Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Simmer sail

Created by Adam roofer > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2022
Adam roofer
QLD, 157 posts
22 Apr 2022 7:26PM
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Hi I was just wondering if a simmer wave sail Will work on a Nash mast.

QLD, 639 posts
24 Apr 2022 10:31AM
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It looks a bit lonely here with no responses to your question. I have no experience with mixing and match the rig components but for the sake of solving a problem I would break it down into two questions. The first would be finding out if the sail and mast could be rigged on land, so if you have the items it would be easy to try and see. If it looks ok on the land then the next thing would be to test it on water. Therefore, the second question would be about performance and ease of handling - all personal preferences so you are best to judge.

In a perfect world, all windsurfing gear would receive huge government subsidies, making everything dirt cheap. Then you could buy whatever you wanted, within reason. Better wait for the inheritance instead

5086 posts
24 Apr 2022 4:58PM
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Hi Adam I have tried a naish in my simmer race sails and it ok ,as my Naish mast is resent ,depending what year the mast is old once where hard top ,Naish has gone to constant curve now
,a north or duotone would be better ..Pryde might be ok too .

Matt UK
258 posts
26 Apr 2022 5:39AM
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I have attached the unifier mast selector. Says they are both constant curves and after looking at the simmer masts online I'd say it wouldn't be far off.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Simmer sail" started by Adam roofer