Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

NSW Slalom Championships and GPS - Sanctuary Point

Created by jamesf > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2015
NSW, 179 posts
23 Nov 2015 11:26AM
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Yes, a great weekend all round. Slalom is an experience that lingers in the memory, a bit like childbirth, you forget the bad bits (Rick mowing me down just before the finish, I thought I was going fast) & retain the good bits (Rick not planing at the gybe mark so I could catch up). If only we had more of it we might get tuned up so that the right board might get together with the right fin & sail occaisionally.
Those boat guys deserve a mention, the courses were good, the races run swiftly and poor geoff sitting at the finish in the little yellow bathtub, well done guys.
Thanks to James, Muzz & Byron for all their work.

The Windsurfing Shed
NSW, 294 posts
23 Nov 2015 5:00PM
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Big congrats to organisers and officials for delivering a magnificent event and making the most out of the conditions. Friday was a challenge with the varying conditions and the crew made the right calls and set the course perfectly. Hats off to all involved.

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
23 Nov 2015 7:09PM
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Reiterating all the previous comments... So glad the association decided to come down to our sleepy town and I'm equally glad that the NE breeze demonstrated what it can truly do. Many thanks for exposing me to slalom racing and am still buzzing on the high of it all. Despite me being on an old Futura and an equally old R3, the exhilaration was indescribable. Having said that, it's been a while that I've fallen whilst gybing so many times. It's amazing what the element of 'racing' can do to the head.

Thanks to all involved.

11206 posts
23 Nov 2015 7:27PM
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Wow! I'm still on a high after that awesome racing. Knackered after the 10 hour drive today!

Well done Remi, Alex and the place winners.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you Byron, James, Murray & Adam for organising this memorable event.

Thanks also to Nick Nelson and his trusty companion and (sausage roll connoisseur) Ron on the start boat and for setting such a perfect, all out, rip tearing, peddle to the metal downwind slalom course. I haven't experienced anything like it since Huskisson 1998.

Thanks also to Geoff who provided the final piece in the magic that makes downwind slalom really work - a finish boat!

Most of all it was special to see the old racing crew Mark, Rik, Murray, Tibor, Bruce and Byron, to meet the new faces and give encouragement to the youth who performed incredibly well in the tough conditions - especially with nutcases like Remi, Byron, Mark, Justin and me (to name a few) threading lines in between them on the first and second legs. It didn't phase them in the slightest.

Young Alex almost beat me to the finish to claim third place in one heat! How's that! Plus I had to weave and dodge my way through half the fleet after a shocking start and then there at the last 100m was Alex! Just cooly heading towards the finish with that trademark assassin's smile on his face.

Most memorable of all is that one-on-one dog fight I had with Byron down the course. After holding him off for three legs and three gybes, Byron finally slipped past on sheer board speed - beating me by a nose in the last few metres. If I could only capture the looks on our faces at the end! In another heat Muzz I think beat me by half a nose, maybe a third of a nose right on the line! That's slalom racing!

Looking forward to seeing the GPS Freerace results.

Well so much more I could say but for now - let's bring on Huskisson 2016!

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
24 Nov 2015 11:32AM
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We had all winds over the three days.
Friday was remarkable! After spending most of the day in oppressive heat, a storm hit so hard that I retreated into my car and even moving the car from under a dodgy looking tree. On the water I could see what looked like mini tornadoes!!

I thought I was done for the day, next thing Tibor is warning me to hurry as we are about to start the freerace!! With no time I grabbed my half rigged 7.1, too big! But the wind dropped and the last 15 minutes of free race I was underpowered. Some guys where on 5 and 6 metres, that would have been hard in the dropping wind.

After the free race we started the Slalom and race till nearly dark. I was now on a 8.7m sail. Plenty of action on the first day!

That night Adam Craven and I headed for the Husky Pub for dinner we got there so late the kitchen was closed!! I felt like SpongeBob square pants going internally berserk! But then we crossed the road to some awesome Thai food. I ordered two mains! That night I had a choice out of three identical waterproof kid’s bunk beds and slept well.

Saturday the wind was onshore so we moved around the corner to a nice sandy beach with cross shore wind. The younger guys put on a great freestyle show, I wish my kids where there as it was great learner conditions for them. A few of us got planning on our Slalom gear. I actually managed to get over 17 knots on my 81cm wide board with a 9.6m sail!

It was a good time to catch up sitting around on the beach, I was asking the senior guys about the history of the formula class. Formula grew out of Slalom, people where course racing (upwind, downwind legs) on slalom boards but these boards where narrower than current Slalom boards. The Course Slalom boards grew wider and wider and where eventually capped at 1m wide. All formula boards are now 1m wide. Slalom is capped at 85cm wide. I also learnt that Tibor and Bruce where there right from the very start of Course Slalom.
So later at the Country Club I organised myself to be at the Tibor and Bruce table where I learnt a lot about the past and also surprised to learn about the future and other interesting little bits like, don’t always call for the second nurse.

