Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Lake lefroy class 5 project 2013/14/15.......

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 13 Nov 2013
SA, 956 posts
22 Jan 2014 11:45PM
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meteye says you blokes are enjoying a bit-o-wet?. have watched it move down for the last week or so

quite intense, but it seems you mob-o-blokes have gone to sleep, spect it's been too warm to bother, for me

roll on May 1 every thing moving well toward it.......have a good weekend.......Three Cheers for Australia,

" Hip, Hip Hooray, " "Hip Hip Hooray," "Hip hip Hooray" !!!!.........Go The Aussie.

if ya in hadelaide drop in to Salisbury celebrations , main north road sunday 26 and cop an earful of The Northern Ukes [ NUkes ]

WA, 2775 posts
23 Jan 2014 10:59AM
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I have thought about polystyrene pontoons a couple of times- based on the stuff industrial coolrooms are made from,
but before I could find any my lake dried up enough to use again

The depleted Gnangara water aquifier drains anything that falls into Lake Gnangara faily quickly, and is one of the few benefits resulting from over population and the water consumption in Perth outstripping the available supply.

Just how deep does the water get at Lefroy?
Any fridge panels or foam offcuts in Kal?

Or how about stitch and glue flat bottom / open top plywood pontoons that can stack inside each other for transporting.
They could plug into the existing chassis rear axle sections, and have a cross support running from side to side at the front of the mini.

Either fiddle around with trying to use the front wheel for steering- or run cables to the back for a conventional rudder.

Whatever you try- you will need plenty of floatation as you dont want to drag your keels in the shallow water you have on lefroy.

Might be worth sweeping the concrete shed floor, parking the mini, and drawing some chalk lines to get ideas going!


WA, 5921 posts
23 Jan 2014 8:53PM
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been thinking of taking the sailing canoe out to the yacht club just for the photo op

WA, 215 posts
2 Feb 2014 3:17PM
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I don't think there's much rush to get our land-yachts finished, fortunately there are other alternatives

WA, 261 posts
2 Feb 2014 3:35PM
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WA, 1660 posts
4 Feb 2014 6:22PM
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Will it be dry by September

WA, 5921 posts
4 Feb 2014 11:02PM
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Sylk said..

I don't think there's much rush to get our land-yachts finished, fortunately there are other alternatives

so how was sailing on thin water?

SA, 956 posts
5 Feb 2014 11:10AM
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didn't you get a sail boat in landy? i thought there may be some great diverse inland shots to drool over

WA, 5921 posts
7 Feb 2014 8:20PM
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Ive been working flat out since the rain .
destroyed the $500 brushcutter, then the hedges went ballistic as well.
sundays suddenly have a cycle roadracing distance attached , and im mentoring/designing 7 class 5 yachts.
i will get out for a saoil eventually

WA, 2775 posts
7 Feb 2014 9:38PM
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landyacht said..
sundays suddenly have a cycle roadracing distance attached

pennyfakething and penny-stig getting taken for a cruise?


SA, 956 posts
9 Feb 2014 2:36AM
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recon after the next weather happening, seems to be another brewing to the north

that could possibly land up in the lake. Strange they seem to have sprouted over land

WA, 5921 posts
11 Feb 2014 7:30PM
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yup, were watching that one Joe, last sunday we bashed through to the claypan ,but it had 6'" water and the biggest fattest mozzies Ive ever seen. I wouldnt even go to king of the west or gidgi with those mozzies out

SA, 956 posts
12 Feb 2014 11:53AM
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well you seem to have missed 25mm top up landy but i suspect the pink lake may have accumulated some moisture ...chook?

according to the EYE......... it is exceedingly hot round adelaide and the moisture content at 11 am is 3.... strange

WA, 215 posts
19 Feb 2014 8:10PM
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Think I need some axles & wheels next...

WA, 261 posts
21 Feb 2014 8:34PM
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A couple of outriggers and you would have a nice trimaran.

