Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

One handed off the top and into pit (Pic Sequence)

Created by king of the point > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2017
king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
23 Jan 2017 1:36PM
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Turn 2 on wave / laydown bottom turn , into one hander under the lip into the pit

Turn 1 on the wave (warm up one hander) on the face off the top into figure 8 cut back

WA, 65 posts
24 Jan 2017 6:38AM
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Cool pics Langy

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
24 Jan 2017 4:01PM
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While I'm on a roll tar for the shot ........

Find this place euros good luck Lombok Indo ................. Open the end of january2017

WA, 65 posts
27 Jan 2017 7:01AM
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Bunch of good lookin fellas in the coro cabana

1275 posts
7 Feb 2017 12:01PM
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Langy, great shots, it's fun to see someone else's shots from the clew view, especially when the rider is much better than me!
I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What type of conditions do you sail in (wind speed, wave size, wind/wave directions)?
2. When do you chose to bend your arms and bring the sail towards you between the laydown and the top turn? Like here:
3. Can you surf sail ok with lines/hook like this, how about one-hand jumps such as tail/rail grabs?

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
9 Feb 2017 1:34AM
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1 cross offshore late in the day 15 to 22 knots 5 m floaty board actually a few waves the go pro / wide lens flattens everything so much 2 yer using your board and the wave to climb up / draw a line towards the top of the wave, sheeting in lets you spring up the wave then allow you to move away from it again 3 the hook drops out less and makes you lean in and down to get out of the harness on big waves dropping in you dont lift your weight up/ same sheeting in your weight stays low and centred before looking for the harness but it never drops out jumping either / funny the technique for hook up or down is the opposite movements its a classic case of how youve trained you body movements and youll like one over the other but try it . Hook up originated from the early day of chest harnesses and solid plastic non see through hooks including reactor bar / back to ya bent arms you can or will get a similar shot sheeting in gybing or doing a 360 / many many gopro shots start to look the same so lighting is a make or breaker to get a good contrast of wave sky rider gear colour and shadows ps be warned if your bodies trained to get out of being hooked in with it either up or down reversing it and can get you into a heap of trouble so go easy cos you will get hooked in and slammed but try both it will change up your body movements youll revert back to what your used to that i bet ya


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"One handed off the top and into pit (Pic Sequence)" started by king of the point