A few pics of Barry today on the West Inlet in a Southerly.
Only taken on the phone so hopefully they are ok.
Nice photos Cookie, the phone does a great job.
Looks nice and flat, shame the wind didn't really play ball.
A bit frustrating to have a nice flat track and not be able to do much with it.
Still a bit of fun though.
That looks great Cookie. Is that a shallow channel in front of the main channel?
Yes Dave, that pretty much describes it.
The bank on the southern side broke into two sections about two years. So its two shorter sections now. The channel closer to the camera is the outer western section. Gets really shallow at the end. Southerlies have been really flukey there recently. Usually Montagu would be a much better choice in a southerly, but the tides were too late and the wind too light yesterday. The northerlies are much better and the northern bank is much longer, with a gradual curve in the right direction for bear-aways at both ends. Had a few good northerlies with Cookie and Todd recently.
There were limited options with the southerly yesterday, so West Inlet was still worthwhile.
Yep a great spot for sure, to get out to where Barry was sailing i drove in on Anthony Beach Road. At the end of the road
you go through the gate onto the beach and drive 5km along the hard sand towards West Inlet.