Gotta love a shore dump
Ha ha, yep - got a little smashed on the way in.
Awesome Casso. Looks loose as.
That's a small board for you ?
Yep - pretty much on my limit volume wise.
I weighed myself after getting back from 6 weeks holiday and I was 87.4kg - the 7'10" is 87.4L
Gotta love a shore dump
This whole Creek thread got me going
I have ordered a 8.4 with custom paint
Looking forward to it arriving in WA
Stop buying them !!
I'm so close to an 8'1 my mate has just brought in the UK....
the voices, the voices...
First surf back at home - with the crowds...
yeah, my Creek has seen that shorebreak way too many times.... the price you pay for a good session
Ripping on your tiny Creek Casso!
So stoked to see your vids....Thanks!
Rick I saw a vid with you testing the 9'0 flash, what are your thoughts??? how does it compare to the 9'1 creek???
Rick I saw a vid with you testing the 9'0 flash, what are your thoughts??? how does it compare to the 9'1 creek???
I was very happy with the Flash this time..... once I switched it to medium sidebites and smaller trailing fin, it got really fun.
I will hold off comparing it to the Creek till I get it home and have them side by side in the same waves.
This morning, I told Tino I wanted to take it home and he didn't say maybe that will happen
I think the two boards will be complimentary quiver-mates, they surf differently, but there are no Creeks around the factory for me to compare..... you lot have snatched them all up!
8,10 in action
Good one Tardy.
I'm lovin' my 8'10".
I have been guilty of dismissing a board too quickly in the past, and raging ahead with the next one. Not so with my Creek.
I felt the potential immediately, the volume is perfect for my 100kg, and my level of competence, and the design allows you to kick back and cruise from the middle like the flow, or step back and drive it.
Someone, somewhere in one of these threads mentioned using a board often enough to learn to enjoy it fully, and that's what I'm doing with this one.
Have had plenty of boards that have been good at times, not so good other times, but this one is super versatile and I'm really enjoying the combo of all the different boards in one.
Yep I'm 98 kg and it s perfect volume for my weight .no too sinky and not too big to feel boaty.has good speed.using 7 fronts and a 5 FCS rear fin
MY mate lost his board ,saved by another .
CooWee, I'm nicking Tardys photo for my phone screen saver
No...I don't like the city .don't take me there.
Your right Brenno it's pretty comes out of the turns quick.the 8-7 flow is a little easier to get vertical.with a little less nose width.
Ive done the same (9'1 creek) im 98KG and FCS 7 side and FCS 5 middle, has loosened the board up beautifully..
Ive done the same (9'1 creek) im 98KG and FCS 7 side and FCS 5 middle, has loosened the board up beautifully..
Been using these on my flow, sweet for a bigger wave on the creek.
Keep going back to C Drives for day to day muck around sesh's though.
That is a stunning looking board! I am jealous of your c-drive fins............not available in Canada. Let us know how it goes.
Ive done the same (9'1 creek) im 98KG and FCS 7 side and FCS 5 middle, has loosened the board up beautifully..
Been using these on my flow, sweet for a bigger wave on the creek.
Keep going back to C Drives for day to day muck around sesh's though.
I have been using the Maui Fin Co Kai V2 large on my 8'10 Acid and been blown away how they just keep turning!
That is a stunning looking board! I am jealous of your c-drive fins............not available in Canada. Let us know how it goes.
Cheers Bob
Hopefully get it out over the next few days
The Sunova crew nailed it ,just as i wanted
Cheers Bob
Hopefully get it out over the next few days
Thanks Creek,
I took my 8'7" Creek out to Cox bay two days ago. Shoulder to head high waves. The board is pushing my surfing forward. Fast, stable and turns better than the Speeed or Skate. Big confidence builder for steep drops. I had the new Quoba fins in. Not sure if I could detect a big difference other than my surfing was better! Hope to get the Creek out again tomorrow.
Ive done the same (9'1 creek) im 98KG and FCS 7 side and FCS 5 middle, has loosened the board up beautifully..
Been using these on my flow, sweet for a bigger wave on the creek.
Keep going back to C Drives for day to day muck around sesh's though.
I have been using the Maui Fin Co Kai V2 large on my 8'10 Acid and been blown away how they just keep turning!
Yeah, they are great fun, and reliable on bigger days.
As much fun as the C Drives already are, I've got a small centre on the way to mix it up with the large sides.
Should be interesting. Or deadly. Or both!