Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Fanatic Tri Wave Fins - rare as a humble politician!

Created by gmitton > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2018
SA, 1439 posts
29 Mar 2018 6:33PM
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I have broken a couple of centre fins off my Fanatic Tri fin 89 and 82 litre. One uses Tf 18 the other TF 17. Rang all the Aussie dealers and no replacement available. One of them tried Europe and nothing there!

Any advice? Really liked the standard fin and still have the standard side fins. Boards hardly used and really like them. Any other sources?

QLD, 1989 posts
29 Mar 2018 7:48PM
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Must be heaps of fins that could do the job

SA, 1439 posts
29 Mar 2018 8:22PM
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I'm worried about the tab...

WA, 3754 posts
29 Mar 2018 9:33PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
30 Mar 2018 2:05AM
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Those black MFC ones were fragile as hell. Total crap.

Only glass, and the base is moulded onto a foil. Biggest mistake MFC ever made IMHO....

anyway the newer trifin sets have G-10 main fin, my 2018 RRD certainly did, so have a look for newer TF centres online or email Pio at MFC he will let you know (good service and advice)
The tab won't be an issue as its all one piece (like it should be) in G-10 (like it should be)

I'd have that TF18 if you wanna part with it, repair and slotbox.

616 posts
30 Mar 2018 2:22AM
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Think the forst gen(Red) ones were crap - very fragile, but nice performing fins. The newest black & white version is supposedly stronger. That said I would go G10 if you expect any impact again...

WA, 3481 posts
30 Mar 2018 11:19AM
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Ditch them and get some plastic fantastic... especially if you sail reef breaks you are better off with a k4 fin IMHO. I use the Stubby rears in my Fanatic Tri-Wave boards: looked at a full set in G10 from different companies and just couldn't justify spending $300+ for a set of fins that can get destroyed the first time you hit a rock.

SA, 1439 posts
30 Mar 2018 5:18PM
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The G10 are expensive but do they perform well compared to the k4? They are sold out in a lot of places but can still get from a few spots in Europe. The posts have certainly helped give me a couple of paths thx...

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
30 Mar 2018 3:15PM
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K4 too bendy, yuk.

G10 all the wayyy......

WA, 3481 posts
30 Mar 2018 6:51PM
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Mark _australia said..
K4 too bendy, yuk.

G10 all the wayyy......

Nothing wrong with bendy.

Big Al
WA, 264 posts
30 Mar 2018 9:08PM
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New K4's are actually really good IMHO. The early ones did feel reeeeeally spongey but the new ones are the schizzle.
Ezzy sides and a stubby rear on a thruster are a great match. The fin saver tabs that come with the fins are also a great idea.
I have seen (and fixed) Stehseglers G10 fins and it looks like he drags his board on the road from his house - K4's...... no such problem.


WA, 1463 posts
30 Mar 2018 10:14PM
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Big Al said..
New K4's are actually really good IMHO. The early ones did feel reeeeeally spongey but the new ones are the schizzle.
Ezzy sides and a stubby rear on a thruster are a great match. The fin saver tabs that come with the fins are also a great idea.
I have seen (and fixed) Stehseglers G10 fins and it looks like he drags his board on the road from his house - K4's...... no such problem.


I'm with Mark YUK! plus that fat foil make them slow, But they seem to go upwind well

1972 posts
30 Mar 2018 11:54PM
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If the tab wasn't toast (which it is) the fin part could have been repairable.
Have you tried these sites?
Good stuff from both places.

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
31 Mar 2018 5:49AM
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I still can't imagine a 18cm centre fin made out of plastic like 1980's Bombora fins. Short fins maybe, but 18cm of plastic...?

The MFC site lists the centre fin and sidies as separate so should be able to but just the main fin.

I've been able to get get fins direct from them previously

5 posts
2 Apr 2018 2:54AM
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I'll just leave this here.. :) And also add that 3 of last years top 6 on the PWA were using our fins. We've come a long way since the first versions.

QLD, 7 posts
2 Apr 2018 1:43PM
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im using the K4s that come on this years RRDs and can highly rate them. Take a closer look next time you carry my board down to the beach!!

SA, 1439 posts
2 Apr 2018 6:42PM
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I'm loaning a k4to try, but have also contacted mfc direct to see if I can source 17 & 18 tf2, g10's. None of the other links above for mfc worked out for the sizes! Seems to be a bit of a personal choice thing based on the replies, which are much appreciated....

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
2 Apr 2018 9:10PM
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Thats great - but for those who are really hard to convince how about some numbers?

Like tip deflection at say 20kg load, compared to G-10

Or time to cycle back to centre when load is removed (reflex response)?

