Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Straight Lines

Created by Shifu > 9 months ago, 13 Feb 2019
QLD, 1989 posts
13 Feb 2019 9:05AM
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Is it an advantage in GPS sailing to sail as straight a course as possible?
Besides having a couple of gybes in it, this track has a lot of course variations. This is mainly due to dodging big waves, but it does make me wonder where the line is between avoiding waves and sailing straight course in terms of obtaining best speeds. Is a straight course even necessary?

WA, 12394 posts
13 Feb 2019 8:19AM
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definitely not! Best speeds are going off the wind deep, average speeds for most people will be what's most comfortable. sterring a course through chop/waves, is mainly a good thing I think

VIC, 6149 posts
13 Feb 2019 10:06PM
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Agreed ^
Also, the Doppler speeds are measured on the course sailed, so it is your real speed, not the 'straight line between 2 fixed points' speed.
On moderate wind speed runs, go deeper in the gusts and come up a bit in the lulls to keep the apparent wind higher.

Same thing during a 1Hr or Half Hr. Best to avoid anything that will slow you down. Speed over time.

QLD, 1989 posts
14 Feb 2019 11:41AM
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Well, this is all good to know and I might experiment more with course variations to avoid waves when on the exit leg in alphas. These are straight into the waves at my spot.

VIC, 1506 posts
14 Feb 2019 12:49PM
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And don't expect the wind to be blowing from exactly the same direction all the time. The wind shifts are much more noticeable when going upwind really high, then you get "knocks" or "lifts".

VIC, 6149 posts
14 Feb 2019 10:24PM
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Shifu said..
Well, this is all good to know and I might experiment more with course variations to avoid waves when on the exit leg in alphas. These are straight into the waves at my spot.

Yep. just be sure to make it back to inside the Proximity Circle (50M) or the Alpha won't register.

QLD, 1989 posts
15 Feb 2019 9:43AM
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sailquik said..
Yep. just be sure to make it back to inside the Proximity Circle (50M) or the Alpha won't register.

And that is the hard part because our water is too rough to paint the circle on the surface. The waves wash the paint away


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Straight Lines" started by Shifu