Congrats and well done Rick.. You look amazing and carrying less weight will help in so many ways.
Thanks DJ, that is certainly true.... everything becomes easier.... including carrying much smaller boards
Hi Creek,
Damn amazing!!Can you share with us what your diet is? In my case the devil is lack of energy - 63 and one hour in the surf I'm stuffed for the day - love to hear how you keep that active lifestyle up. Reading between the lines it sounds like cutting out the carbs was the answer to both weight loss as well as extra energy?
Hi Reddo
I only drink Spring Water
Two meals a day within a 6 hour window
9am - Salmon & eggs or ground beef and eggs - Pasture Raised
3pm - any one of these: Chuck Eye, Burger, Salmon, Cod, Chicken thighs, shrimp.... and eggs I never have any cravings or think about food after my 3pm meal.
3 days a week I eat a tin of wild caught sardines packed in water Redman's Real Salt (absolute BEST!) Only drink Spring water My fridge is basically empty, Freezer is empty, don't need a pantry.
No Canned, bagged or boxed food
Shopping is quick and cheap since I don't need all the millions of organic veggies and supplements
Thanks Creek,
I went on a similar diet once, I think they called it the Atkins diet. I was telling my mates that after two weeks I was tightening my belt one hole every week. It is truely amazing. Again, well done!!
Thanks Creek,
I went on a similar diet once, I think they called it the Atkins diet. I was telling my mates that after two weeks I was tightening my belt one hole every week. It is truely amazing. Again, well done!!
Atkins and carnivore are very similar except that Atkins only limits carbs. Carnivore goes further.
Stopping carbs I lost 9kg over about 3 months, but have put some back on by resuming drinking beer.
Don't you need some vegetables or fruit for vitamin C ?
Do I recall long detailed posts from you about the Caveman Diet maybe 10 years ago?
At 98 kg, 84 would be ideal for me
No requirement for Vitamin C from fruit or vegetables if you eat enough red meat - and exclude nearly all carbohydrate consumption.
Glucose and Vitamin C compete for the same transporter sites in your intestinal lining - thus you can run into issues eating Vit C with sugar which is how it usually packaged (in fruit, juice, vitamin jellys etc) as your body cannot absorb it easily.
Your demand requirement for Vitamin C drops as you eliminate carbs - and you are more likely to actually absorb the vitamin C you have eaten.
A properly tenured carnivore diet is nutritionally complete for humans. There is no requirement for plant material in any capacity.
A properly tenured carnivore diet is nutritionally complete for humans.
You should define exactly what you mean by this.
A lot of what is presented on the web as "carnivorous diet" is quite dangerous and lacking lots of nutriments.
For instance, the Inuit diet, which is complete, does it by eating much, much more than pure red meat.
Again, my posts are just here to convey the message: Do not blindly follow a diet you find on the internet. Get professional help, at least to monitor your blood samples.
My advice would be to do your own research.
The majority of nutrition 'science' is not actual science at all but theology / ideology presented as science.
I did not state only red meat - I stated that a properly tenured carnivore diet is nutritionally complete. Which it is - without any supplementation required.
Where most people fall down, is a lack of adequate fat in the diet. Also not exercising a slow transition over from a Standard Western Diet to Carnivore to allow the biome to adapt properly.
The majority of YT influencers have no scientific literacy on either side of the Vegan / Carnivore debate.
I stated that a properly tenured carnivore diet
This is what I wanted to stress: What is a "properly tenured" carnivore diet?
You will find as many definitions as there are "experts". Some even with a 4kg butter daily dose.
Plus diets must be adapted to you and your microbiote, we are all different.
So you should state (or point to) exactly what you mean, otherwise you are falling into the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
(or here the "Not properly tenured Carnivore Diet")
Again, I am not debating with you on what is "The True Scotsman".
I am just trying to warn readers that things are more complex.
And "do your own research" is actually dangerous if you do not know how to properly conduct researches.
