You were lucky to get away with hand signals buddy..
I believe Jupiter is a chic.
Just saying.
your a women?
which there is law out there?
you sound like the mail order bride lol
I agree with your post sort of (if indeed Jupiter was in the wrong), just not the delivery ..... and the abusive 1st post reeks of troll or somebody with a second login.
EDIT and while I type - a personal crack again. This all sounds really familiar. ..... we have seen it all before hero.
I'm wondering if responsibility has been shifted back to the OP regarding this matter..
Seems like he or she has little spacial awareness and right of way rule knowledge.
Ps monkeys and test tubes don't go hand in hand with butts.. However I did nearly spit my half soy baby-chino just now reading Stevo's above post.
I was on a wave heading back to the beach, but not riding a wave. Yes, he was pushing hard upwind just behind and was a wave beneath of where I was heading, ie. back to the beach.
So you're on a wave but ...not riding a wave. I don't get it.
Kiter was behind you and a wave ...beneath(?) ...where you were heading.
Well I give up.
I do love an intelligent robust conversation. It seems Stevo 78 has some way to go in developing sufficient emotional intellignece before he can participate.
The are 3 sets of rules here to consider.
Firstly and most importantly - avoid a colision. It doesn't matter if you are in the right or wrong, its every water crafts primary responsibility to avoid a collision.
Secondly if there are breaking waves then normal wave riding rules apply, if on the same wave then the rider who is got on the wave first or is closer to the breaking portion of the wave if both riders are attempting to catch the wave at the same time, then has the right of way. Outgoing riders give way to incoming riders.
Thirdly, if there are no breaking waves, then normal rules apply, i.e:
- rider on port tack gives way to rider on starboard tack
- rider behind gives way to the rider in front
- rider to windward gives way to the rider to leeward
You were lucky to get away with hand signals buddy..
I believe Jupiter is a chic.
Just saying.
I don't really care chick or bloke..
I don't discriminate when it comes to people having NFI on the water.
They come on here complaining, whining and sooking because they got cut off or had to take evasive action. I mean seriously the ocean is a big place.. It's not like your windsurfing down Pitt st in Sydney.
Someone get Jupiter a copy of these COLREGS for some bedtime reading and a seabreeze quiz on right of way ect
come on let's have some anger over something long gone n done
maybe someone else can get banned on this forum once in a while
over something nonsensical
I do love an intelligent robust conversation. It seems Stevo 78 has some way to go in developing sufficient emotional intellignece before he can participate.
The are 3 sets of rules here to consider.
Firstly and most importantly - avoid a colision. It doesn't matter if you are in the right or wrong, its every water crafts primary responsibility to avoid a collision.
Secondly if there are breaking waves then normal wave riding rules apply, if on the same wave then the rider who is got on the wave first or is closer to the breaking portion of the wave if both riders are attempting to catch the wave at the same time, then has the right of way. Outgoing riders give way to incoming riders.
Thirdly, if there are no breaking waves, then normal rules apply, i.e:
- rider on port tack gives way to rider on starboard tack
- rider behind gives way to the rider in front
- rider to windward gives way to the rider to leeward
Its not clear from your previous decriptions of the incident, who was at fault
Which one of the above applied to you?
1) Once you became aware of the kiter, did you take evasive action?
2) Were you and the kiter on the same wave? If so, who was closer to the breaking part of the wave and or who caught the wave first?
3) If you were not on the wave but travelling on the same tack, who was upwind and who was downwind and or who was behind and who was in front?
I do love an intelligent robust conversation. It seems Stevo 78 has some way to go in developing sufficient emotional intellignece before he can participate.
The are 3 sets of rules here to consider.
Firstly and most importantly - avoid a colision. It doesn't matter if you are in the right or wrong, its every water crafts primary responsibility to avoid a collision.
Secondly if there are breaking waves then normal wave riding rules apply, if on the same wave then the rider who is got on the wave first or is closer to the breaking portion of the wave if both riders are attempting to catch the wave at the same time, then has the right of way. Outgoing riders give way to incoming riders.
Thirdly, if there are no breaking waves, then normal rules apply, i.e:
- rider on port tack gives way to rider on starboard tack
- rider behind gives way to the rider in front
- rider to windward gives way to the rider to leeward
Its not clear from your previous decriptions of the incident, who was at fault
Which one of the above applied to you?
