Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

A few pics from North Haven yesterday

Created by divaldo > 9 months ago, 2 Feb 2015
SA, 2878 posts
2 Feb 2015 8:24AM
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SA, 200 posts
2 Feb 2015 9:55AM
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great pix - looks a whole better than Sems was: plenty of wind, but short, nasty chop... should be similar today ??

SA, 2878 posts
2 Feb 2015 10:10AM
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We looked at Sems, saw a few people floating around, Kym was keen to try North Haven (pretty good call :))

SA, 635 posts
2 Feb 2015 10:58AM
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Great Pics Dave. Was cool when that ship came through the channel.

Ian, Semphore is always heaps choppier than north haven. North haven is always more onshore, but much bigger waves than semaphore so depends what you prefer.

SA, 896 posts
2 Feb 2015 11:20AM
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Nice photo's Dave!

Geoff, how did your footage from your soloshot 2 look from Saturday?

SA, 200 posts
2 Feb 2015 12:47PM
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Bondage said..
Great Pics Dave. Was cool when that ship came through the channel.

Ian, Semphore is always heaps choppier than north haven. North haven is always more onshore, but much bigger waves than semaphore so depends what you prefer.

waves = better!! the chop yesterday just about dislocated every joint in my body...

SA, 110 posts
2 Feb 2015 3:07PM
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Nice shots Dave

SA, 2515 posts
2 Feb 2015 7:14PM
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Adam doing a forward.

SA, 1439 posts
3 Feb 2015 8:34AM
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Great shots Dave. Impressed with your fortitude staying there in that wind for so long to do it.

Not sailing? Old football injury again?

SA, 2878 posts
3 Feb 2015 9:45AM
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I did sail, just a couple of runs earlier, rigged a 120 ltr and 6.2, was 15-20 knots for 4 runs, then went to 25 knots and beyond, was hard to hold on, so I took photos of you kids, should have done a video, so much action!

WA, 2333 posts
3 Feb 2015 11:37AM
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Hi guys, awesome pictures! Can you tell me what camera lens etc the shooter was using? Photographically the conditions look really tough for exposure. I might need a longer lens!
Cheers Dave

SA, 2878 posts
3 Feb 2015 3:18PM
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BSN101 said..
Hi guys, awesome pictures! Can you tell me what camera lens etc the shooter was using? Photographically the conditions look really tough for exposure. I might need a longer lens!
Cheers Dave

Hi Dave, Canon 7D and trusty 100-400 Lseries 4.5-5.6, no filter, settings were around 640-1000 Shutter Speed and 200 ISO, all shot in Manual mode

Shooting straight out into sun things got tricky with exposure (most of these shots were at a 45 degree angle off the sun so light was pretty good - LOTS OF SUN), but I stayed super low on the beach that meant lots of image capture with waves, breakwall and sailor
action was working auto focu overtime. I shot over 800 shots in an hour and a half, so lots of culling,

Post production bumped up heat and contrast as well as backed off over exposure, simple edits on Iphoto, I need (want) to get a better photo editing prgram, but I actually shoot mainly video with this rig, but was way too windy on Sunday,


WA, 2333 posts
3 Feb 2015 2:12PM
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Once again awesome shots! Im looking at the 7D 2. only 800 shots!
Well done. I might pm you with some questions re 7D.


SA, 2515 posts
4 Feb 2015 9:03AM
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divaldo said..
I did sail, just a couple of runs earlier, rigged a 120 ltr and 6.2, was 15-20 knots for 4 runs, then went to 25 knots and beyond, was hard to hold on

If you get caught out again with the rigging, then go downwind (towards the north/east pocket of the cove) about 200-300m and the wind will be less. Similar thing when becoming unsailable in a NW - go up wind near the wall.

SA, 896 posts
4 Feb 2015 11:16AM
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It was on again last night. Cranked on 4.2.

SA, 2878 posts
4 Feb 2015 11:49AM
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jn1 said..

divaldo said..
I did sail, just a couple of runs earlier, rigged a 120 ltr and 6.2, was 15-20 knots for 4 runs, then went to 25 knots and beyond, was hard to hold on

If you get caught out again with the rigging, then go downwind (towards the north/east pocket of the cove) about 200-300m and the wind will be less. Similar thing when becoming unsailable in a NW - go up wind near the wall.

LOL that where I got dumped regardless :)

SA, 635 posts
4 Feb 2015 12:02PM
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Jay, your suggestion wont work that well in a SW. It usually stays just as strong right into the corner or certainly by about 100 metres out.

SA, 2515 posts
4 Feb 2015 8:26PM
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Bondage said..
Jay, your suggestion wont work that well in a SW. It usually stays just as strong right into the corner or certainly by about 100 metres out.

Works for me. I normally can't get up wind to where everybody is sailing due to getting O/P out there (the case on Sunday), so I stay downwind. It was just right where I was sailing downwind from you all. I had a good time. Adam kept me company


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"A few pics from North Haven yesterday" started by divaldo