Most people just fall into the Confirmation Bias trap.
I stated that a properly tenured carnivore diet
This is what I wanted to stress: What is a "properly tenured" carnivore diet?
You will find as many definitions as there are "experts". Some even with a 4kg butter daily dose.
Plus diets must be adapted to you and your microbiote, we are all different.
So you should state (or point to) exactly what you mean, otherwise you are falling into the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
(or here the "Not properly tenured Carnivore Diet")
Again, I am not debating with you on what is "The True Scotsman".
I am just trying to warn readers that things are more complex.
And "do your own research" is actually dangerous if you do not know how to properly conduct researches.
Most people just fall into the Confirmation Bias trap.
Ok colas, you have repeatedly pushed your "smart advice" here, so here's my take on how dangerous it is to lean heavily on the advice of the "Medical Professionals"
The world has followed the lead of the US institutions like the USDA and Approved Food Pyramid for 50 years.
NOTHING has proven to be more dangerous for human heath around the globe or more deadly.
The USDA's 1992 Food Guide Pyramid
The introduction of the USDA's food guide Pyramid in 1992 attempted to express the recommended servings of each food group, which previous guides did not do. 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta occupied the large base of the pyramid; followed by 3 to 5 servings of vegetables; then fruits (2 to 4); then milk, yogurt and cheese (2 to 3); followed by meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts (2 to 3); and finally fats, oils and sweets in the small apex (to be used sparingly). Inside each group were several images of representative foods, as well as symbols representing the fat and sugar contents of the foods
SINCE these Dietary Recommendations by the Government Food Experts were adopted:
Obesity has dramatically increased.
Chronic Disease has dramatically increased.
Diabetes has Skyrocketed.
The ONLY thing that is having a dramatic effect to turn this around did NOT come from the Scientific Community or the Health Experts..
It came from the power of Social Media to expose the connection between Big Food, Big Pharmaceutical and the USDA.
It was the very influencers that detractors say are so dangerous.
The Carnivore Sphere grew from tens of thousands of stories that made a huge base of "Anecdotal evidence" that attracted the attention of thousands of highly qualified Research Scientists, Clinical Physicians, Cardiac Vascular Surgeons and Research Biologist.
The Carnivore Diet has thousands of highly qualified Medical Professionals who not only support this diet but have adopted it themselves and conduct ongoing studies to further the knowledge base.
I made it a point to study a wide range of very respected and hyper qualified Doctors, neuroscientists, Clinical Physicians, Cardiac Vascular Surgeons and Research Biologists.
Looking outside the box and doing meaningful research, isthe most responsible thing we can do to take back our health.
Carnivore is a wide tent.... it varies from person to person. Some eat a wide variety of food with the emphasis on animal products. Some are Red meat only. (They do just fine) I understand that our bodies are perfectly designed to forage on a wide variety of food groups.
Carnivore I the ultimate "Elimination Diet" which many use to reset their health before slowly adding back food variety to achieve s healthy lifestyle.
Dr Robert Cywes is an insanely qualified multi specialized Surgeon turned Health advocate
The USDA food pyramid lacks emphasis on whole grains, beans, and pulses, but it's not the cause of obesity. Junk food is the cause of obesity. Sugar is ubiquitous even in allegedly non-junk, prepared foods' such as granola, spaghetti sauce, fruit 'drinks'. Humans love sweets and the food companies play to that.
Why are there entire aisles in grocery stores devoted to chips and soda? This is not the result of "...a connection (conspiracy?) between Big Food, Big Pharmaceutical and the USDA." It's simply a great way for food companies to make money by taking relatively cheap ingredients and processing them into something that can marketed and marked up in price.
Everyone should learn to read ingredient labels and to cook for themselves from scratch. It's the best way to become literate in nutrition.
Like BostonSUP says.
Creek, You cannot pretend that the average US citizen has followed in any way the USDA recommendations or medical advice.