1) Once you became aware of the kiter, did you take evasive action?
2) Were you and the kiter on the same wave? If so, who was closer to the breaking part of the wave and or who caught the wave first?
3) If you were not on the wave but travelling on the same tack, who was upwind and who was downwind and or who was behind and who was in front?
(1). The only evasive action possible was (a). I drop the sail and fall off, or (b). Yell out a warning, which I did. It was so close that I could, as I said earlier, cut straight into him, which of course not the outcome anyone would desire.
(2). We were on the same wave. I was at the breaking part of the wave. As I said, I was coming down the peak of the wave at speed of knots! However, he was pinching upwind on the same wave, on the trough of it.
(3). I was upwind of him, on the same tack. He was downwind of me and was close behind me until the moment he came into my sight. Because it wasn't too windy, kites traveled faster than I could
Anyway, John340, like you said, avoid a collision by any means. Ultimately, who knows the surf rules best, and better than others, matters little in a collision. However, I do like to add, if I may, that sensible "separation" between kiters and windsurfers is probably even more important because potential for near collision like such is greatly reduced.
I hope this post answered EvilPanda's question too.
Why is it that lunatics like Waveslave and RPM who have nothing sensible to contribute but school boy banters, seemed to hang around making a pest of themselves?
your a women?
which there is law out there?
you sound like the mail order bride lol
I agree with your post sort of (if indeed Jupiter was in the wrong), just not the delivery ..... and the abusive 1st post reeks of troll or somebody with a second login.
EDIT and while I type - a personal crack again. This all sounds really familiar. ..... we have seen it all before hero.
just to clarify this is not about waveslave
for those who missed it, it related to a gutless troll with a brand new login and all his rubbish was deleted later
One last qustion, who caught the wave first?
I did. John340.
All I want is the real truth behind this incident.. It just doesn't add up and is questionable the whole story
One last qustion, who caught the wave first?
I did. John340.
Two pages to get to the right question.
When wavesailing, First on the wave has the right of way, whether upwind downwind or closest to the peak....... same as surfing. So, if I am on mal 30m out the back and I catch a wave well before everyone else, it is my wave regardless of where the peak is. If I am on a sailboard and catch a wave/swell 30m out from the break, and a kite does a turn onto the wave in the break upwind, it is still my wave. Happy to share the wave with someone closer to the peak, but don't call me off.
Just make sure you were indeed the first on the wave, and also, if some numpty doesn't adhere to this rule and then proceeds to drop in and claim the wave, avoid collision at all costs, don't make a point of it.
Why is it that lunatics like Waveslave and RPM who have nothing sensible to contribute but school boy banters, seemed to hang around making a pest of themselves?
lol. ^^^
One last qustion, who caught the wave first?
I did. John340.
Two pages to get to the right question.
When wavesailing, First on the wave has the right of way, whether upwind downwind or closest to the peak....... same as surfing. So, if I am on mal 30m out the back and I catch a wave well before everyone else, it is my wave regardless of where the peak is. If I am on a sailboard and catch a wave/swell 30m out from the break, and a kite does a turn onto the wave in the break upwind, it is still my wave. Happy to share the wave with someone closer to the peak, but don't call me off.
Just make sure you were indeed the first on the wave, and also, if some numpty doesn't adhere to this rule and then proceeds to drop in and claim the wave, avoid collision at all costs, don't make a point of it.
I agree, Jupiter being first on the wave had right of way. The kiter should stay clear and has no reason to complain. Both kiter and Jupiter have an obligation to avoid a colision if for some reason the kiter does not stay clear.
Yachting Australia Rules 2013-2016
Right of Way
ON THE SAME TACK....BOATS OVERLAPPED : a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat
ON THE SAME TACK...BOATS NOT OVERLAPPED : a boat clear astern shall keep clear of a boat clear ahead
and from most, if not all, boating authorities : an overtaking boat shall keep clear of the boat being overtaken.
Yachting rules, might be a big part of your guys problems.
Yachting rules cant work in wave riding situations.
Or maybe they need to update the yachting rules
First yacht on the wave owns it, if a yacht is powering down the line on a wave give way so you dont wreck the yachts wave. lol.
