go the front, then side, avoid the back.
i saw a video from Aaron Kenny recently which is a great example of what can happen if you have it attached to the back of your harness.
So what are the short leashes everyone is using?
I think I'm going to invest in one but want some feedback on decent models first.
Had a mare today that resulted in the first safety not depowering the kite. By fluke my rear mounted leash was found by my hand first try. If I'd missed it I was about half a second from going at very rapid speed into sand dunes (kite was in full death loop mode).
Changed to front mounted leash just 10 mins ago
First proper close call in 10+yrs of kiting. Good (very close) wake up call.
Unless you're handle-passing the best spot to attach your leash is at the front as close to the harness hook/and body centre line as possible.
Anyone who claims they can activate their leash safety while getting dragged backwards/sideways at speed by a death-looping kite hasn't fully comprehended how much force is in play in a worst case scenario, it will kill you if you give it half a chance. All your strength and dexterity is at your front, why would you leave your last life-saving act to a magic trick behind your back whilst getting dragged backwards and fighting for your life?
Secondly, which way around is your leash attached? I've seen many long and short leashes with the QR at the bar end and not the harness end? either through an correct set-up or a desire to leave the leash attached to the bar/lines instead of the harness when not in use.
If your kite is death looping and you've punched out to the leash are you going to be able to reach the QR on the leash if it's under load? Some I've spoken to on the beach reckon they'll pull themselves up the leash to the QR...
If it's a rear harness mounted, back to front leash, there's no fkn chance in the world would you be able to reach and activate the QR in a real sh1t fight.
Carry a hook knife too.