you be around Tuesday Ty Planning on sailing Livingstons bay but will go the extra 15 ks to pebbles if ya there.
you be around Tuesday Ty Planning on sailing Livingstons bay but will go the extra 15 ks to pebbles if ya there.
Back in the big smoke
Went offshore late.. Sweet fun.
Sweet. Glad you had a good time in Robe
Next time come to my back yard,
What a summer in the South East.
Great day sailing again
Your easy to please mate!
Im not so sure its been epic lately, good swell for February but not much white cappy.
Bring on march and 25k or easter swell and howling winds
Great day sailing again
Your easy to please mate!
Im not so sure its been epic lately, good swell for February but not much white cappy.
Bring on march and 25k or easter swell and howling winds
Happy with 2 to 3f down the line,better than any **** up here
Some of us aren't complaining - you just gotta be in the right place at the right time of day
Yes Russh U-turns has been good. And I have been lucky enough to sail is this summer when has been on
The planets will align one day as HAAK would say!
Last February it was non stop 25 knots and poor swell this year the other way around.
That 101 must be a floaty slasher
The planets will align one day as HAAK would say!
Last February it was non stop 25 knots and poor swell this year the other way around.
That 101 must be a floaty slasher
Get up with the times...
Been riding a board the last 3 weeks that gets me out in 10 to 20knts...
Hate to say it , but loving the light wind with glasses waves...
Keep and eye on the 2017 board range
The planets will align one day as HAAK would say!
Last February it was non stop 25 knots and poor swell this year the other way around.
That 101 must be a floaty slasher
There lies the problem Pilly.
Theres been heaps of wind.
If you wait for ideal conditions your going to be an unhappy camper.
Thats why I move around, doesn't always have to be Nene in side, side off.
Whats wrong with bump and jump every now and then. = more water time and learn to ride waves other than down the line.
Cant bump and jump in 15 20
Barely in straps and harness
Dark side is looming large but will never give up the pole
Cant bump and jump in 15 20
Barely in straps and harness
Dark side is looming large but will never give up the pole
Well bugga me, ya finally worked it out.
kite under 20, pole over 20.= heaps more waves.
best of both worls.
I wonder why they call it Pebbles
Because it ROCKS!!.
Last night I hit it for the first time since I was a cray deckie, about 5 years ago.
Nearly forgot how fun it is.
Slow upwind treck out then turn on a mountain and gas in.
17-20knots and well over head.
Only got 6 waves in an hour and a bit. No beach to rest on.
50m swim to get in behind the cliffs wind shadow
What are you doing swimming getting fit ha ha ha.
My favorite place to sail in South Australia with nenes a close second.
Both spots not easy to work out ...but once you know how it all works......SICK I want to go home
What are you doing swimming getting fit ha ha ha.
My favorite place to sail in South Australia with nenes a close second.
Both spots not easy to work out ...but once you know how it all works......SICK I want to go home
Heaps of East in it last night Ty so like glass past the cliff.
Looking back on your photos, about the same size.
Egged it that day
Need some tnt for that boulder and it would work on smaller days. I need to talk to my boss