Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Calling Suunto Watch Users

Created by Dylan72 > 9 months ago, 5 Apr 2017
QLD, 645 posts
5 Apr 2017 9:05AM
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I've got a site user in New Caledonia who is using a Suunto Ambit 2 for some casual GPS tracking. The files he's getting from the website don't have any timestamps against the trackpoints (the site produces a .gpx file with a [rte] element, rather than a [trk] element, so it's outputting the track as a route, not a track.)

Is there any advice I can give him on exporting gpx files that include the time information? Or is that not an option with this device?

NSW, 935 posts
7 Apr 2017 1:41PM
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Hi Dylan, Im a bit out of my depth here and might not be understanding the question properly, but my gpx file from the suunto gives me the time elements for the data in the file exported from moves count. When you export the gpx file in movescount, there aren't any options on the data being extracted. I think its all managed in the set up of the app that you load to the watch, which creates the datalog file. Movescount has a number of windsurf speed apps you can select from, to get the equiv to the BT31 datalog, so you can get the same data extracted.

47 posts
7 Apr 2017 5:59PM
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He can click "Tools->Export as GPX" to get a proper Movescount .gpx file. It looks like he exported a route.

The movescount .gpx contains tags like trk, trkseg, trkpt, ele, time and then extensions, gpxdata:speed


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Calling Suunto Watch Users" started by Dylan72