Well the 3 day wave sailing INtuition course has sadly come to an end, I must say it's an experience everyone needs to do at least once and one I'll never forget. Guy is such an awesome host and puts in a huge effort to ensure everyone gets as much out of his program regardless of whether your just starting out or your already a great windsurfer. The course is more than just "a course", It's a whole experience that kicks off early in the mornings and goes well into the night with great conversation and the odd beer or glass of red. I'd also like to thank Anne and Windsurf 'N' Snow for putting it together again this year, I'm putting my name down now for next year.
Anyways here's a few pics from the three days....More to come soon including the 4 day freeride course at Sanctuary Point.
(Low res pics, I'll setup a skydrive with hi-res shots for those that want them)
Got to agree with you on that Jase.
Top course, top company & top instructor
As usual - great photos that show it as it was
was great to see so many stoked people at the clinic.
wind got a bit gnarly, but thats Gerroa.
Here's a few pics i took.
(all shot from my phone, so please excuse the poor quality)
Thanks to Jase + Josh for uploading pics!
We had a great time with Guy + the crew + nice to catch up with some familiar faces again.
The clinics are such a great way to progress your skills + having a top instructor makes a world of difference.
Looking forward to putting my newly learnt tricks into action!
Wave height looks great for learning.Would have suited me although the wind looks a bit strong...Did you get wind for the sanctuary point clinic? I hope to get to next years. I bought too much gear this year..
Wave height looks great for learning.Would have suited me although the wind looks a bit strong...Did you get wind for the sanctuary point clinic? I hope to get to next years. I bought too much gear this year..
I wasn't on the Sanctuary Point clinic, but I just happened to turn up because of the great forecast for the Monday and Tuesday. I was sailing overpowered on a 6m for the Monday and overpowered on a 5m on the Tuesday. So, I would say they got wind... maybe a little too much.
I think the last day would have been a bit better because it was lighter.
Did you get wind for the sanctuary point clinic?
How do you know when there is enough wind? When you are 95kgs and you have to borrow a 4.7 'cause your 5.2 is way too much. Amazingly good 4 days (they weren't all super windy).