Awesome weekend and congrats to Isaac for making it all happen..
These are a small number of the shots I took while running the rescue boat.
I took stacks but chose to edit a cross section of the shots.
special thanks to Darryl on sat and Paul on Sunday for grabbing the wheel while I waltzed around the deck taking pics
Pics above
unknown (apologies)
Chris Lockwood
Isaac (bugs)
apologies if I have misspelt anyone's name
Thanks Steve for the awesome help with the rescue boat , darryl and Paul for helping you too.
There are soo many helpful volunteers for the event just wanting to help provide the STOKE to windsurfers because this is priceless . No money or technology can do this more than hard work and dedication to the event for all levels on a course in paradise.
Steve your work at the event is critical part of the cogs that make the event amazing, Thanks again for the input and photos
Thanks so much Snides, great photos. That's me on the blue Atlas, then Jo, is AUS 190.
Yes apologies I missed Jo!
cheers for the comments!