US Obesity is related to consuming industrial hyper-transformed products (and soft drinks), it is unrelated to medical advice.
And of course medical advice vary with time. At school in France we were served real beer. And wine was served to kids at school lunches until 1956.
Look at what actual diets real humans in healthy parts of the world have been eating for millennia: The Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, ... real, actual diets not things fantasized by pseudo-scientists.You will find them quite diverse and balanced.
Like BostonSUP says.
Creek, You cannot pretend that the average US citizen has followed in any way the USDA recommendations or medical advice.
US Obesity is related to consuming industrial hyper-transformed products (and soft drinks), it is unrelated to medical advice.
And of course medical advice vary with time. At school in France we were served real beer. And wine was served to kids at school lunches until 1956.
Look at what actual diets real humans in healthy parts of the world have been eating for millennia: The Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, ... real, actual diets not things fantasized by pseudo-scientists.You will find them quite diverse and balanced.
Yes, of course you must be right.. It is purely coincidence that obesity and metabolic illness magically increased from the moment that the USDA nutrition guidelines appeared.
I guess I won't pretend anymore that people actually followed the Food Pyramid. They just collectively began eating junk food and it had nothing to do with following the advice of the USDA.
Like BostonSUP says.
Creek, You cannot pretend that the average US citizen has followed in any way the USDA recommendations or medical advice.
US Obesity is related to consuming industrial hyper-transformed products (and soft drinks), it is unrelated to medical advice.
And of course medical advice vary with time. At school in France we were served real beer. And wine was served to kids at school lunches until 1956.
Look at what actual diets real humans in healthy parts of the world have been eating for millennia: The Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, ... real, actual diets not things fantasized by pseudo-scientists.You will find them quite diverse and balanced.
Yes, of course you must be right.. It is purely coincidence that obesity and metabolic illness magically increased from the moment that the USDA nutrition guidelines appeared.
I guess I won't pretend anymore that people actually followed the Food Pyramid. They just collectively began eating junk food and it had nothing to do with following the advice of the USDA.
No, no, no - you're right. Wherever I go; restaurant, bar, grocery store I see virtually everyone consulting their handy food pyramids in order to make their next food decision. :)
Seriously, the problem with the food pyramid is that it's just a vague generality that people either don't follow or follow in very different ways. According to the food pyramid, bread can be Wonder Bread or whole wheat sourdough. Two very different choices.
The genius of keto diets is that they are very easy to follow because there is no room for interpretation. A steamed piece of salmon is a steamed piece of salmon. No need to read ingredient labels.
I am not a nutritionist. I just follow my Polish grandmother's advice of all things in moderation and to do your own scratch cooking.
Anyway, STOKED for your transformation. Please keep an open mind towards incorporating fresh/frozen veggies (especially leafy greens), whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, bulgar wheat, buckwheat, farro) and pulses/lentils and beans into your diet. Peace.
I respect your opinion Colas. However I disagree with you.
Carbohydrate is not required in the human diet. Ever. There is only essential fatty acids and essential amino acids - no essential carbohydrate.
Fibre is a non-digestible many sugar polymer. It is also not required for healthy bowels. It is in fact contra-indicated to health. It is not a nutrient. Small study, but results are striking. See video here:
With you Hoppo keto has made a huge change for me. Less carbs and sugar with exercise works as you get older.
I respect your opinion Colas. However I disagree with you.
Carbohydrate is not required in the human diet.
Reality is more complex, as always.
A summary of the Mediteranean and Japanese diets:
And there is more in the picture than just the diet. Creek video is great for this as it shows also changes to his lifestyle (one hour+ daily walks...). E.g. Last paragraph of:
Fascinating this one. RW, congrats on the weight loss. Keep it off, keep fit keep strong and keep the feedback on your journey coming-any drawbacks? Colas, think you are right and spot on with your point of view. Keep open minds gents, keep talking and keep learning from each other. Anyway, Cygnus the god of balance signing off.
