OK Guys and Gals,
The NSW Wavesailing Association is proud to be hosting the 2017 Australian Wavesailing Titles in Gerroa, NSW.
Yes we have council and waterways permissions already secured for 17-22 Nov 2017.
This event doubles up as a NSWWA event and promises some fierce partying at Fishoes, competitive ping pong, some great surfing and SUP'ing and of course WAVESAILING. BRING IT ON.
More event details at nswwavesailing.org/2017/10/16/2017-australian-wavesailing-titles/
Plus to add greater value for our interstate wavesailors, we have intentionally set this event so it runs just before the world famous Merimbula Classic 23-26 November. More details at www.merimbulasailboardclub.com.au/
So, book time off from work and make sure you can get to the 2017 Titles event. Gerroa and the other locations; Windang and Shoalhaven Heads can really turn on some great conditions.
See you there
cheers from the NSW Wavesailing Committee
Just to confirm, it's one day longer than originally proposed, Wednesday is a comp day?
See you there!
Duncan I'll see if I can track you down a bottle of your old friend to keep you company in the truck
Just to confirm, it's one day longer than originally proposed, Wednesday is a comp day?
See you there!
Hi Duncan,
Unfortunately we made a small mistake in originally announcing the dates.
The official dates are: 17-21 November 2017
Apologies for the inconvenience.
an extra day off work is an incovenencie I can live with, cheers
that octopus still haunts me in my sleep.