On Sunday Sanctuary Point turned it on and unleashed the full power of the South Coast, well 20 – 25 knots of power. The wind was strong but not out of control, the chop was consistent over the whole course. Very good conditions!! I was on my 70cm wide board and 7.9m sail and 41cm fin and was well powered up on that combo. I could have changed down but at the top at the course the wind was a little softer and the starts where critical as all entrants raced together. In a big fleet If you get behind other sailors wake and wind shadow it is very hard to pull through in a short race. My speed and starts was good but my gybing was terrible. I just need more time on the water with the smaller kit.

Before the Slalom competition we had a 30min free race competition. I was using 81 wide board, 8.7m sail and 47cm fin which I have sailed a lot. I am pretty sure around the world this is a fairly common sized gear and I know the pro guys can hold this gear gear in high winds.

In the end it was a pretty cool week end away, even the light wind day. Thanks to the organisers for the efforts and hard work for the sailors. I had a good time and learnt a lot from some really good sailors.
Regards Justin

NSW, 995 posts
24 Nov 2015 10:59PM
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Thanks everyone for the kind words. Really glad everyone enjoyed themselves.

Results will be finalised and posted Weds night. Thanks for your patience.


NSW, 995 posts
25 Nov 2015 10:43PM
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2015 NSW Slalom Championships - Final Results

1st - Alex Halank (Starboard / Severne)
2nd - Rhys Mooy (Starboard / Severne)
3rd - Kye Irwin (JP / Severne)

Grand Masters
1st - Mark Trollope (Custom / Neil Pryde)
2nd - Rick Murray (Fanatic / North)
3rd - Andrew Donovan (KA sails)

1st - Remi Dunoyer (Exocet / Mauisails)
2nd - Byron McIlveen (Exocet / Mauisails)
3rd - Mark Trollope (Custom / Neil Pryde)
4th - Justin Lord (Patrik / Gun Sails)

NSW, 995 posts
25 Nov 2015 10:44PM
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Full results

NSW, 995 posts
25 Nov 2015 10:45PM
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GPS Freerace Results and Standings after 2 Heats

NSW, 995 posts
25 Nov 2015 11:00PM
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GPS Handicap Results - Day 1, Day 3, Event and Overall series standings

11206 posts
26 Nov 2015 5:19AM
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Love your work James.

I was thinking Byron may have just pipped me in the second GPS race! In fact he wasn't the only one!

Three knots faster than second place in the Race 1 is a nice surprise.

Next year in Huskission I promise I won't miss any races - buggered or not and not be naughty and break starts!

Also, a stop watch might be a good idea!

Plus I think I have a strategy for beating Remi that doesn't involve sabotaging his carbon fins with several almost imperceptible neatly filled grooves in the leading edge or spiking his Enduro powder with moonshine!

NSW, 505 posts
26 Nov 2015 5:36PM
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Adrian very impressive result in GPS you smashed us in round 1 and a second over all.
That finish with you I will never forget to be that close as I said at the time it is in the hands of Geoff the finisher really fun stuff.
Congratulations to all, a special mention to all that got PBS and there were many. It’s amazing what racing does to your ability and PBs as you are pushed.
In the GPS handicap great to see a junior win on Sunday with a string of PBS.
I am glad people enjoyed it.

11206 posts
27 Nov 2015 8:54AM
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Select to expand quote
byronmc said..
Adrian very impressive result in GPS you smashed us in round 1 and a second over all.
That finish with you I will never forget to be that close as I said at the time it is in the hands of Geoff the finisher really fun stuff.
Congratulations to all, a special mention to all that got PBS and there were many. It’s amazing what racing does to your ability and PBs as you are pushed.
In the GPS handicap great to see a junior win on Sunday with a string of PBS.
I am glad people enjoyed it.

Shall we start planning Huskisson 2016?

PS I didn't grab a T shirt....

NSW, 505 posts
28 Nov 2015 9:24AM
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If anyone did not get a free shirt please email me with your address of if you are coming to any of the other events I can give it to you then.

Note for people that are interested these awesome shirts are for sale for $25 cost price a great looking shirt promoting windsurfing in nsw.

NSW, 1600 posts
28 Nov 2015 11:21AM
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except the picture is from Qld

NSW, 505 posts
28 Nov 2015 12:10PM
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LOL how true but what a picture it is, it captures the essence of what GPS racing is all sailing together going for it having fun.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"NSW Slalom Championships and GPS - Sanctuary Point" started by jamesf