Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Wind Wanderers News

Created by WWNews > 9 months ago, 17 Sep 2021
1 posts
17 Sep 2021 12:44PM
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Wind Wanderers, Spring News 2021
Happy windy season everyone, following is an update on what's been happening recently at the club.The club recently held its Annual general meeting on the Sunshine Coast, the meeting notes are available on the club website under meetings (sorry couldn't add the link on this post) meetings tab, 2021 AGM , then the minutes are on the bottom RHS of the page to click on and download.

The meeting confirmed that under the current team has remained in a strong and secure position, quite an achievement in the current economic climate, a big thank you to all involved.

For 2021/22 (and hopefully longer !) the club is excited to announce that well known legendary windsurfer Michael Corkeron has accepted the challenging role of club President.

For those that don't know Michael, he is an experienced windsurfer in all formats and disciplines of the sport. These days he enjoys beautiful Magnetic Island as his home sailing spot, in his early days he spent a lot of time windsurfing Brisbane and Sunshine Coast, so he is well known all over the state! Michael is a keen competitor in events such as the Green Island Nationals in Cairns and North Queensland One Design/LT championships in Bowen.

The appointment of Michael highlights just how far the reach of Windwanderers stretches, over two thousand kilometres of Queensland coastline! Whilst the Sunshine Coast predominantly has and will continue to be where the core base of members will be located the club will be looking to utilize technology to better connect to all regions.

Michael is looking forward to the challenges of what lies ahead, as a passionate windsurfer he is keen to explore the potential of what the club is capable of achieving through a positive all-encompassing vision.T

The initial task will be focused on formatting a strategic plan and direction with members input, for the club, not just for this season but with a vision for the long-term success of the club. There is a substantial workload and list of challenges to work through, these will be noted and communicated to everyone shortly, in the meantime feel welcome Michael to the role.

The first catch opportunity will be announced shortly, it could be in the form of a Big beer/pizza and zoom meeting* for all interested parties to thrown ideas around and volunteer their own special skills sets to assist where possible :)

Please Note...whist this is a forum site ...the above post is a communication only it is not really to engage long discussions of ideas here, as nobody involved has the time to monitor and reply to them here.....sorry but with volunteer organisations time management is crucial as no one is being paid for any effort or time , and these things can quickly consume time really fast!

So when the meeting date and time is announced please feel free to join in member or non member to throw ideas and discussions around, meet like minded enthusiastic windsurfers and see what could be possible:) as the old Rushwind video used to say 'spread the word' !

QLD, 703 posts
17 Sep 2021 3:05PM
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Great news , congratulations Mick , looking forward to supporting the club with some of the upcoming events this season ..

QLD, 234 posts
20 Sep 2021 1:20PM
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Congrats Michael, have sent you and Anne a PM!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Wind Wanderers News" started by WWNews