Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

What do you do?

Created by R1DER > 9 months ago, 21 Apr 2014
WA, 1463 posts
21 Apr 2014 8:09PM
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So the conditions get a bit light and fickle do change your sail and use a bigger sail on your windy conditions board or do you use your windy conditions sail and change your board to a large board? Or just dog around and hope the wind picks up.

Mark _australia
WA, 22770 posts
21 Apr 2014 9:30PM
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Whinge and tell everyone how bad it is.

But seriously - depends if waves or not and how big. If its a perfect riding day I may stay on the waveboard with bigger sail, but if waves are not that good and I am not planing I will definitely go FSW, big fin, and big sail to be sure to get going.

lao shi
SA, 1313 posts
22 Apr 2014 12:23AM
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You get your hands on a Rider 100+ Quad and sail it all the time!
It Rocks!

WA, 556 posts
22 Apr 2014 10:48PM
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Assuming you are wave sailing I'd hang on to the smaller sail and grab a bigger board. There is nothing like light wind wave sailing!

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
24 Apr 2014 4:19AM
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Confusious say get out on the water either way
All depends on how you want to play
As long as you can watch a kite fall out of the sky, its a belight, then youve got it right

QLD, 604 posts
25 Apr 2014 7:43AM
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I only wavesail and use 5.3 for 90% or sailing. I'm 90kg and have my 100L for light winds up to say a constant 20 knots, then change boards to 87 quad for windier than that. 4.7 comes out occasionally but only ever on the small board.

Light wind wavesailing it my favourite kind. I don't think anyone needs bigger than a 5.3. I think board size is much more important

WA, 1463 posts
25 Apr 2014 4:07PM
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I was curious as I've always gone the small board big sail option, until last year when I went a big board and was surprised how mobile I was on a 5.3 and big quad boards are still controllable when the wind picks up. I stupidly sold my big board(as it was too close in volume to my 90 litre board), but have made lao shi very happy.

Reflex Films
WA, 1447 posts
26 Apr 2014 2:19PM
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big board big sail combo worls well

i reckon 50% of my sailing is 6.2 and 90 litre board.

after getting off a 7.5 m freeride sail ( which i love) the 6.2 feels tiny
here is some 6.2 90 litre board action from easter in 15 knots

Mark _australia
WA, 22770 posts
26 Apr 2014 5:57PM
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Is 90L big?

85 posts
26 Apr 2014 7:02PM
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Just hang on and hope it kicks back in...but then again I only have one board

A lot of people round here have been going bigger and bigger with both board and sails and they're quite happy. Bigger wave gear seems to be working way better these days than it used to.

NSW, 1489 posts
28 Apr 2014 5:02PM
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I would go for a bigger board first, easier and faster then rigging up again. Think everyone has heard, pick a sail for the gusts and a board for the lulls..

QLD, 2039 posts
28 Apr 2014 6:31PM
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just own one board, then the decision is easy.

255 posts
28 Apr 2014 7:40PM
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Neck 2 or 3 west coast coolers and choke the chicken over a bras n things catalogue

WA, 1463 posts
28 Apr 2014 9:13PM
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eyeMhardcor said..

Neck 2 or 3 west coast coolers and choke the chicken over a bras n things catalogue

Each to his own if thats what you do then thsts what you do. I gave you a green thumb

QLD, 604 posts
29 Apr 2014 7:21AM
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eyeMhardcor said...
Neck 2 or 3 west coast coolers and choke the chicken over a bras n things catalogue

Haha fullll powaaaaa

NSW, 50 posts
1 May 2014 12:13PM
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Yeah Matt totally agree big board/sail 101L NUEVO & 6.2 BLADE awesome light wind combo
and still good when it kicks in, finding a big wind range from this set up love the powaaaaa.


or BLACK BOX 107L Floats and is as stable as a wind sup but planes and is loose as.
super fun in onshore 2/3ft mush as well.

QLD, 604 posts
2 May 2014 2:23PM
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you buy that 107 blackbox finno? would be good on the lighter days up our way

NSW, 50 posts
2 May 2014 3:40PM
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Yeah Chris got it for Queensland summer 5-15kts 2ft conditions we get most days,
fins that came with are amazing in cross on, put some racked backed old delta fins in for cross off and works well to.

Will have it at caloundra bar tomorrow if you wants a spin.

NSW, 242 posts
3 May 2014 8:57AM
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P.C_simpson said..

I would go for a bigger board first, easier and faster than rigging up again.
Think everyone has heard, pick a sail for the gusts and a board for the lulls..

I agree about changing boards, I have a 9'5", 130l SUP for that purpose.
My sailing is a more longboard than Shane's.

No I had not heard that aphorism, thank you for that..

NSW, 194 posts
6 May 2014 10:47AM
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big boards are the go. they have come a long way in the last 2 years and wave ride amazingly

i run a 5.5 and my 110 nuevo 8-18 knots then change down to my my 92 pyramid thruster when the wind fills in. i do understand about rigging up to a 6.2 if i could plane but don't do it very often unless the waves are small or crap. but 90% of east coast sailing is float and ride.(i don't live at gerroa) so i prefer the smallest sail i can get waves easily on.

last season i ran 1 board and 2 sails which was perfect until i rode my 92 which screwed everything.
I'm now trying to minimise my gear again. but now with 2 boards.

in a ideal world i would just weigh 65kgs and all my gear would be small but unfortunately that will never be.

QLD, 604 posts
6 May 2014 5:43PM
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^how much do you weigh?

NSW, 194 posts
6 May 2014 6:06PM
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bowsa said...
^how much do you weigh?


WA, 91 posts
27 May 2014 1:18PM
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Avoid indecision and save space in the shed. Use the same board and sail in everything.


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"What do you do?" started by R1DER