Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Nene Valley and Robe Report - Saturday 23 Feb 19

Created by dextersurf > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2019
SA, 114 posts
23 Feb 2019 11:19PM
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Nene Valley - Saturday 23 Feb 19 - 1 to 3pm
Wind: 22 knots
Sails: 4.7m
Waves: head-high for largest sets
Crew: Geoff, Paul, Pilchard, Simon
Nene Rating: 3 out of 10

Robe - Saturday 23 Feb 19 - 5 to 6pm
Wind: 17 knots
Sails: 5.6m
Waves: less than boom-high for largest sets
Crew: Anthony, Tom, Simon
Robe Rating: 1 out of 10

Magic Seaweed Forecast:
3pm - 5-7ft @ 14 secs
6pm - 5-7ft @ 14 secs

SA, 626 posts
25 Feb 2019 8:17AM
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Interesting score
3/10 for head high sets and 20-25 knots cross shore.
Admittedly very average by Nene standards but 3/10 is a fail isnt it?
We don't get epic February sails ever for surf size.
I didnt drive 5 hours for it so I don't mark so harshly.
Haven't sailed alone all summer so big bonus having frothing crew regularly rocking up.
Thanks boys

SA, 3025 posts
25 Feb 2019 10:17AM
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pilchard said..
Interesting score
3/10 for head high sets and 20-25 knots cross shore.
Admittedly very average by Nene standards but 3/10 is a fail isnt it?
We don't get epic February sails ever for surf size.
I didnt drive 5 hours for it so I don't mark so harshly.
Haven't sailed alone all summer so big bonus having frothing crew regularly rocking up.
Thanks boys

Yep was thinking the same when the standard is Northern Beaches of Adelaide

SA, 114 posts
25 Feb 2019 11:13PM
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It was a good day :) .... but being my first sail at Nene, by the time I worked out where to catch the waves and avoid the reef, I missed the period with the better swell.

Sambo #
SA, 424 posts
26 Feb 2019 1:35PM
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where exactly is nene? It's not always pumping is it? (hoping it's not) Whats the best time of the year for sailing? is wind strength normally good? what directions can it be sailed on

SA, 626 posts
26 Feb 2019 2:08PM
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Sambo # said..
where exactly is nene? It's not always pumping is it? (hoping it's not) Whats the best time of the year for sailing? is wind strength normally good? what directions can it be sailed on

Its 1.5hrs east of Robe and .5hrs south of Mt Gambier.
All year spot ESE-SSE spring summer and autumn
NE-NNW autumn winter and spring.
Like anywhere it needs a swell of some description. Anything greater than 1.5m
4 reguarly sailed spots on a 3km bending bay. Outer reef point break to reef beachbreaks and a bombie.
Bit of local guidance always needed and provided about some minor hazards hey Geoff

SA, 1439 posts
26 Feb 2019 8:59PM
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pilchard said..

Sambo # said..
where exactly is nene? It's not always pumping is it? (hoping it's not) Whats the best time of the year for sailing? is wind strength normally good? what directions can it be sailed on

Its 1.5hrs east of Robe and .5hrs south of Mt Gambier.
All year spot ESE-SSE spring summer and autumn
NE-NNW autumn winter and spring.
Like anywhere it needs a swell of some description. Anything greater than 1.5m
4 reguarly sailed spots on a 3km bending bay. Outer reef point break to reef beachbreaks and a bombie.
Bit of local guidance always needed and provided about some minor hazards hey Geoff

Like sand flies, star droppers in the dark and hecklers..

SA, 626 posts
27 Feb 2019 8:25AM
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last night
22-28k cross off and 2'.
Maxed on a 5.0m and 84l
Only off the plane to let the set waves catch up. Not bad for a 110kg lump.
Pale ale and smiles afterwards

SA, 635 posts
27 Feb 2019 8:23PM
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Way out west where the rain don't fall. Light wind float and ride. Wind 2/10, waves 9/10.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Nene Valley and Robe Report - Saturday 23 Feb 19" started by dextersurf