Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

W.T Season Starter, Wood fired Pizza night & Sunday freerace

Created by Gillianv > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2017
TAS, 367 posts
16 Oct 2017 9:22PM
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Hi All,

Its time to open the season and it looks like there is some wind forecast for both Saturday and Sunday.
The weather has warmed up and the water is not as icy as it was a couple of weeks ago.
If the wind stays about there should be a chance to have a sail at Lagoon or Bell Buoy prior to the pizza night.

Start time for pizzas will be 6:00 pm. I will make home made bases suitable for the wood fired pizza oven for those who would like to come along. BYO your own toppings, your drinks and any Windsurfing DVDs that you may have so we can project them on the big screen/wall. The venue is 260 Low Head road

Please RSVP here or send me a PM so I know how many bases to make.

As the Swansea free race was cancelled last weekend, due to a lack of wind the committee has decided to hold an informal one this Sunday at Lagoon Bay starting at 12 noon. The first Prize for this event will be an original 1990's Mambo BBQ shirt.
Note : This event will not count towards the state title, but all four remaining freerace calendar events will.

TAS, 979 posts
18 Oct 2017 10:32AM
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Posted on facebook. I'll be there at one or both of these.


TAS, 367 posts
19 Oct 2017 7:42PM
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Hi All, I'll possibly organise the ingredients for the pizza bases tomorrow afternoon. If you are not one of the 17 adults or 11 kids ! on the RSVP list ( yes, it's a family invite event ) let me know by late afternoon on Friday. Gill

TAS, 367 posts
20 Oct 2017 12:44PM
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As the free race on Sunday does not count towards the state title we decided that there needed to be some motivation in the way of prizes. These original Mambo BBQ shirts ( just over a decade old ) are treasures from the past in both style and taste and will be first and second prizes for Sunday.

QLD, 23 posts
21 Oct 2017 7:51AM
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Great shirts,

'I can bring a Waeco fridge if you need some fridge space

TAS, 367 posts
22 Oct 2017 8:55AM
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Fabulous company and a fun night

Sorry about the sideways photo theme.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
24 Oct 2017 10:29AM
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All is all a fantastic weekend with sunshine and 20 to 25 knots for Saturday with quite a few out at Lagoon and Bell Buoy producing some ramps. The food amazing with George making some amazing calamari pizzas made from local ingredients. Sunday provided some nice sailing conditions till around 2.30 pm providing nice planning conditions for those with larger sails. Impressively the under eighteens outnumbered the seniors by a large margin with nine on the water. In the end the decision was made not to hold a freerace despite the conditions. This is not that surprising as the forecast was always a little marginal, particularly as many of the competitors are faced with a long drive with no guarantee of getting on the water.

The next Freerace is on the 4 and 5 of November in Hobart.

TAS, 2343 posts
25 Oct 2017 9:02AM
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Al Planet said..

The next Freerace is on the 4 and 5 of November in Hobart.

TAS, 2012 posts
25 Oct 2017 9:43AM
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Al Planet said..
All is all a fantastic weekend with sunshine and 20 to 25 knots for Saturday with quite a few out at Lagoon and Bell Buoy producing some ramps. The food amazing with George making some amazing calamari pizzas made from local ingredients. Sunday provided some nice sailing conditions till around 2.30 pm providing nice planning conditions for those with larger sails. Impressively the under eighteens outnumbered the seniors by a large margin with nine on the water. In the end the decision was made not to hold a freerace despite the conditions. This is not that surprising as the forecast was always a little marginal, particularly as many of the competitors are faced with a long drive with no guarantee of getting on the water.

The next Freerace is on the 4 and 5 of November in Hobart.

Looks like it was a good weekend!

Isn't the next Freerace event down in the calendar as being on this Sunday 29th October in the South?

TAS, 488 posts
25 Oct 2017 7:13PM
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Yes.... Freerace south is on this Sunday 29th...not sure where the 4-5th Nov came from

TAS, 2433 posts
25 Oct 2017 7:24PM
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It was requested by a member to change the date. Request was put to committee 3 weeks ago and it appears it was changed but not officially published correctly. Seeking clarification from committee.

Steve Charles
QLD, 1239 posts
26 Oct 2017 6:51AM
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Thats a shame because this Sunday was looking good. Too late now but I think once the date is set on the calender it should stay.

TAS, 979 posts
26 Oct 2017 8:16AM
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The "new" date for southern freerace was set for 4-5 November. There was a communication glitch around this- so I apologise for any problems.

Finalising the calendar was part of the reason for the committee meeting a few weeks back.

There is a very full program and lots going on (and a lot of people are busy too)- so I hope these few problems can be ironed out as soon as possible.

I agree that once the calendar is set that it should stay as is.

In the next day or two the finalised calendar should be distributed to all members.



Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"W.T Season Starter, Wood fired Pizza night & Sunday freerace" started by Gillianv