Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Rope Sliders - Single braided or double braided rope

Created by SavageCarrot > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2019
4862 posts
24 Oct 2019 5:09PM
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I'm 2 years in using a low friction ring... the rope just keeps on going and going.

WA, 9582 posts
25 Oct 2019 7:32AM
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What size friction ring you use plum , same as the one on eBay someone posted earlier. ?

4862 posts
27 Oct 2019 1:46AM
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eppo said..
What size friction ring you use plum , same as the one on eBay someone posted earlier. ?

WA, 9582 posts
27 Oct 2019 7:09AM
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WA, 82 posts
6 Dec 2019 9:53PM
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I am running the Duotone surf CL on my bar (SS centre on the CL), an extra line (4mm) and I have threaded a SS ring onto one of the spreader bar (Mystic) straps so I can hook the CL through that and get back to shore if it all goes pear shaped.

NSW, 36 posts
6 Mar 2020 6:27PM
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Update on this.I changed the dyneema and added a second rope. Also used 2 rings instead of one, and slightly larger diameter rings to put less pressure on the rope. Slides well. The result is a whole season with almost no visible wear.

NSW, 1651 posts
8 Mar 2020 8:09AM
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When I first started using double ropes I had SS rings and I thought they were great. But they did wear on the lines. After putting on a low friction ring the smoothness in the arc from side to side is much better, and I am getting at least twice the amount of use from a rope before needing to replace it. You still might want to consider getting one in the future.

NSW, 29 posts
8 Mar 2020 10:23AM
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SavageCarrot said..
Update on this.I changed the dyneema and added a second rope. Also used 2 rings instead of one, and slightly larger diameter rings to put less pressure on the rope. Slides well. The result is a whole season with almost no visible wear.

I also added a second rope, but the second is slightly longer so acts as a back up if main rope fails.

WA, 551 posts
9 Mar 2020 4:28AM
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Plummet said..

eppo said..
What size friction ring you use plum , same as the one on eBay someone posted earlier. ?

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Plummet said..

eppo said..
What size friction ring you use plum , same as the one on eBay someone posted earlier. ?

Hey Plummett and crew
Keep an eye on where rope enters spreader bar .On my ride engine have found wear or fraying after a season.
Doubled up with two ropes now for insurance.

NSW, 301 posts
9 Mar 2020 3:00PM
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I change mine every turn of season.
Just due now...lots if life left in this one all the same.
Make your own it's cheap and splicing is fun.
The roller saves excess wear.

31 Mar 2020 12:43PM
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We've tried the double braid rope as well as single, the single seems to be the better choice as the outer sheathe wears quickly on the other.

I have used the double braid in a thin 2-3mm rope as a secondary backup rope that runs slack the rest of the time, works well for this. My recommendation is to always run two ropes, even if it's just a little one to get you back to the beach. Seen plenty of sessions ruined because someone thought they could squeeze one more downwinder out of their dodgy looking rope!

Frictionless ring like the Ronstan one etc. is a good option for sure, seems to extend the life of the rope a lot. Got a lot of locals using these and they get a whole season out of a rope no worries.

The other thing that helps a lot with the rope durability is washing/soaking regularly with fresh water. Much like your kite lines, depower rope etc. a lot of wear comes from abrasive salt buildup. Also wet your harness/rope before riding.

The new ION one with the webbing strip instead of rope seems to last really well too. Haven't had anyone come in for a replacement yet and they've been around 6 months or so now.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Rope Sliders - Single braided or double braided rope" started by SavageCarrot