The Margaret River Wave Classic is happening again this year over the weekend of 8th/9th February at Surfers Point, Prevelly.
We plan to hold the competition on the Saturday with Sunday as a backup in case of poor conditions. On the non-competition day there will also be a South West junior School session so it will be a great weekend for all.
We're really pleased to announce that thanks to sponsorship from SouthXSouthWest the ladies fleet will feature a prize pool of $300 and we'd also like to thank Serverne for their generous prize donations once again.
Spaces are limited and the event is always booked out in advance so please enter by Friday 7th February to allow us to get the draw done in time.
The prizegiving party will take place at The Common in Gnarabup on the Saturday evening, free entry.
Further details and tickets are available on the WWA website.
We've secured the Australian premiere of the new IWT movie, Riders of the Liquid Plains. It will be shown this Friday at 8pm at the Common in Gnarabup, Margaret River in advance of the wave classic over the weekend. Free entry and they do great food and drink so come on down and check it out.
Event update:
Friday 7th Feb
20:30 (pushed it back half an hour for the non-locals!) IWT Movie Riders of the Liquid Plains, The Common, Gnarabup, Margaret River
Saturday 8th Feb
17:00 Registration closes - no entries on the beach (the draw will be done on Saturday evening)
17:00-dark Live music at the Common
Sunday 9th Feb
11:00 Briefing at Surfer's Point
12:00 First possible start
18:00 Final heat last possible start
18:30 Prize giving at Surfer's Point
The West was pumping on Sunday for the Margaret River Wave Classic, and thanks to Nicolas Hess Photography, we all get to see it firing!
Jake Ghiretti
Kai Marns Morris
Ollie Desforges
Jane Seman
Maeli Cherel
Rebecca Cutter
Jaeger Stone
Ben Newson
Bastien Escofet
Serge Pillonel
Adi McLean
Nick Bentley
Weekend Warriors:
Paul Jackman