It was at this moment Jason realised that executing a "Heli-tack" did not require being launched from one
Inspired by a diving gannet, Flynn decided to try the same maneuver and see what he could come up with in his beak.
Col had figured that after kiting for years windsurfing would be a breeze. 'If all the poleys can do it, I can do it.'
...but something was wrong, it wasn't as easy as he thought, and he just couldn't figure it out.
Maybe if I hadn't spent so much time on adding all those fins I could have added another footstrap?
Not enough twist in the sail can lead to major catapults, please rig all sails with enough down haul.
where have my goats gone?
moments before billy crashed head first into the side of a sailboat
So when you combine vegan crossfit with windsurfing freestyle what are they going to talk about first at the pub!
Jetski riders at Botany Bay were making life just that little bit more difficult for the windsurfers
I'm not sure that having your boom at eye level makes gybes easier...
Robby : "If I make up a story about falling out the sky while kiting it will be more believable than what really happened...."