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Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Toronto Amateur Sailing Club - Windsurfing on Lake Macquarie most Sundays.

Created by albymongrel > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2019
NSW, 257 posts
17 Feb 2019 9:40AM
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join us at Toronto today

for more info

contact Al Haynes, LT 1



NSW, 257 posts
18 Feb 2019 6:07AM
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We had a good turnout at Toronto Amateur Sailing Club today. 6 Windsurfers competed and a further 3 locals came along and had a social sail before racing commenced.

Come along most Sundays and join the fun lifestyle. All very social and relaxed sailing, no sheep stations at risk here, you may even enjoy a beer afterwards!

Many thanks to the legends who turned up today, a few others couldn't make it but will come along when they can.

Things are looking good for the Windsurfer Class with all three versions of the Windsurfer brand on the water!

Two races were held, on a triangle course with two good reaching legs.

Race 1 Results

1st Place: Rachel (oh I don't think I will sail today, not feeling well and I don't have a harness or a board) Boslem on an original Wally complete with Red, rainbow and dark blue original Windsurfer Dacron Windsurfer Regatta Sail. She really blitzed the fleet in 12 - 15 knot Nor' Easter. She borrowed my old Wally made famous for the Tsunami Freestyle move at the recent Nationals, oh and Some guy called Rowan Cudmore put a solid effort in with it in the freestyle as well.

2nd Place: Peter Doolan on with LT #230 with the German Sunset Regatta sail.

3rd Place: Glenn Boslem (the long reigning TASC Club Heavy Weight Champion since 1984 when the Windsurfer was last on the racing roster at the club) on his Original Windsurfer and genuine Windsurfer Dacron sail of multiple green orange and yellow colours and black sleeve.

4th: I thought it was me but somehow Sarah Petherbridge was sitting in the winners circle on her LT with bold and beautiful bright red sail, chatting with the other victors when I crossed the line. Need a video replay to see how many laps she actually completed but I'm sure she did at least one which is an awesome effort for such a new Windsurfer devotee with unmistakable sailing pedigree as daughter of the club President and past RMYC Commodore.

5th: yours truly apparently, sailing LT 1 with the blue sail.

6th: (though it may be disputed in a late protest) was none other than the reigning 2019 Windsurfer Class Cruiser Division Nationals Female Champion, Alison Gearing on a Windsurfer One Design.

Race 2 Results

1st Place: Glenn Boslem (keeping a stranglehold on the podium in the family)

2nd: Mr Consistency, Peter Doolan who commented that the original Windsurfer with Centreboard pulled out and huge baggy sail just took off on the downwind reach and he couldn't catch it on the LT.

3rd: Alison Gearing

4th Sarah Petherbridge


5th and 6th Al and Rachel retired after swapping boards for a bit and deciding we'd quit while the beer was available at the club house!

Special mention to the Kane boys, Toronto locals born and bred windsurfers from the 70's.
Chris and Danny turned up for a sail on big brother Michael's LT #363 with German sunset colours.
Both were impressed with the LT and made it look easy considering the both have had less than a few hours sailing under their belts since the 80's. Just like riding a bike!

Michael had a go also and managed to hang in there confidently. Brother Tim came along to watch (out injured since his across the Newcastle Harbour (running of the bull sharks) swim on Australia Day but likely to join in soon.

A few drinks afterwards and a happy birthday to club Pres was sung. Here's a few photos. Fantastic effort guys and girls!

NSW, 257 posts
23 Feb 2019 7:40AM
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Windsurfing this Sunday at TORONTO AMATEUR SAILING CLUB

join us for lessons, if you want to try a Windsurfer LT or Original or if you want to enjoy the camaraderie and a little racing or social sailing.

bring along your child if you would like them to try windsurfing. We have a unique kids sal that is much smaller and lighter than a standard sail and much easier to learn with. It is inflatable and as light as a feather!

i will be there by 11:00 and will have a few boards rigged ready for any takers.

racing starts around 1:00pm

please be reminded that life jackets are essential when sailing with a sailing club, the club has jackets available for loan if you don't have one.

If you have a pair of rubber reef boots or an old pair of sand shoes bring them as well,
two reasons:
1. Some boards can be a little sippery
2. better to be safe than sorry with unknown objects (such as the odd razor clam or broken glass) sometimes appearing in the water. We do clean up regularly and chances are there is nothing there but no one wants their day ruined by a cut.

bar open after sailing!

see you there...

regards, Al

Windsurfer Class Rep NSW

New Windsurfer LT's available for $2499 complete. Now that's a bargain for a very popular board that has been selling out quickly with every shipment into Australia.

old windsurfers available sometimes for free or generally under $200.

NSW, 257 posts
24 Feb 2019 10:38AM
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Club has called off racing today

too much wind? Is there such a thing?

if you want someone to sail with either at Toronto or around Marks Point, call me!
Al - 0438336495

NSW, 257 posts
24 Feb 2019 3:01PM
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Toronto Amateur Sailing Club January 2019

NSW, 257 posts
15 Mar 2019 6:11PM
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Hey Lake Mac sailors
we had a great day last Sunday
6 racers
Rachel managed 2 firsts 1,1
pete one second and a fourth 2,4
mick a third and a second. 3,2
Glenn a fourth and a fifth 4,5
Al a last and a third 6,3
sarah a 5th and had to leave 5,0
Georgia joined us afterwards
for a social sail!

