Ahhhhh - I was in AA's board room on Sunday and forgot to check it out. Probably would have let me take it out for a quick spin too, hey Nozza?
My man in Sydney noticed some last minute polishing going on today.
Not shiny enough apparently.
4 days to go....
The board looked fantastic but AA is a perfectionist and wanted the absolute perfect finish
I said Nozza is half blind so don't worry , but
He got the best glass man on the northern beaches to give the board a once over so it would be absolutely Fabulous
Great job Dolly you are the man
Nozza your board is now beyond perfect it is now exquisite , a work of art to be hung in the national gallery
The anticipation is building pick up monday
I am smiling
this is too much fun....
Better be wearing the "Kook Hat Cam" for live recording of the revel
Finally got time to head down to the local shop and pick up the Nozza.
Stopped for a coffee on the way....
Nice morning with a northerly, but a fair way to go to AA's shop apparently
Balmoral Paddle Surf.
Hadn't noticed Balmoral Station when I have been catching the train in to town.....
Did a search, not Balmoral but North Manly.
Manly, where is that ......??
Somewhere past St. Kilda?
Must be, St. Kilda is north....
Put it in to the sat. nav.....
They're not mentioning North Manly yet.....
Bit further than I allowed.
But for a good Shop, worth the trip.
Weather got worse......
Stopped for lunch.
Lucky the Kombi was fully provisioned.
The Wife One offered to drive.
Put my leg up...
Still seemed to be a long way to go.
Pulled in for the night.....
See you tomorrow morning AA.........
You're heading up to Byron?? Coming for the Bluesfest? I live at Lennox - drop in and give us a look at the Nozza . And we can compare surgery wounds
After a night at the "Interesting" White Trash City Motor Inn on the outskirts of Goulburn (not casting aspersions on Goulburn there, just an observation about the clientele at this motel).
Paused outside reception before heading off for the local shop.
About 3 hours up the road, weather was nicer than yesterday.
The Sat. Nav. has taken all the fun out of arriving in Sydney.
It used to be 2 a.m. Saturday morning, hit the outskirts and randomly drive north until we found the bridge.
Turn right somewhere after the bridge, and all roads lead to Manly.
Find a tree to sleep under until it was time to rig up.
Now it was detailed directions straight to North Manly.
Not as much fun, but much less stressful.
Found AA hard at work.
He dismissed the no doubt major deal on the phone, took us down to the inner sanctum.
Guess who's the tallest and prettiest boy in the room?
I have mentioned before being impressed by Bert's enthusiasm and passion.
I reckon you can see AA's passion for the sport, and joy at delivering the board in these photos.
Gratuitous name shot....
AA still polishing...
It's a pretty, shiny thing.
Not perfect, but obviously hand crafted with love.
Gratuitous shots for no reason....
First time in the flesh since Merimbula, and I probably didn't look this hard then.
With admittedly little knowledge, love the volume distribution, and particularly the rocker progression.
If those terms are right....
The Wife One said at this point "That's made you smile".
Grinning from ear to ear.
Mentioned AA's passion, if I could have got The Wife One to distract him for a minute, I would have stolen his numberplate.
Packed Nozza up in his new sleeping bag, loaded on the Kombi.
I was going to say "The End", and "I'll leave you alone now" here.
But this is just the beginning........
I'm still at least 3 weeks out of the water, but there will be more.
Stay tuned.......
Again, thanks Andrew, Dylan, Tino, Bert,. and the craftsmen that actually hand built this thing.
At the risk of sounding like my father in law, "It's unbelievable....
She's a bit long to sleep with tonight ..but it sure is beautiful .
the end of a long wait ...
now the test