Yes folks, dust of the trackies and Scotchguard the Uggies - it's time to walk around in the mud eating meat on a stick!
Yeah, right!
Alternatively - you could go for a sail in 25-30 knots with a low tide just before midday...
Bell Buoy today.
Was great to be back there after a few years.
I now have a repair job to complete........
Nice Photos Gillian.
4 @ East & 6 at BB.
lucky we weren't all at the same beach.
would've been crowded!!!
Hmmmm - East Beach....SPLITTERS!
Bellbuoy was best earliest, but we just can't escape 'CHANGEABLE' at the moment.
MattBazz - Bellbuoy seems to manage without fail to WELCOME newcomers, or those returning after a stint, with either damage or injury, so - WELCOME TO BELLBUOY (and cop THAT!).
A bit of drying, a bit of bog...initiation done - see you there next windy one.
And for those who have been wondering about down-sizing - Luka sailed a 72l Goya yesterday and looked 'right at home', planing up before the rest of us, and looking very comfortable on the smaller board - small is good!