I think all these threads of one persons take on what happened don't really help solve anything ?
Im sure the other persons take on things, be it poler or kiter, may differ from yours.
Taking the time and effort to post a thread on here (that the person you are angry at probably wont ever see) would have been better spent and more productive to actually chat to the person involved to sort it out.
You might be surprised what a bit of communication can achieve to the person involved, more so than a whinge on a forum.
We had some tourist polers at our local that weren't riding wave, just mowing the lawn in and out in the middle of the line up, whilst others were having to pull off the waves they were riding to avoid them. We had a chat to them, they didnt realise they were in the way, they then happily stayed up and down wind of the wave riders.
Problem solved, everyone was happy, friends were made and no need for anger carried all the way home to the computer. lol.
flack the rules
where is the anger ?
we all know the rules of the road
well, some seem to have forgotten
in a rush hour situation
how many gestures and horns are there
it is NOT about rules, but tolerance
if u r religious - apply some of the good rules there
if u r not religious , but care about your neighbour - apply that
we have been counting the years for over 2000 years and yet 2 people cannot share a wave
both doing what they love the most ?
SAD state of affairs
we all know the rules of the road
well, some seem to have forgotten
in a rush hour situation
how many gestures and horns are there
Nice haiku dude. ^^^
Ignore him, he was a kook, a decent kiter would of jumped over you, maybe he fell asleep as you made your way upwind,
i still need more info on COLREGS...
Surely some information quoted on the above document can bring this Jupiter down from the planets back to earth. It seems like the Hubble telescope is needed to investigate uranus?
i still need more info on COLREGS...
Surely some information quoted on the above document can bring this Jupiter down from the planets back to earth. It seems like the Hubble telescope is needed to investigate uranus?
Regulations for preventing collisions at sea, google will find it for you.
Jupiters not necessarily in the wrong either. If the kiter came from behind and caught up to Jupiter, then the kiter was in the wrong, being the overtaking vessel.
The only two people who can fill the story in are Jupiter and the kiter involved.
i still need more info on COLREGS...
Surely some information quoted on the above document can bring this Jupiter down from the planets back to earth. It seems like the Hubble telescope is needed to investigate uranus?
Regulations for preventing collisions at sea, google will find it for you.
Jupiters not necessarily in the wrong either. If the kiter came from behind and caught up to Jupiter, then the kiter was in the wrong, being the overtaking vessel.
The only two people who can fill the story in are Jupiter and the kiter involved.
Please ignore him, Subsonic. He is always up to no good. A classic 'squatter" who hang around some sites which he has nil reason to be associated with. I doubt he is even a kiter or windsurfer, judging by his lack of relevant response to the issue being discussed. A ** stirrer who is a penny short of a full quid.
I am constantly amazed by the fact that an excellent site like Seabreeze tolerates such a cartoon character
regarding some stuff on page 1, i reckon that once you're airbourne, you forfeit any "right of way" you had. If you're gonna do jumps on a windsurfer or kite, it's up to you to make sure you're not going to land on someone
i still need more info on COLREGS...
Surely some information quoted on the above document can bring this Jupiter down from the planets back to earth. It seems like the Hubble telescope is needed to investigate uranus?
Regulations for preventing collisions at sea, google will find it for you.
Jupiters not necessarily in the wrong either. If the kiter came from behind and caught up to Jupiter, then the kiter was in the wrong, being the overtaking vessel.
The only two people who can fill the story in are Jupiter and the kiter involved.
Please ignore him, Subsonic. He is always up to no good. A classic 'squatter" who hang around some sites which he has nil reason to be associated with. I doubt he is even a kiter or windsurfer, judging by his lack of relevant response to the issue being discussed. A ** stirrer who is a penny short of a full quid.
I am constantly amazed by the fact that an excellent site like Seabreeze tolerates such a cartoon character
i nearly spat out my chiko roll after reading your post.. Lol at squatter!!
Why do some people find the need to start a new thread to bitch and moan whenever someone cuts them off, fails to give way, drops in on them, etc. etc. and why is it mainly when it is someone from that other water sport? These threads just about always starts with "I have nothing against those people and have have some good friends that do that sport, but while I was being perfect I was wronged..."
Give it a rest, get out on the water and enjoy the Stoke...