vatos locos has been an australian and on seabreeze since 2006. not sure why he changed his name and location and started to pretend he was american.
I thought exactly the same thing for my next project and am part way through building a Patrol GU with XR6T engine.
It'll have 500rwhp, go anywhere, fit all my boards and camping gear and be heaps of fun in the Lancelin dunes..
lucky you blanked those numberplates out . do you drive around with your plates blanked incase the million odd people might take down your number plate compared to a few hundred on here ?
Vatos Locos, I reckon your ford looks awesome and I'd have one in heart beat if I had the coin...
Danmurphys, An XR6T in ya patrol is an awesome idea. Love to see that when its finished.
My choice of kite-surfing vehicle is a dual cab 4X4 ute with a canopy or hard lid..cause you never need to take your gear out of the car and you can throw it in wet and sandy....
My means to enjoy my passions. 2001 Range Rover P38 4.6 V8 Air Suspension is the single best thing for driving on corrugated roads.
This was taken on a trip up to shark bay. Including all the camping gear in the boat. The boat (Thundercat) the best way to explore the area. As a rescue boat, as we were kiting in offshore conditions a bit. A dive boat to take us out to some reefs to spear dinner each evening. SUPs for before the wind kicked in.