Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Fanatic eagle 2008 - 2 in 1 ( light wind/small waves board 100l vs 113l vs 126l)

Created by lila 1 month ago, 13 Dec 2024
1 posts
13 Dec 2024 1:36AM
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Hello,new here!Nice to join you.

Hello, My first post and question:)

Now just to resume the below details maybe, would the 100l ,63cm width board be to small to be planning and HAVE FUN in as low as 12-15knots with a 6m sail( plus/minus )?

I have a hard time deciding what should I choose between:Fanatic eagle 2008 100l(63cm) vs 113l(66cm).(I like the brand and the model so I stick to it)

Note:I owe an 126l(69cm) but I think is to heavy and to large,at least this is what I feel?So I want to change the fanatic eagle 2008 board(69cm width ) with a smaller and especially lighter board .

The scope is a board to use mainly in ocean an occasionally in bays and lagoons:

1. when the 91 wave board is to small for the wind

2. in order to start planing relatively quick in 12-15 knots (with 5m to 7m sails and to uphaul easy if wind dies so I can return to beach.

3. that would be easy to handle in the shore-break & that I would be able to ride small waves and also handle it when waves can break on me or push the gear etc. - sometimes the ocean is calm but the shore break is nasty

4. (to use)on lagoons to better some tehniques ,again in rather low wind (8-15knots) and to just have fun planing when waves are not out there

When conditions get purely for waves I would go to 91 liters or in extreme wind and waves to 73l(which I just try to adapt to it)

About me: I am 63kg, intermediate beginner(water start,harness,footstraps,planning,rarely a catapult,jibing mostly working unless it does not ??) with some really beginner wave riding capability,at a maximum.

I started to hate the weight of the 126l board when holding it at shore break or when I carry it ,

thank you,

Matt UK
258 posts
13 Dec 2024 3:18AM
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It totally depends on where you sail.

The Eagle is a freeride board, its not even a Freestyle wave, which is probably what you are actually looking for.

I'd say get one with a thruster set up, like a DYno, or any of the others out there. You are really light so get used to using a smaller sail and set if fuller, this give you a little more thrust and power but means you have more control.

They do make full wave boards in that size that work well.

2176 posts
13 Dec 2024 4:32AM
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I'd be looking at a 105-115l freestyle wave for what you want to do.

WA, 270 posts
13 Dec 2024 10:20AM
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The board might be a bit small for the intended use so agree on the above.

Also keep in mind that the same model board can feel quite different across sizes. A 130L shape has different considerations normally compared to a 100L board and for an average weight sailor, it's a medium-high wind board that does not align with the conditions you'll be using it in.

So if you like the board in a large size, there's no guarantee that you like the smaller size as well.

405 posts
14 Dec 2024 3:58AM
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I'm about 65 kg myself and I would recommend the 100l Eagle, the 113l one will still be a rather large board that is too close in size to your 126l. The 100l board will still take a max sail size of around 6.5m^2, so that can be used on both boards with ease.

I tried an Eagle once, I think it was the 2005 model and possibly around 110l. To me it is a typical "safe-ride" freeride board which is good to learn on. It will feel more agile than you 126l board without the need to go to a free-style waveboard or similar. It should also not cost you much, for a 17 year old board, so worth to get if it is in good condition.

With a 6.5 sail you might get planing in about 15knots, not below that, that is my guess at least. It is very hard to judge the true wind strength out on the water.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Fanatic eagle 2008 - 2 in 1 ( light wind/small waves board 100l vs 113l vs 126l)" started by lila