I respect your opinion Colas. However I disagree with you.
Carbohydrate is not required in the human diet.
Reality is more complex, as always.
A summary of the Mediteranean and Japanese diets:
And there is more in the picture than just the diet. Creek video is great for this as it shows also changes to his lifestyle (one hour+ daily walks...). E.g. Last paragraph of:
Reality isn't more complex when it comes to carbohydrate consumption. They are not required at all, ever.
Both of those summaries are not worth the paper they are written on. The Japanese diet association is epidemiology and cannot prove causality - even the publisher couldn't clarify the cause of the results. The Harvard short states Saturated fat and Cholesterol are 'bad'... these have been demonised for well over 40 years - by bad pseudo-science and have now been completely disproven.
If glucose is an aldehyde / aldohexose and is not essential in the human diet - how can it be healthy?
I won't deny that the 'japanese' diet is generally healthier than a standard western diet. Basically any other diet is healthier than the standard western diet... Combining fat and carbohydrate together is where most problems begin.
Also, there are numerous studies linking Vegan diets to brain shrinkage in much younger adults. But none of those studies can prove cause or risk either - they can imply it, but not prove it.
Gonna be blunt, not offensive or otherwise. Just observation. A lot of opinion (everywhere) on what constitutes healthy weight loss food intake is from those who for performance/health reasons want/need to drop weight. Many individuals avoid excessive/unwanted weight gain by balancing diet, exercise intensity and lifestyle. With careful monitoring average individuals can observe how the relationship between food/calories lifestyle etc can impact on their weight health and athletic performance.
Argument: It's far easier to drop weight healthily than increase lean muscle mass healthily.
Fascinating this one. RW, congrats on the weight loss. Keep it off, keep fit keep strong and keep the feedback on your journey coming-any drawbacks?
Thanks Napnap, absolutely no downside to my Carnivore journey! For the first time in my life, I no longer think about food other than at mealtimes. I have zero cravings, zero willpower needed to follow this lifestyle. The food is healthy, whole and satisfying.
The SUP world has always known me as the Big Guy. After 12 years of constant Low Calorie, Low Fat dieting, I was stuck at fairly consistent 235 lbs (107kg) Yes.. I tried the Mediterranean Diet, and all the other "Healthy Diets" Results were always the same.. Be miserable, lose 30 lbs in 3 months till I fell off the diets (as I ALWAYS did) then gain back 35 lbs
Been at this game since College in 1972. Nothing EVER worked beyond the short term I was always in a constant food struggle of denial, hunger and dissatisfaction in every way possible. Extremely frustrating way to live.
You have all witnessed my ups and downs over the past 12 years.. And that was only a small part of my lifetime battle with being constantly FAT.
With Carnivore, all that changed almost overnight. Cravings and dissatisfaction just went away almost immediately. I was lucky because I did so much REAL research by following many very qualified MD's that I went in to Carnivore with a solid understanding of the actual science of my food sources.
There was no adjustment period. just complete satisfaction from my meals, and easy adjustment to incorporate a short food window (9am and 3pm) which leaves me in an 18 hour fast daily.
Honestly, I am rarely even hungry enough to eat at 3pm, so many days, I skimp with something fun but meaningful like a tin of sardines or some Jarlsberg Cheese and Pork Rinds.
I dropped below my goal weight in an amazingly short time. Today at 175 lbs (179 kg), I am a full 50 labs (23kg) below my standard weight over the past 12 years
Weight simply isn't something I think about anymore.
Of course there is loose skin and some wrinkly arms, but not as bad as I anticipated, plus my body is steadily absorbing it, so overall, not too bad.
I feel stronger, more fit and leaner than possibly any time in my life.
I will remain Carnivore forever, but will add back some variety to maintain weight and add some foods I respect and love like Avocado, Plain Full Fat Greek Yogurt, walnuts, wild blueberries and some others from time to time.