Sorry but I can't see any thermoplastic will compare, and "better than the previous material" is not same as "good as G-10 or carbon"
Pretty subjective review...
50% of winners in PWA slalom or race....?

SA, 114 posts
2 Apr 2018 11:44PM
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Adam Lewis ....

WA, 3481 posts
3 Apr 2018 7:27PM
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Mark _australia said..
Thats great - but for those who are really hard to convince how about some numbers?

Good point!

For what it's worth I tried out one of the K4 fins about 2 years ago and wasn't too impressed when compared to G10.

After killing the G10 centre fin on my Tri-Wave 106 (it cracked along the base) I looked at Black Project Fins as well as MFCs. The Black Project Fins looked awesome but I wanted to try different sizes as well as shapes. After adding up the cost of getting 3 centre fins and a couple of sides I quickly abandoned the idea. It would have cost me nearly a grand all up.

Big Al mentioned that the K4 fins weren't as soft as they used to be. I ended up ordering a stack of K4 fins from them in different sizes and shapes for about $250. Are they better then the once I tried a couple of years ago? I'd say yes. Are as good as G10 fins? I don't know but given their price I don't really care.

I don't have a fin sponsor and so usually pay full price for fins. Given the number of G10 fins I have sacrificed to rocks, reefs and sea turtles I think I'll probably stick with the cheaper options for now.

NSW, 207 posts
4 Apr 2018 8:32PM
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fanatic australia had a spare set of revolt chocos that fit triwave with U S box centre.......your retailer should be able to enquire for you , they actually look stronger than the genuine tri wave fins

WA, 3481 posts
5 Apr 2018 12:05PM
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How much did that fin set you back? I bought a set of Fanatic / Choco fins for a quad a while back from a retailer that's no longer around. They only reluctantly sold them to me... from memory it cost me $390 for a set of 4 fins.

WA, 1463 posts
5 Apr 2018 3:15PM
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ultra glide said..
fanatic australia had a spare set of revolt chocos that fit triwave with U S box centre.......your retailer should be able to enquire for you , they actually look stronger than the genuine tri wave fins

Choco's are awesome fins my favourite brand but very expensive. Ive tried a few brands in order of preference id rate choco as no 1 fast with good grip, no2 mfc no3 Makani decent speed good grip wasnt that keen on black project and K4 bothe a bit slow and draggy. Value for money I use Makani place a big enough order with some mates and free postage.

WA, 3481 posts
5 Apr 2018 4:04PM
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Checked the Makani fins... $360 for a Thruster setup isn't exactly cheap.

WA, 40 posts
5 Apr 2018 4:21PM
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SSD makes the best fins you've ever tried. Hand shaped and made to how you want them. Not badly priced either. Thruster sets, quad sets singles. Love these fins, I and have also tried the K4's which are definitely good but not as good as Stoney he's got the perfect flex worked out!

311 posts
5 Apr 2018 5:01PM
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SSD fins ? any more info in the web ? thanks in advance

TAS, 2648 posts
6 Apr 2018 9:54PM
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Buy a fin tab repair .

Stainless that wraps around front of base and firms new tab.
I have one here if you want a picture

SA, 1439 posts
6 Apr 2018 9:59PM
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So many options! I am too boring. Sticking to what works for me at the moment... Wish I could be a fin tester but our conditions are not consistent enough here for that...

WA, 1463 posts
7 Apr 2018 10:10PM
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stehsegler said..
Checked the Makani fins... $360 for a Thruster setup isn't exactly cheap.

No it's not and I know your not keen on quads, but for me a quad 2x 16cm fins WALU Twin $109 USD and 2x 8cm side fins WALU Mini Twin $49 USD That's roughly $205 AUD for a set of decent quad fins.
How about an 18cm Kaku for $99 USD plus a pair of 11cm Walu mini for $49 USD ?

Big Al
WA, 264 posts
9 Apr 2018 1:00PM
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Not really sure that is worth the money there Rider as from pure observations they:
1. Tend to make YOUR pointing ability crap,
2. They make YOU fall off on ALL your tack attempts
3. They seem to make YOU stand on the beach waaaaay longer than being out on (sorry, IN) the water.

Or are we not talking about fins anymore....?


WA, 1463 posts
9 Apr 2018 8:36PM
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1 ok you got me there but no one points as high as you BIG Al
2 When the wind picks up YOU haven't stayed long enough to see ALL my tacks.
3 I like to pace myself for 4 hour plus sessions and yes I have been known to have a little chat on the beach.

Yes the banter has digressed, but I'm sure we can revisit your fin observations in the next winter fronts.


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Fanatic Tri Wave Fins - rare as a humble politician!" started by gmitton