Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Forecast schmorcast!

Created by GasHazard > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2022
378 posts
31 Mar 2022 4:31PM
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Why does this happen.
25 kt forecast and the only place in the bay that gets anything is Moreton Island.
It may as well be Mars.

QLD, 1667 posts
31 Mar 2022 9:25PM
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You could try the Windy App, it forecast that the stronger wind would stay out of the bay today which is often the case with a Southerly. Not saying it's always right but it's another forecast you can check. But it's still frustrating hey.

QLD, 639 posts
1 Apr 2022 9:15PM
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GasHazard said..
Why does this happen.
25 kt forecast and the only place in the bay that gets anything is Moreton Island.
It may as well be Mars.

I think the winds are gustier on Mars.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Forecast schmorcast!" started by GasHazard