Yep port tack, unless you know of some secret spots on the north side of K I that work on a north swell?
Kent Saturday or Ollie's reef, Goolwa Sunday, Day St Monday.
Anything could happen. Will wait and see.
Goes by what tack on the way out.. so goolwa is port tack.
I reckon ill head down to day st or goolwa if its se or east for some jumping.
So why is hookipa a starboard tack wave and diamond head a port tack wave? Because in wave sailing James it's the way you ride the wave and not the way you head out.
I always refer to the saying "no port left" port being the left hand side of a boat when facing the bow.
Pilly is right. Isn't it if wind is over your left shoulder while you on the wave its starboard tack?
Hookipa is a starboard tack wave, except when wind goes 'kona' then it's port tack and the euros go nuts on it!!!!
Wavesailing tack = Port or Starboard according to the tack we are jumping on the way out. That would be why Hookipa is a starboard tack and then port with the Kona winds.
No you've got it all wrong for waveriding:
A ese'r at goolwa is waveriding on "gumby tack"
A nnw'r is waveriding on the "not-quite-so-gumby tack"
Goofy foot surfers may wish to reverse the order
The reverse may apply to jumping