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Alternative uses for windsurfing masts

Created by 33frupus > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2016
1972 posts
11 Feb 2016 3:27PM
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I had a bunch of old one piece masts, and some two piece ones that I knew I'd never use again, had some old worthless sails also.
When my daughter was just about 8 years old, I took those and made a teepee out of them for her to use. The masts all tied together at the top with the old sails wrapped around them as the shelter. It was about 14' tall with the bottom being about 7' in diameter. It stood in my back yard for several years, she even spent the night in it several times with some of her friends, she loved it, but eventually out grew it. When that happened, I took it down, rolled it up in a big bundle and tossed it.
It was a hit with her and her friends, I should have took some pics of it but never got around to it, still kicking myself for that.

VIC, 859 posts
11 Feb 2016 10:51PM
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Man I wish this topic came up a few years back, maybe I wouldn't have put 7 old 1 and 2 piece masts out in the hard rubbish Collection. Still had another 5 good ones in the shed, and my wife calls me a hoarder... Pffff...

QLD, 255 posts
12 Feb 2016 8:14AM
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Jfunk said..
I am chasing a bunch of 50mm Diameter mast bottom sections - the wider ones, not the narrow RDM's to build a set of wings for a single-hander skiff I have.

If you have any lying around, let me know. i need 8 total.


Thank you Phil McGain Maui Sails.


NSW, 60 posts
13 Feb 2016 3:29PM
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garynoel said..
Hi 33.
Im hoping the ezzy 430 rdm mast I accidentaly left at the safety bay rigging area near bent st jetty on wed 3rd feb does get used for anything else before it is returned

like the bird avairy

WA, 629 posts
13 Feb 2016 6:20PM
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1972 posts
15 Feb 2016 8:51AM
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Not sure where I got this pic, maybe even here awhile back, mast chimes.

NSW, 1412 posts
15 Feb 2016 12:56PM
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Made a light tower for my daughters 21st a couple of years back.

One piece fibreglass then a couple of bases, then a top section.
Wrapped lights around it.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Alternative uses for windsurfing masts" started by 33frupus