I think the bush fire crisis is definitely man made, something like 150 arsonists have already been arrested
very interesting point takes from Prof. Dale Dominey-Howes publication
Now , to my critics above. How actually we are going to address this low humidity factors?
Any proposition Chris ? Here is finding by the finest expert we could find.
Interestingly article is dated September 2019 and could serve well as a warning to all interested, but I feel past mostly unnoticed. This is only example that is not me that do not listen to our experts, Chris.
I'm not chasing you - I'm just pointing out that your ideas are as stupid as your attitude that you know everything, and your unswerving belief that people who have studied these fields are inferior to you and know nothing. Have some respect for the people you are insulting and then you may be worthy of respect. For example, you could learn from the CSIRO/BoM paper about the effect of lakes on rainfall rather than being so arrogant as to insult its authors, who (unlike you) have learned stuff and done research.
By the way, I only just realised that you probably don't realise "your" idea to turn the rivers inland is over 80 years old and has been studied and rejected many times.
Oh, and any claim or implication that most of these fires or the most serious ones appeared in the most populated and visited areas and implicitly because of arson is untrue. The worst fires included the Long Gully Flat fire (2 dead) which started near Tenterfield after a lightning strike; the Carrai Creek fire (3 dead) which started in wilderness west of Kempsey; the Gospers Mountain bushfire, biggest ever in NSW, which started far out in the distant bush behind the Putty Road; the Green Wattle Creek fire (2 dead) which started in the remote area of the Blue Mountains National Park west of Lake Burragorang; and many of the South Coast fires which started in remote areas like Tianjara. So, as so often, you are wrong with your claims.
Yes, we need to change things with our fire preparation but we do that by learning from people who have learned about fires and know what they are talking about, not someone like you who knows nothing but thinks they are a God. But yes, I am tired of pointing out how often you are wrong and how arrogant you are.
Australia is not unique with lack of the water problem. The biggest in the world fall is almost dry too.
Can you go there and tell us if it really is .Second thoughts just go there.
Polish charity rises 27 mln Euro in support for Australia bushfire victims.