Forums > Windsurfing General

What windsurfing stuff have you done during social distancing

Created by R1DER > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2020
WA, 1463 posts
29 Mar 2020 3:06PM
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What windsurfing things have you been doing during your Corona distancing/time out.
I've changed all my boom ropes.
Just sanded of my deck grip to re do the grip (board is 4yrs old) I'm not going to bother re doing the paint.

WA, 3478 posts
29 Mar 2020 3:54PM
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Went for a few foils... pretty solitary.

QLD, 14449 posts
29 Mar 2020 6:51PM
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Went for a sess with my son

Got some repairs to do but kicked a ball round the yard instead

QLD, 2455 posts
29 Mar 2020 7:05PM
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Found a 40mm split on rail of my favourite board.Replaced boomhead rope n had 2 fun sessions one 9.5 ( me +1other wsurfer 4 kiters) n solo 8.5 blast.

QLD, 4819 posts
29 Mar 2020 7:10PM
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I like to congratulate people when they do something different and exciting , Even boom head rope replacement deserves an elephant stamp

VIC, 3444 posts
29 Mar 2020 8:14PM
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Started chatting to my board maker about 2 new boards. It's been a really crap year for me and this just reinforces to me what's important. Breathing and windsurfing have equal importance for me and a few new boards will just keep me doing both for a bit longer

NSW, 228 posts
29 Mar 2020 8:25PM
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Put a hole in my only sail (5.8 Atlas) two weeks ago. Brought a second hand Severne 4.8 & 5.6 S1 along with a brand new 400 Gorilla mast all delivered last week. Don't think I am going to use them any time soon...

WA, 3242 posts
30 Mar 2020 9:17PM
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Coat my foil screws with Tefgel.

AUS 808
WA, 471 posts
1 Apr 2020 11:04AM
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Fixed a soft deck & installed some tracks for mounting a foil.

QLD, 4013 posts
1 Apr 2020 3:23PM
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On Saturday I did a lap of one of the Islands (Green) in Moreton Bay on my Raceboard

WA, 8764 posts
1 Apr 2020 3:25PM
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Reading Seabreeze

QLD, 4819 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:20PM
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elmo said..
Reading Seabreeze

I,m trying to keeping you amused

QLD, 4819 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:21PM
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cammd said..
On Saturday I did a lap of one of the Islands (Green) in Moreton Bay on my Raceboard

We neeeeed pics .
Please help !

QLD, 7428 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:57PM
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Had a putz about today in light wind.

Oh, and I drilled a hole in my boom clamp handle for the inhaul to pop out so it lies flat in the cleat and is easy to keep tidy. (Severne wave boom.)

QLD, 4819 posts
1 Apr 2020 7:05PM
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NotWal said..
Had a putz about today in light wind.

Oh, and I drilled a hole in my boom clamp handle for the inhaul to pop out so it lies flat in the cleat and is easy to keep tidy. (Severne wave boom.)

Umm heloooo , pics !

SA, 1436 posts
1 Apr 2020 7:42PM
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Pissed off my summer wetsuit and booties...

Ripcurl treatment....

AUS 808
WA, 471 posts
1 Apr 2020 5:42PM
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gmitton said..
Pissed off my summer wetsuit and booties...

Ripcurl treatment....

I misread that, I thought you were breaking in some new ones

Orange Whip
QLD, 1054 posts
1 Apr 2020 8:05PM
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I've had a good look at the current condition of all my gear (which is a significant amount) and worked out what I might need to replace over the next two years and I've been shopping online big time this week. There's no doubt that at the end of this the exchange rate will make the price of gear possibly extortionate and out of reach which will in turn reduce demand and possibly result in less retailers, thus resulting in less supply and choice. And that's not taking into account any impact on the brands to be able to actually keep producing the range of gear we currently take for granted.
You might think there is a large range of used gear available on SB buy and sell but it's funny how little there is when you are looking for something specific in your favoured brand

WA, 8764 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:34PM
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Imax1 said..

elmo said..
Reading Seabreeze

I,m trying to keeping you amused


QLD, 492 posts
1 Apr 2020 10:17PM
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giving it away for awhile till all this **** blows away, don't want to risk an injury that requires me to go to a hospital emergency ward. Will stick to flatwater supping if I can get from carpark to beach without breathing some ones second hand air. More than the usual amount of people out and about walking jogging riding on the footpaths around the peninsula here. There is going to be some fit people around in 6 months time.

WA, 1632 posts
1 Apr 2020 10:08PM
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In Florida all the beaches are closed, but many of the non-beach parks are open, but we still have to go in small groups and stay socially distanced. Since the parks have not been crowded, this has been fairly easy to do. As a result I have been able to get out for some windfoiling on a lake where I am the only one out there. Our sport, if we can get out at all, is the quintessential social distancing.

They would like to curfew us all at home, but there has already been quite a bit of rebellion in this state. There was even at least one mega-church service in a large close group on Sunday. The pastor was arrested. They should also arrest the several hundred to attended.

688 posts
2 Apr 2020 12:28AM
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Put a red logo over the black one.

QLD, 4013 posts
2 Apr 2020 6:47AM
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Been doing a repair on one of my Raceboards. Bought a airbrush and paint off ebay and this is the first attempt at matching the colour by mixing paints. Now to redo the tiki symbol

Brent in Qld
WA, 1141 posts
2 Apr 2020 5:20AM
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Was really fortunate to get 10 days wave sailing in WA in Jan & some pretty top conditions at home during Feb-Mar.
I've gone into rehab-recovery mode and taken the opportunity work on some niggly body issues that always come from too much sailing. Happy to get healthier for what may come after this period of isolation.

WA, 891 posts
2 Apr 2020 8:06AM
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Been foiling 5 days out of the last 6 :)

575 posts
2 Apr 2020 9:07AM
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Maddlad, I'm going to report you for having too much fun

NSW, 8071 posts
2 Apr 2020 12:49PM
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I'm going to round off the tips of my FFs so they don't pick up stuff with dredge starts.

QLD, 2455 posts
2 Apr 2020 12:15PM
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Set up basecamp for isolation.

688 posts
2 Apr 2020 11:06AM
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Maddlad said..
Been foiling 5 days out of the last 6 :)

We all envy you right now! We have good wind currently here, but air temps are still too cold. I'm hoping the weather will hold true for next week, then it will be doable.

QLD, 3424 posts
2 Apr 2020 1:24PM
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emptied the van, going to reorganize it, add some lighting, rust treatment/revention
also painted bits and pieces bright pink so I don't forget them at the beach

QLD, 4819 posts
2 Apr 2020 9:12PM
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seanhogan said..
emptied the van, going to reorganize it, add some lighting, rust treatment/revention
also painted bits and pieces bright pink so I don't forget them at the beach

That's one hellava steep driveway
Guessing no water run of issues ?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"What windsurfing stuff have you done during social distancing" started by R1DER