6 racers and 7 total!

going well toronto!

NSW, 257 posts
7 Apr 2019 5:39AM
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Results from last Sunday
1st Windsurfers - Al
no other windsurfers today
I raced a few lasers and the girls had an outing on the flying ant.
The Lasers almost lapped me in very shifty and gusty light Westerly breeze.

NSW, 257 posts
7 Apr 2019 5:46AM
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Windsurfing is on at Toronto today!
We are expecting several windsurfers, the weather is fantastic, winds will be a little light but make the most of this long day now that daylight savings has ended and come on down to downtown Toronto (bottom of the Boulevarde) and join us for a social sail.

perfect weather for learning to windsurf!

spare boards and rigs available.
cheers, Al

oh, Toronto Amateur Sailing Club is now affiliated with the AWA - Australian Windsurfing Association! Great news!

NSW, 329 posts
8 Apr 2019 3:59PM
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Any races over Easter at Toronto

NSW, 257 posts
12 Apr 2019 6:57AM
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normster said..
Any races over Easter at Toronto

Hey Normster,
no racing scheduled for TORONTO over Easter as the club has decided to take a break for the weekend.

i am hoping to do a little sailing on eastern side of lake around Marks Point and Swansea Channel. Perhaps a few of the Toronto regulars will join me. Will post closer to the weekend when we have a better idea of weather.and also the other whether... Whether I can convince my cheese and kisses to allow me to sail on yet another weekend when she wants to go to the mountains for some bushwalking! Hoping to achieve a little compromise so we are both happy!

sailing this Sunday at Toronto however and expecting an influx of Gosford sailors to visit on their LT's. come along and join us!

NSW, 257 posts
1 May 2019 10:49PM
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Presentation Night at Toronto Amateur Sailing Club this Saturday 4th May

All of our Windsurfers and club supporters are welcome - even if not a member as yet...
Here's the letter from club treasurer Darren....

Hi Everyone,
Thanks to all of you who have already booked tickets.

For those who have not yet booked and plan to come along would you please complete your booking by tomorrow or contact me via phone or email to let me know you'll be attending.

We need to provide a headcount to the caterers by Friday morning latest.

If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me on the number below.

Toronto Amateur Sailing ClubPresentation Night Dinner & AGM
At Toronto Diggers
Saturday 4th May at 6pm.
$30 per adult (main meal, tea/coffee & cake) $15 per child (main meal, paddle pop & cake)
Tickets available online

Or you can contact us on
0425 277 471
Please purchase promptly so we can organise catering.Thank you.

Darren Boden
0425 277471
TASC Treasurer

Hope to see you there, please call either Darren or myself Al Haynes 0438336495 if you would like to join us.

NSW, 257 posts
20 Oct 2019 6:26AM
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Windsurfer Racing season starts at Toronto today!

come along and join us

i'll be there all day from 8:30
Racing by 1:00pm

my LT IS AVAILABLE FOR A DEMO IF you would like a go!

we have a few older wallys there at the club and various rigs as well available
Al Haynes 0438336495

NSW, 257 posts
20 Oct 2019 6:31AM
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Here's a little movie I put together
sailing at Toronto, Saratoga and Palm Beach so far this season with some highlights of the a nationals and a little history...

NSW, 76 posts
8 Nov 2019 7:46AM
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NSW, 76 posts
8 Nov 2019 7:47AM
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NSW, 257 posts
16 Nov 2019 6:52AM
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Results and photos from last weekends heat 2 of our city summer series windsurfer class at Toronto...

sailing on again tomorrow, Sunday, racing by 1pm

come along earlier if you'd like to borrow one of our club one designs or originals. We also have a few LT Charter boards available to demo or race with.

social sailing, racing, learning, or even just for a chat with the crew and two NSW REPS, AL AND PETE. ALL WELCOME!

photos of last weekend here....

NSW, 257 posts
27 Dec 2019 8:21AM
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albymongrel said..
Results and photos from last weekends heat 2 of our city summer series windsurfer class at Toronto...

sailing on again tomorrow, Sunday, racing by 1pm

come along earlier if you'd like to borrow one of our club one designs or originals. We also have a few LT Charter boards available to demo or race with.

social sailing, racing, learning, or even just for a chat with the crew and two NSW REPS, AL AND PETE. ALL WELCOME!

photos of last weekend here....

Free windsurfer lessons at Toronto 4th Jan
experienced windsurfers are invited to come along and help out. We will be doing a few short races close to shore afterwards to show our stuff!
bring along your kids, partners or friends who want to learn on the right gear for beginners!

NSW, 257 posts
16 Feb 2020 6:34AM
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Windsurfing racing is on today at Toronto!

Learn to Sail 10:00am to 12:00pm



1st races from 1:00pm either Lasers or Windsurfers first then other group afterwards (windsurfers usually go first)

we have a few new sailors joining us today! Ben, Andrew and Anthony...


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Toronto Amateur Sailing Club - Windsurfing on Lake Macquarie most Sundays." started by albymongrel