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Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Cyclone forecast!

Created by gmitton > 9 months ago, 7 Jan 2015
SA, 1439 posts
7 Jan 2015 8:25PM
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Check out the weekend+

SA, 1439 posts
7 Jan 2015 9:28PM
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gmitton said..
Check out the weekend+

Maybe victor harbour Saturday? Any advice? Haven't sailed there in 20 years.

Slim Jim
SA, 202 posts
7 Jan 2015 10:05PM
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Wotha! Check out the low forming up in the Bight Sun nite! Very unusual.

sat - you'll have a fun sail at Kent's reserve (try launching at White Pole on high tide) but 3' swell might be struggling to make it in there!

If the forecast holds, Goolwa looks good for starboard tack waves in 2' 23knot E'ly Sunday - I can do an early session but have to be back in town at midday.

SA, 626 posts
8 Jan 2015 6:09AM
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Slim Jim said...

Wotha! Check out the low forming up in the Bight Sun nite! Very unusual.

sat - you'll have a fun sail at Kent's reserve (try launching at White Pole on high tide) but 3' swell might be struggling to make it in there!

If the forecast holds, Goolwa looks good for starboard tack waves in 2' 23knot E'ly Sunday - I can do an early session but have to be back in town at midday.

Fairly sure east wind in SA is port tack old mate

Hope you get wet folks

SA, 626 posts
8 Jan 2015 8:03AM
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Yep port tack, unless you know of some secret spots on the north side of K I that work on a north swell?

SA, 200 posts
8 Jan 2015 9:42AM
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pilchard said..
Yep port tack, unless you know of some secret spots on the north side of K I that work on a north swell?

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gmitton said..
Check out the weekend+

but monday is looking like good NW for day st...

SA, 896 posts
8 Jan 2015 11:11AM
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Kent Saturday or Ollie's reef, Goolwa Sunday, Day St Monday.

Anything could happen. Will wait and see.

SA, 635 posts
8 Jan 2015 1:20PM
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Zubby said..
Kent Saturday or Ollie's reef, Goolwa Sunday, Day St Monday.

Anything could happen. Will wait and see.

Weirdst weather pattern ive ever seen in summer.

There is another option near Cape Jervis but ive never sailed or surfed it and dont know weather it would work on wind swell or weather it needs a massive groundswell.

SA, 2515 posts
8 Jan 2015 3:02PM
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Bondage said..

I would have thought this pattern is quite normal Bondy. Cyclones up north always seem to shake up our weather here, starting with heat waves and then rain periods.

SA, 635 posts
8 Jan 2015 3:50PM
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jn1 said..

Bondage said..

I would have thought this pattern is quite normal Bondy. Cyclones up north always seem to shake up our weather here, starting with heat waves and then rain periods.

You are correct in that Jay, but not a low depression being pushed off the land down below us. Have a look at the charts.

Slim Jim
SA, 202 posts
8 Jan 2015 9:27PM
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pilchard said..

Yep port tack, unless you know of some secret spots on the north side of K I that work on a north swell?

East wind at Goolwa is right hand forward and Starboard tack:

Here is the flat water right of way rule for those interested:

Hope you get some Pebbles action - but be careful if you're sailing alone!

SA, 316 posts
8 Jan 2015 9:53PM
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Goes by what tack on the way out.. so goolwa is port tack.

I reckon ill head down to day st or goolwa if its se or east for some jumping.

SA, 626 posts
8 Jan 2015 9:56PM
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So why is hookipa a starboard tack wave and diamond head a port tack wave? Because in wave sailing James it's the way you ride the wave and not the way you head out.
I always refer to the saying "no port left" port being the left hand side of a boat when facing the bow.

SA, 2878 posts
8 Jan 2015 10:13PM
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Pilly is right. Isn't it if wind is over your left shoulder while you on the wave its starboard tack?

Hookipa is a starboard tack wave, except when wind goes 'kona' then it's port tack and the euros go nuts on it!!!!

SA, 316 posts
8 Jan 2015 11:17PM
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barri said..
Goes by what tack on the way out.. so goolwa is port tack in an easterly.

I reckon ill head down to day st or goolwa if its se or east for some jumping.

Hookipa looking out to sea the wind coming from your right= starboard on way out... riding wave on port. ??

SA, 213 posts
9 Jan 2015 10:06AM
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Wavesailing tack = Port or Starboard according to the tack we are jumping on the way out. That would be why Hookipa is a starboard tack and then port with the Kona winds.

SA, 3025 posts
9 Jan 2015 11:10AM
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No you've got it all wrong for waveriding:

A ese'r at goolwa is waveriding on "gumby tack"
A nnw'r is waveriding on the "not-quite-so-gumby tack"

Goofy foot surfers may wish to reverse the order

The reverse may apply to jumping

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
12 Jan 2015 2:52PM
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pilchard said..
So why is hookipa a starboard tack wave and diamond head a port tack wave? Because in wave sailing James it's the way you ride the wave and not the way you head out.
I always refer to the saying "no port left" port being the left hand side of a boat when facing the bow.

port or starboard tack pfffft.
wave riding is always referred to as right or left hander you gaylord.

SA, 635 posts
12 Jan 2015 5:41PM
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high as a kite said..

pilchard said..
So why is hookipa a starboard tack wave and diamond head a port tack wave? Because in wave sailing James it's the way you ride the wave and not the way you head out.
I always refer to the saying "no port left" port being the left hand side of a boat when facing the bow.

port or starboard tack pfffft.
wave riding is always referred to as right or left hander you gaylord.

A Kitesurfer calling a windsurfer a gaylord.....pffft

SA, 626 posts
12 Jan 2015 5:43PM
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high as a kite said...
pilchard said..
So why is hookipa a starboard tack wave and diamond head a port tack wave? Because in wave sailing James it's the way you ride the wave and not the way you head out.
I always refer to the saying "no port left" port being the left hand side of a boat when facing the bow.

port or starboard tack pfffft.
wave riding is always referred to as right or left hander you gaylord.

What do you know about waves?
Haven't seen you on one in two years

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
12 Jan 2015 11:08PM
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What do you know about waves?
Haven't seen you on one in two years

You need to get out a bit more. plenty where i've been

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
12 Jan 2015 11:11PM
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Bondage said;

A Kitesurfer calling a windsurfer a gaylord.....pffft

Guezz Bondy, is that the best ya got.
i reckon my grandaughter sledged me better that that today


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Cyclone forecast!" started by gmitton