I will do a full blood panel when I get home to Cape Cod in June. A FULL blood panel will be from a "Functional Medicine" practitioner who knows what tests to have done. My GP has no clue how to diagnose anything.. He is a "7 minute Physical" type of Doctor that still believes all the outdated markers for health. Unfortunately replacing him is not possible. In New England Doctors almost never take new clients. I stick with my outdated Big Phama Doc because it is my connection to the Greater TUFTs Medical Group that has amazing specialists like the one that saved my vision last year.
Great to hear how well it's going for you - hair nd beard looking pretty good too!! Keep it going, love to hear how your bloods turn out. Mrs Nap and myself have found if you get the balance right, and the right quality of intake, cravings and hunger drives go. We cannot be described as full carns, but high quality protein be it fish and fowl is the basis for us but with fresh greens to add variety and flavour. Mrs Nap tends to gravitate to veg that grows above the ground. Your knee will thank you for it as well but your wallet less so-new clothes, new boards.
Like BostonSUP says.
Creek, You cannot pretend that the average US citizen has followed in any way the USDA recommendations or medical advice.
US Obesity is related to consuming industrial hyper-transformed products (and soft drinks), it is unrelated to medical advice.
And of course medical advice vary with time. At school in France we were served real beer. And wine was served to kids at school lunches until 1956.
Look at what actual diets real humans in healthy parts of the world have been eating for millennia: The Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, ... real, actual diets not things fantasized by pseudo-scientists.You will find them quite diverse and balanced.
There is also the matter of portion sizes.
Portion size is not a concern on a Carnivore Diet. Eat till you are full.
For months I would eat up to 12 pasture raised eggs per day, plus Fatty steak or fish, all saut?ed in butter. It takes me less to get full these days, so I am down to 4-6 eggs per day plus whatever else I eat. And before you go off on cholesterol, try to catch up to the truth about cholesterol that has been available for years (but not adopted by most GP's)
Eggs are a perfect food, that supply the body with just about everything that it needs nutritionally, with no downside (unless you are allergic to eggs)
Here is what I ate today
6 egg omelet with 1/2 lb of 80/20 ground beef and cheese
4 chicken thighs with skin on, bone in.. Fried in butter
1/2 cup plain full fat Greek Yogurt with a dozen walnut chunks
My weight is holding steady between 176 and 177
I'd be interested to know if anyone adds whey protein to their diet after a surf. They say as you get older you need more protein especially if you're a bloke and it's hard to get enough to satisfy an active lifestyle. I get Rick's diet but in my case I don't need to loose much weight - it's energy and recovery after a workout or surf that I lack. Anyway, been mucking around with taking whey straight after a surf and it seems to be helping the recovery. Not sure if it's in the mind but there seems to be more energy the next day. Maybe it's just the extra protein but they say the beauty of whey is it's absorbed immediately.
I used to use whey, creatine, BCAAs etc when working hard in the gym to put on lean muscle, and it worked. But for me there were a few 'after' affects. I really bloated around the gut, looked pregnant with a baby rhino and my ****s stank, Mrs said it stunk the house out. It was this that prompted to take in more natural protein and ditch the supplements. Then got obsessive about weight of food, macros, calories etc and at one point eating the equivalent of a portion of sweet potatoes, broccoli and chicken breast 5 times. It's wasn't sustainable for me. The creatine was great for recovery for me but it did impact on water retention. Last year spent a couple of months in Portugal, my 'performance' diet got abandonment and basically lived off fish, eggs and chicken. Came back much lighter, more energy, better sleep but had lost muscle mass. And, my 8'2 Pro was a doddle to balance on in chop etc.
RW, my comment on portion size not meant for your diet, it was for the average diet, my fish portions are pretty hefty. What are your thoughts about greens and veg from above ground? BTW I'm 61, 185cm and dropped from 95kg to holding at 80kg. Still hovering at 42 chest and 30 waist. Always found putting lean muscle on the hardest!