mag going around i reckon
Yep, you got it right Ricardo, I would have totally missed this because I was gone from surfing from 1968 until about
That Witzig link revealed a little treasure trove.
The baby blue Ranchero is a real gusset moistener
That air brush face on the tail gate is actually Dale Velzy
We used to just thrash our way through the back tracks North of Lancelin in the late 80's in 2WDs & then walk across the dunes to the beach. We often saw these just cruising down along the beach & I always though back then it would be cool to have one. Can't imagine top speed along WA back roads to be great, but still think I'd like one for trips up/down the East coast fully decked out with solar, camp stove etc
Mitsubishi i300 4WD
@ cobra if you were driving
Horrible things to sit in the back off.
I remember as a kid a very long six odd hours jammed in the back.. Worse car trip of my life.