The new video looks real good Jarrod. 66kgs, I wish but I love food too much and on the wrong side of 40. I just had my last surf on my old evoke as I'm hoping to get my new one this week! I've been playing around with the fins over the last month and also came to the conclusion that imo the board feels a lot better as a quad than a thruster. Heaps faster and looser and turns just as fast as thruster but has the extra looseness and speed. That's using GL1's in quad and also same in the centre fin. Food for thought. Looking forward to trying the new board!!!!!
I was too cantsupenough and had to get the tape measure out as soon as i got the board. I think the wingers help and there is plenty of width up front but in a good way unlike the x32's. The board has curves going on everywhere and the shape just looks right.
Defective boards happen. But the cracks around the handle are a very serious one because:
- most of the time, it is a design issue. The procedure to install a handle will make it break or not (high-density foam encasing, overlapping layers of fiber, ...)
- it is nearly never detected in time before too much water is in the board and it becomes nearly impossible to get it all out
Granted, some owners are harder on the handle than others (heavyweights, heavy on the heels, paddling on the knees, carrying the board and exerting leverage with the fingers on the bottom of the handle), but the boards should be advertised as not suitable for rider of more X kg or knee paddling, or...
Basically, if you crack a handle on a board, you will probably crack all other boards of the same model too. So either change brands, lose weight, do not knee paddle anymore, or just reinforce preventively yourself the handles of this brand construction (my solution I used on a specific construction: I reinforced 6 boards).
Cheartz: do not buy this brand anymore: you are not in their design specs. But others could have no issues.
JarrodSW: try to identify "handle breaker" customers and advise them to get suitable boards. Do not let them get the same model.
My ten footer arrived today. Dawny tomorrow to try and figure out how to paddle and turn the thing.
Im in SA so not able to see a new Evoke in the flesh, can someone post some images of the 2016 7'11, with shots of the rails, width and stock fins (also maybe full outline alongside another brand board for size reference).
Is the new 7'11 carbon model 8kg? What about EPS, Bamboo?
Is the 2015 model heavier with fatter rails.
Trying to convince myself not to buy one of these great value boards, as it wont have the performance of the new 2016 offerings from other major brands at double the price.
Thanks for the info.
HB just sold my 2015 and ordered a 2016 carbon 7/11. I have ridden Hohua,s SB Widepoints etc etc over the years but this little wave board is superb, it's not a budget board it's a great board.
Hey hairy bear,
I've attached some photos of the tail end of both the 2015 and the new 2016 carbon evokes as I have both. Was so happy with the old one I sold another board to get some $$ and bought the new one and have no intentions of selling the older model as hopefully my daughter will use it.
I have had it for a couple of weeks but haven't had a paddle yet as the surf has been crap and work keeps getting in the way, but going camping up the coast next week and plan to have a couple of sessions each day.
There is a marked difference in the tail end designs with the double concave a lot more pronounced. How that effects the performance I don't have a clue but can't wait to find out. The new model is also very noticeably lighter then the previous but sorry I didn't weight them for you as they're out in the shed.
I haven't used other big names to compare (except a friends 10 Naish mana, but massive difference in what it's designed for and you can't compare the two) but I love them as they're solid as and perform great for me as I can throw them around all day and they are really stable while waiting and easy to catch waves. You can't go wrong mate. Good luck.
That looks like a serious volume reduction in the tail. Have they pushed more volume up front.?
It should make the board more manageable for lighter guys.
hope the porta potti is empty!
I was running mine as a thruster and playing about with centre fin size, settled with a 61/2 Naish fin I had in the garage which worked great, loads of grip whilst bottom turning and no sliding about on the cutbacks. Sold my 2015 and awaiting the new one, 5 days to go
Ok just off the water and here,s a quick review of the 2016 7/11 Evoke. First up super light they have probably shaved 1.5 kg off the weight, rails thinned out and a decent amount of vee and concave going on underneath. Didn't look to have increased the nose rocker but on the water the nose well sat well proud during drops.
conditions were not great with nice should high waves but very strong offshore winds about 20 kts. First thing I noticed was the ease the new Evoke paddles onto waves, must be the bottom shape or weight loss. The board carves beatifull despite me having to the use the stock fins, my advise would be to give this centre fin to a windsurfer and buy a 6 1/2 " fcs if you want to go thruster setup.
The reduced rail profile has had zero effect on volume and stability and floats my 87 kg as well as the 2015 model. All in all after a quick session is I am over the moon with this board and it certainly will be my go to board for waves.
Do you use bigger side fins as a thruster? Mines a 10' anyway so probably not comparable. Plus I can't paddle surf yet. Lol.
So Rossall, you are 87 kg, and the board is 7'11 x 32" and 131 litres. It is light with thin rails, it is stable, and it surfs well. Seems like an amazing combo.
I had my first go on my new 7'11 carbon yesterday and agree with rossal totally. They have made great board even better!!!! Only about 2' waves but feels even more stable when paddling and definitely faster. I'm 94 kgs and it's great. More to follow and hopefully some piccies too. Surfs a bit flat today.
the drip thrusters are 4 1/2 " centre 6 1/2"
CSE yeah great little board Tim has something special here with his design, good balance of manoeuvrability, flotation and durability and as YT04 has a few pounds on me he's loving his.
Just thought I'd liven things up a bit with our 2016 Evoke by developing the perfect fin upgrade under our "Aquatic Social Scene" brand. 7s up front and upright double foil 4s in the rear. Double honeycomb (soric) construction to reduce the weight. These made a huge difference after lots of testing, can't wait to get some feedback from others.
They look good Tim, very nice! I might be up for a set of those myself as I've given my GL1's a fair hiding. As the previous boys said, how much as they're not on the site yet?
Nice Tim, are they suitable for my Vex 8'6 carbon? - really keen to get decent fins on it, but would like a full matching set of 5 if possible
A photo of myself having a play on my new evoke. Great board and extremely happy. Pity the wave landed on my head a fraction of a second later as it was really sucky! Ps, the Atlantis "platinum" paddles are excellent too!! Do yourself a favour!!
yt04 - they are/were a nice paddle - really light and easy on your body - I was just getting used to mine when the other day (very windy day) I was backing out of garage when I heard almighty crack. I ran over it - wind had blown it down off wall and under F#*n jeep. Currently working on fixing it. At least I got it on big special price and didn't pay the $470 + del
Et, spewin!!!! First mistake was buying a jeep, any other real 4x4 and the paddle would have been too scared to fall underneath it. Just joking
Phil, I must be bored as I just checked here in qld and that plate is already gone here too