Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

BOL Monday?

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 21 May 2016
TAS, 3173 posts
21 May 2016 10:45PM
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Anyone interested 20-30kts WSW 4.5m swell I'm up for it if I can find a buddy.

TAS, 1664 posts
22 May 2016 1:23PM
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Guess your out of luck then

WA, 991 posts
22 May 2016 5:09PM
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just read this but have concrete on the way can't do Monday , Tuesday this week sorry

TAS, 3173 posts
22 May 2016 11:48PM
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I know when I get the cold shoulder, no longer in vogue, no friends left, no one to sail with, kicked out of home, no where to go, it only leaves me one choice.......... hit BOL at 9m in 50knots......with a carton of red bull

524 posts
23 May 2016 8:50AM
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Hi Ant. Just in case you haven't gone north.... looks like there's a bit of wind forecast for this arvo down south. Willyweather and Meteye suggest 25 knots WSW after 4pm today at Carlton. Bit of swell round too (1+m).
Sandpits/Goats looks like about 20 knots WSW, but it starts a little earlier (sometime after 1pm). Southarm is a little more tempting (don't want to be waiting around in the dark for a sail). Swe3ll forecast to be 1.5+m. I'll Whattsapp if I go.

WA, 991 posts
23 May 2016 11:01AM
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Jordan probably already out in 15 foot BOL stand up kiteing on a bodyboard with the lines cutting out throu top of wave while he's tucked 5 meters back in the pit
Just another day in the office for him

TAS, 104 posts
23 May 2016 8:31PM
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houston said..
Anyone interested 20-30kts WSW 4.5m swell I'm up for it if I can find a buddy.

mmmm, only got up to 45knts and 5.1m swell

524 posts
24 May 2016 5:13AM
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Whole of southarm was iffy yesterday arvo. Ended up going out at Sandpits. Blowing 200m offshore so good once you get out, but in the waves, no good (sub 10). Packed up a bit before 5pm, and then it came in. Doooh! Ant, did you get a sail at Dorans?

TAS, 729 posts
24 May 2016 7:54PM
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TAS, 2648 posts
24 May 2016 7:59PM
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Hey azzzza , Im in. if only i had known on our last trip up north, next time i bring the whip!!

ye ha.

TAS, 1664 posts
25 May 2016 6:07AM
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So everyone else feels bad for azza...

Because he has no knowlwdge of reality ....

I find it really offensive that people today still ....

Use Apple
Catch up with the world ... hipster

TAS, 104 posts
25 May 2016 5:18PM
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geared4knots said..
Hey azzzza , Im in. if only i had known on our last trip up north, next time i bring the whip!!

ye ha.

I dont know how you put that text in there, but your really sick Damo.....flying saveloys and now whips and other paraphernalia, bloody degenerate

TAS, 104 posts
25 May 2016 6:07PM
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FoS said..
So everyone else feels bad for azza...

Because he has no knowlwdge of reality ....

I find it really offensive that people today still ....

Use Apple
Catch up with the world ... hipster

FTW, after i have a feed of watermelon surprise with rustic monkfish & marrow puree on a plate of homespun seaweed, a couple of sips on my double steamed macchiato with vanilla and a touch of caramel on top, im jumpin on my fixie and heading to the apple shop to buy more overpriced cables! you dig.
I just want to be the same as all the different people. now im off to knit a cover for my ipad lol


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"BOL Monday?" started by houston