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2014 7:57PM
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alright ya buggers, holiday is over back into it this sunday AFTER 11.00 AM .
I have to go out and come last in a 30something km bike race first

SA, 956 posts
27 Feb 2014 4:03PM
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Musta bin some holiday....Ya didn't get a word out edgeways....hi Promo

WA, 5921 posts
10 Mar 2014 9:13PM
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slyk turned up so we designed and built his front spar. fork components all cut out ready to be prepped and welded, whenever you lads are ready to turn up. report for the lake is pond 1 4/5 dryed out , main lake drying but rough as crap

new mini stig approves

WA, 5921 posts
16 Mar 2014 8:08PM
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kambalda boysarrived today and got yet more cutting and prep today. we workrd towards an alignment jig and pinning down the final measurenets for the axles. saw some pics of an interesting seat being prepped by andrew , hope to see the pics soon

WA, 215 posts
17 Mar 2014 7:54AM
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Paul when you get a spare moment can you give me your best estimate of the as built measurement from the front axle to the center of the Y piece.
I'll plug that into Autocad and re render this sketch just to get a better idea of what a solution could look like.

Also starting to think 8deg might not be enough camber, 12 looks nicer on paper.

WA, 215 posts
21 Mar 2014 7:58AM
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Brian & Andrew's pods starting to take shape just as we are beginning to see dry patches on the lake. Come on Kalk people time to catch up!!

WA, 1660 posts
21 Mar 2014 5:00PM
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My mast is set at 12% with my airtrack sail. But I guess it depends on the mast post position (that is why mine is adjustable to get the balance right. Doing a great job there guys.
The lake is drying out?

WA, 215 posts
30 Mar 2014 5:30PM
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Well thanks to an early start with Paul on Sat we progressed the build to the point where she needed a test run.

Brimming with excitement I headed back to Kambalda with a ute load of bits of landyacht. Even the rolling thunderstorms didn't dampen my enthusiasm, Sun morning and a quick check revealed that the creeks had been flowing overnight "BUGGER". Of up red hill to locate an exposed patch of salt, hmm better take overalls this might be a bit damp.

Managed to find an exposed patch of salt, same corner of the lake where had that unfortunate test flight last spring.

Minor miscalculations meant we decided to start with straight axles and see how she sails before getting ahead of ourselves.

I'd love to report she sails like a dream but the promising breeze in Kambalda had dropped to a zephyr by the time we got setup. I can report she sails and is very comfortable to lie in while hoping for wind. After an hour of forlorn hope the GPS said max speed 10.5kmh distance covered 1.2km.

To add insult to injury as i lifted the yacht back onto the racks the wind finaly figured out where it wanted to blow from and settled into a decent breeze again.

Better luck next weekend.

Manny thanks to Landyacht for all your time, knowledge and patience I think I owe you a case or two and probably more by the time she's finished.

WA, 5921 posts
1 Apr 2014 8:48PM
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considering its supposed to be sitting on 400x8 rims its looking just right. lake looks crap
but that means its perfect to test that suspension front end. dont overinflate that front tyre.
We now have all the relevant maesurements , so get in touch with me fellas if you want to finish those yachts, I annt chasing you

stella artois,tiger,boags,REDBACK(not light)cascade

WA, 2775 posts
1 Apr 2014 9:00PM
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going by the look of the lake, its just as well you have suspension

might need to think about the rear axle as well if tou want to stop your kidneys swapping sides


SA, 956 posts
2 Apr 2014 2:38AM
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an 4x4atv and a heap of 16"tyers probably tow 10wide and do rounders will fix a great surface

one square mile per hour

WA, 1660 posts
4 Apr 2014 7:55PM
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That yacht looks great. the seat is very much stealth bomber. has any of the lake dried out yet, I will probably be up that way in May and was thinking about brining a yacht.

WA, 5921 posts
4 Apr 2014 11:19PM
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as you can see its dried out REALLY rough , so we need some rain showers to flatten things out. would be great if you brought the 5 so we can compare the new yachts with the state of the states art.
the claypan has dried and got damp again so its gonna come up REALLY smoooooooth

WA, 215 posts
6 Apr 2014 6:41PM
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Hi Vic
The lake is more dry than wet just the wet bit is where we launch from atm, a decent southerly would move it over to the StIves causeway.
Right now if you could launch from the old clubhouse you would have plenty of room.

The ponds are all dry I gave my new toy a good test run on Sat clocked up 50km on the 1st pond.
Feels ok just need to put it alongside some other yachts to get a better idea of how she goes.

Let me know when your going to be here Ill come out & play.

CORRECTION: The ponds were dry till 5 min ago, just had a thunder storm come through, will let you know the damage later in the week.

VIC, 1066 posts
9 Apr 2014 2:50PM
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The yacht looks great, really like the stealth fighter seat style!


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Lake lefroy class 5 project 2013/14/15......." started by landyacht