Forums > Windsurfing General

Reflex 4

Created by DudeAbides > 9 months ago, 3 Jun 2014
QLD, 13 posts
3 Jun 2014 3:30PM
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I have this friend (well a guy i know) and he has a Reflex 4 with a 2014 severne mast. He is having trouble rotating the sail. He has used 2 different masts but has the same problem. Any ideas for me....i mean him.

WA, 3223 posts
3 Jun 2014 1:35PM
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DudeAbides said...

I have this friend (well a guy i know) and he has a Reflex 4 with a 2014 severne mast. He is having trouble rotating the sail. He has used 2 different masts but has the same problem. Any ideas for me....i mean him.

Does your "friend" have any photos of the sail rigged? There's a few things it could be.......

QLD, 4873 posts
3 Jun 2014 4:09PM
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Needs more downhaul mentioned photos will be of great assistance.

QLD, 13 posts
3 Jun 2014 4:14PM
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here is the only photo we have. not sure if its of any use.

Dean 424
NSW, 440 posts
3 Jun 2014 4:17PM
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I recently bought a Severne Turbo. Do you think I could rotate it when I rigged it to spec in the backyard. No other sail ever that hard to rotate. Took it to the water and it nearly rotated as well as the NCX.

WA, 4017 posts
3 Jun 2014 2:52PM
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Which mast are you using? Severne yes, but which type? The reflex 4's rotate well on the SDM 100 mast.

QLD, 13 posts
3 Jun 2014 5:08PM
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Its the 460 SDM75 - sail is 7.8. Downhauled to reccomendation, spacers removed from cams. Tried vaious batten tensions etc. Not even close to rotating, needs to be punched and kicked vigerously.

QLD, 678 posts
3 Jun 2014 5:15PM
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23mm more downhaul should fix the problem.

WA, 4017 posts
3 Jun 2014 5:01PM
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I think you need a SDM 100 or at least a 90. The reflexes are very mast specific. They are racing machines designed to perform with the top masts.
I have seen reflexes before where you put in the right mast and suddenly everything is lovely. In your photo it doesn't look right at all.

VIC, 142 posts
3 Jun 2014 7:24PM
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DudeAbides said..needs to be punched and kicked vigerously.

*mental image of DudeAbides sailing along punching and kicking his sail*

QLD, 3240 posts
4 Jun 2014 5:19AM
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Windxtasy said..

I think you need a SDM 100 or at least a 90. The reflexes are very mast specific. They are racing machines designed to perform with the top masts.
I have seen reflexes before where you put in the right mast and suddenly everything is lovely. In your photo it doesn't look right at all.

I think this mast specificity is going too far when a sail works with a 90% carbon mast but not a 75% carbon mast of the same manufacturer

1972 posts
4 Jun 2014 5:39AM
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From the looks of the pic, I'd say that booms would help, and make sure that the booms aren't too short.
Any sail will rotate easily with plenty of outhaul, as well as downhaul, the trick is finding just the right amount of outhaul, too flat and you won't have any power, but it would rotate like a champ.

WA, 4017 posts
4 Jun 2014 9:10AM
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John340 said..

Windxtasy said..

I think you need a SDM 100 or at least a 90. The reflexes are very mast specific. They are racing machines designed to perform with the top masts.
I have seen reflexes before where you put in the right mast and suddenly everything is lovely. In your photo it doesn't look right at all.

I think this mast specificity is going too far when a sail works with a 90% carbon mast but not a 75% carbon mast of the same manufacturer

If the 75% had the same performance characteristics as the 90 & 100, why would anyone buy the more expensive ones? It is more than weight.

226 posts
4 Jun 2014 1:53PM
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Windxtasy said..

John340 said..

Windxtasy said..

I think you need a SDM 100 or at least a 90. The reflexes are very mast specific. They are racing machines designed to perform with the top masts.
I have seen reflexes before where you put in the right mast and suddenly everything is lovely. In your photo it doesn't look right at all.

I think this mast specificity is going too far when a sail works with a 90% carbon mast but not a 75% carbon mast of the same manufacturer

If the 75% had the same performance characteristics as the 90 & 100, why would anyone buy the more expensive ones? It is more than weight.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't more carbon just mean better "reflex"? I believe what John is referring to is that regardless of carbon content, a 75% mast with the same bend curve (same mfg) as the 90% should still allow the cambers to rotate properly?

WA, 474 posts
4 Jun 2014 1:55PM
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if its a severne 75% mast ie blueline it should set and rotate just fine even with little or no outhaul.
just crack on some more downhaul.

QLD, 241 posts
5 Jun 2014 8:56AM
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Dudeabides, you're not alone. Many of us have found the reflex 4 'challenging to rotate'. A good sail, but rotation not its strong point. Severne not alone here, other brands have rotation problems too. I've had a reflex 4, and yes I had to karate kick the lower cams sometimes on the water after a gybe. And that's set to spec, with correct mast and boom. I played with the cams and spacers. Others have similar experiences. Severne have done a great job with the new reflex 5, they rotate perfectly. They feel light too on the water. Seems to have less luff curve and downhaul tension, relying on extra battens for stability.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Reflex 4" started by DudeAbides