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Luderitz Best Forecast 3 Dec after it ends

Created by hardie > 9 months ago, 28 Nov 2019
WA, 4102 posts
28 Nov 2019 8:13AM
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Luderitz Best Forecast 3 Dec after it ends on 1 Dec.

What are the possibilities in this instance can it be extended or are these things fixed periods? Will some sailors stay on and do it gps privately? Is there any discussion about this by competitors?

86 posts
28 Nov 2019 6:30PM
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hardie said..
Luderitz Best Forecast 3 Dec after it ends on 1 Dec.

What are the possibilities in this instance can it be extended or are these things fixed periods? Will some sailors stay on and do it gps privately? Is there any discussion about this by competitors?

Yes. The forecast is too good to be true.
For context, on the big day with 65 knots gusts, the forecast was 28-35.

Another comparable day is forecast monday 2nd.
And tuesday 3rd is going to be virtually nuclear.

Would be ridiculous not to use this potential.
If not for official timing, then at least to see what is possible.

WA, 4102 posts
28 Nov 2019 9:43PM
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Have just been told no-one is staying on

826 posts
29 Nov 2019 1:08AM
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Not sure the extra wind would have made much difference, I think windsurfers have pretty much maxed out with 53 knot 500m and 56 knot peak.

WA, 525 posts
29 Nov 2019 9:56AM
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Usually the limiting factor is the official observer whose presence is needed in order to ratify records. If he has a flight booked and can't change it, then there is no point staying on.

VIC, 6149 posts
29 Nov 2019 9:58PM
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Not just the WSSRC observer, but there is also the huge WSSRC fees to have the record attempt period sanctioned.

Of course, all that would be irrellevant if someone was just seeking to get a GPS PB.

503 posts
29 Nov 2019 10:44PM
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Off topic, but any one know if Vincent's near world record run in more or less wind than AA's world record run? I appreciate that there are gusts and holes along the 500m course.

Erik is thinking along the lines of more efficiency in less wind/flat water, instead of stronger winds/brute force........

VIC, 6149 posts
1 Dec 2019 9:20PM
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mark62 said..
Off topic, but any one know if Vincent's near world record run in more or less wind than AA's world record run? I appreciate that there are gusts and holes along the 500m course.

Erik is thinking along the lines of more efficiency in less wind/flat water, instead of stronger winds/brute force........

I dont know the answer to the first question, but I tend to agree with Eric. When it gets 'really' windy at Luderitz, it tends to be too choppy and dangerous. Slightly less broad and a bit less 'stupid' wind was the fastest when i was there, and we only had a small time like that. The best days in other years seem to have been when the wind was not so Nuclear and not quite so broad. But AA's record was is pretty radical conditins from what I have seen on videos.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Luderitz Best Forecast 3 Dec after it ends" started by hardie